Penname: ksimm81 [Contact] Real name: Katrina
Member Since: Sep 03, 2010
Membership status: Member

Been a Jackson fan since 1988.


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Stories by ksimm81

Hello all, I first posted this story on FB in 2010, then on the now defunct Michael Joseph Jackson Board in 2011. It was here on the MJFiction Board for a year or two but I deleted it... I am, however, re-posting it here.

I wrote up to 80 chapters and I haven't written anymore until I wrote the 'closure' chapter a few months ago. I sincerely hope you enjoy this story.

This tale is about a round-the-way girl whose life instantly changes the moment she encounters the King of Pop. It's set in the Thriller/Victory era in 1984. 

I love Michael Jackson, I love New York City and I love the 80s (the decade of my youth) and I tried to incorporate all of that into this story.

And by all means, please rate and leave a comment if you wish. Thank you!

Categories: Romance, Thriller: 1982-1983, Drama
Characters: Michael, Original Girl
General Warnings: Some Scenes of a Sexual Nature
Trigger Warnings: Suicide
Series: None
Chapters: 85 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 251814 Read Count: 42805
[Report This] Published: Sep 06, 2015 Updated: Nov 19, 2023