Date: Jul 24, 2015 09:50 am Title: Senior Year Begins...Drama Returns
Aiko is using Alex as a rebound to forget Michael. Its not going to work. She obviously still cares. I love how all your reviewers are calling her a slut, can you say double standard? Most fsn fics have Michael being the slut and people aren't nearly as nasty in their comments. I like that you've mixed it up. Let's not forget that Mike lied to her repeatedly and she had to put up with his heaux fan club including Michelle the entire time they were together. Let's also not forget she is a teenager and thus not likely to have thee most mature reaction to the scenario.
Those two need to talk. They are both so stubborn but if they don't work it out they will regret it. I hope they can manage to get back together without hurting each other any more.
Author's Response:
Yea, I figured maybe it would be better if the girl was mostly in the wrong and negative light. Thanks for the review! xx
Date: Jul 24, 2015 08:49 am Title: Senior Year Begins...Drama Returns
Yes he will lol
Date: Jul 24, 2015 12:44 am Title: Senior Year Begins...Drama Returns
Girl I'm heated I rly wanna slap Aiko becuz.....
First I had to go back and read to see if he broke up with her he didnt he left but technically does not mean he broke up with her so imma say he didnt feel like arguing with her anymore so he left and she did to so basically she cheated on michael with alex becuz they didnt kno if they were together anymore!!!! So she need to stop saying he broke up with her cuz its seems like she did.
Second she is CHILDISH if she so called over michael why she got her moma to come and tell michael to not come around when she was at the window giving him a disgusted face, could've just told him she dont want to be with him but she wanna be all childish.
Third why she staring so hard at michael!!!! She suppose to be over him not caring about him but wanna worry and stare at him.
Fourth I rly dont know if I want em together cuz she doing hoeish stuff loll but tbh I want alex to break her heart cuz that will put some sense in her coconut head and I want Michael to changed and get with somebody to show yup I changed and got sumbody better (but fr nobody better than aiko but he needs sumbody right now).
Fifth loll I got so much anger in this idk why cuz this is not even real!!!! Anyway she made me disgusted when she sed sleeping with Alex is her addiction I was like .......rly he didnt even make u cum on the first time!!!!! Had me like BYE FELICIA👏👏👏👏.
This is my last one, Sixth Im on michael side cuz he did everything he could do to show her he's srry and she wanna be childish. Michael better get it together cuz she better apologize cuz she basically dumped him cuz of his pass like bihhh I hate when ppl do dat it just very stupid she making seem as tho he is the same person as he was in the pass cuz he has improved dramatically but has more work to improved.
Lol anyway good update!!!!
Author's Response:
Lol, Aiko's honestly just heartbroken and doesn't know how to deal with it. Thanks for the review
Date: Jul 23, 2015 10:25 pm Title: Senior Year Begins...Drama Returns
Ugh. What a fuckin slut. She needs to get her got damn priorities in check. Pissin me off. Yet, I still want her to get back together with Michael. She just needs a beating from Alex for any type of shit to get through her big ass skull. Both her and Michael are at fault. The only difference is, he tried to fix it. Aiko needs to tone down the fucking pride and talk to him. Imma be laughing when her life turns into a living hell. Please continue soon!!!
Author's Response:
Your reviews are like my entire life. 💀 I die reading them everytime. Thanks for the review hun! Xx
Date: Jul 22, 2015 02:23 pm Title: Moving On.... Kind Of
No not a choice but he need to grow up lol i love the story
Author's Response:
Yea, big time! Lol, Thanks for the review
Date: Jul 22, 2015 01:35 pm Title: Moving On.... Kind Of
I love this story so much tbh and I think your a great author!!!!
Okayyyy so I'm mad like I just.... wanna like slap her so bad like I rly want Aiko go through hellish with Alex cuz I kno for sure he's gonna play with her heart or use her to sleep with her. I want Michael to change for him so he can be better for her but I dont want him to call or txt her to beg forgiveness cuz honestly I think she should do dat cuz basically she should not have judge him based off his pass like she should be lucky he didnt do it to her if she had somethin bad dat she wasnt proud of like she making it seems as though he is not human. To be for real I want somebody to tell him what happen and not make it seems as though he jealous be like well we broke up so if she wanna be with him she can but she gonna see that he's not the one for her. I want Michael to be mature and a changed person and I want her to see it so she can realized that she left a good one .
Loll I sound like I'm writing this anyway Good Update!!!!!
Author's Response:
First off, Thank so much for the review! And Aiko be tripping right now! She doesn't know what she wants. Hopefully sooner or later, she'll come to her senses before getting hurt.
Date: Jul 22, 2015 12:34 pm Title: Moving On.... Kind Of
What is Michael going to say when he finds out about Aiko and Alex.Oh Boy sh-- is going to fly.
Author's Response:
We all know he's gonna flip out. Especially after trying hard to change and get her back. Thanks for the review! Xx
Date: Jul 22, 2015 10:44 am Title: Moving On.... Kind Of
Omg. It's gotten to the point where Michael stays faithful and Aiko's being a little whore? Damn. I'm disappointed. Cause she made Michael wait but had sex with Alex like that? She deserves to be with a player who won't be good to her. But I want to know more!!! Please continue soon!!!
Author's Response:
Smh, Aiko's definitely gonna get her consequences for it later. And let's hope Michael stays fatihful, matures, and gets his girl back.
Date: Jul 21, 2015 01:37 am Title: Give In To Me
I hope Aiko gives in. Lol. Alex has a point. Michael has put her through a lot of bullshit, it would be nice to see a consequence to his actions for once. And some growth in his character.
Author's Response:
True. Michael needs to know what it feels like to have your heart reuly broken. Especially after all he's done. But, we'll see what happens! Thanks for the review hun!
Date: Jul 07, 2015 06:07 pm Title: Shitty Bears & The Last Drop
When Michael said he had to shit when he got nervous, I was like SAME!!! lol Please update soon!!!
Author's Response:
Lol, I put that in because it happens to me all the time and its so annoying. Thanks for the review!
Date: Jul 07, 2015 05:53 pm Title: Shitty Bears & The Last Drop
I just wanna say fantastic job with the story so far! Nd lol will aiko's mom ever forgive michael? Haha anyways you are a phenominal author i couldnt ask for anyone better! Your story is separated from evrybody elses because you actually take the time to write realistic and unpredictable chapters eww i just hate when an author makes their story so predictable it becomes boring but i dont have to worry about you because your stories are always exciting and keep me and all your readers on their toes! Keep up the good work! Much love ~jhazzyandmj
Author's Response:
Thank You So Much! You don't know how much your review meant to me. I try my best to keep things unpredictable. Kisses xo
Date: Jun 29, 2015 10:03 pm Title: First Day (Part I)
Yeah exactly, like, just take some time off, distract yourself, don't feel pressured, and the idea will come to you just like the way your story came to you, and just go with your gut instinct. If you feel like you're unhappy with a chapter or don't like the pace, don't just sit there and go "ugh, well, everyone else likes it, I guess I'll just have to go with it." No. Just change it if you think you need to, and then you'll enjoy the process a whole lot more :D xx
Date: Jun 24, 2015 07:01 am Title: Okay? Okay.
Hahahaahah omg I could just imagine the actual Michael Jackson watching chickflicks when he's depressed. Like. Damn. That is one hell of a sexiness booster. Great chapter bro :D
Date: Jun 23, 2015 06:37 pm Title: Okay? Okay.
I love this story
Date: Jun 17, 2015 05:33 am Title: What's Done In The Dark, Comes To Light
OH NO!!!! Don't do it!!!!! What the hell Michael, just go to the police omg!! Marcus just needs to.. idk... go away.. to like an island or something. Or get killed. Oh, and AJ has defs got to be Alex. Like. I will bet 50 cents that it's Alex (50c because I'm broke as shit right now). Awesome chapter mate!!!