Reviews For Trust Me
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Reviewer: Safiyyah123456 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Aug 28, 2015 05:34 pm Title: Catching Up With The Ex

Great chapter! Tbh, I think Michael should move on and go to a far away college. I'm not really feelin Aiko anymore, she creating problems from nothin for no damn reason, maybe it's for attention idk. I like how mature Michael is being by sayin he wants a real relationship, my main man right there tho 😂

Reviewer: super3o Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 28, 2015 09:34 am Title: Catching Up With The Ex

GIVE ME MY MULA BISHHHH *clapping dramatically* loll im done I told my friend that aiko finna get it I got dat good judgment lol. 

I'm so proud of Michael he rly has changed bae is doing so much better *sniffing*

Alex better gon head I already don't like him he better go I ain't got time to deal with his jealousy mess

Anyway good update 😂😂👏👏

Reviewer: super3o Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 25, 2015 10:55 am Title: Gotta Get Away


I knew Alex was gonna tell her that running away was a bad idea girlllll I knew it *clapping dramatically*

Girlllll alex finna go off on Michael wen he get off of work Aiko dumb for telling Michael to come over lawd Jesus smh 

Anyway good update 😂😂👏👏

Author's Response:

😂 Your reviews always make my day. Thanks!

Reviewer: Safiyyah123456 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Aug 25, 2015 09:19 am Title: Gotta Get Away

Well I started reading this story two days ago and I'm finally caught up. I've really enjoyed it and tbh, Aiko is pissing me off, she's being a real bitch to everyone. I'd rather Michael dates Tatiana cuz she seems really sweet, better than Aiko.

Author's Response:

I'm glad you're enjoying it! Thanks for the review! 

Reviewer: super3o Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 20, 2015 09:02 pm Title: Zero To A Hundred

Ight so this gave me mix emotions becuz I feel like Aiko is very rude and deserves to be put out becuz she is very disrespectful to her mother and if I was disrepectful to my mom........ man I probly be dead. The other feeling is that her mom is probly not going to put her out becuz the most likely chance is that Aiko will be at Alex's house if she does get put out and becuz she's probly talking of anger. I believe that her mom is trying to FINALLY control her life but the thing is she's almost an adult so she's acting out becuz she's in the stage of her life where she see things differently and wants to react to it by rebeling. Tbh I do not like Alex I don't feel like he's the rite one for her I feel like he could be a rebound for her or something to release her stress but I can't see her and him as a couple to me its not possible. And Michael......... Y IS HE SO THRISTY😂😂😂😂 lawdddddddyyyyyyyy loll and tbh I cant see him with Tatiana either just a friend or a rebound nothing serious. I'm still waiting for Aiko and Michael to get back together BUT she needs to express that she wants him he can not keep trying becuz she's too stubborn to realize that's her mannn lolll anyway good update 😂😂👏👏

Author's Response:

Lol, I'd be in my grave if I talked that way to my mom too. And Michael and Aiko both still aren't ready for the relationship. Especially Aiko right now. Hopefully they'll be back together soon. I love your reviews! Thanks!

Reviewer: camilleianPYT Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Aug 20, 2015 07:15 pm Title: Zero To A Hundred

Michelle can go take a flying leap alongside Tatiana. Although I prefer Tatiana she at least has more class. Michelle is desperate. I hate girls who go after other peoples boyfriends. Checking out Alex in front of Aiko like that I would have wanted to slap her if i was Aiko. And she was low key lurking around Michael the whole time Aiko and him were dating too. She is one of the reasons Aiko lost trust in him.  If they do get back together, Mike had better put her in her place which is out of his life.

Aiko is acting like a little brat though I doubt her mom is actually kicking her out. She's just hurt because of what Aiko said. And she's 17 not 7, so not surprising shes having sex. As long as she does it with someone who cares about her and uses protection, not a reason to kick her out. her mother should be more upset about the smoking. 

Alex still is sketchy to me. He seems to care for Aiko but I bet he fell asleep at that club because he was high. I don't like him with Aiko. 

I hope her and Mike get back together soon.




Author's Response:

Thanks for the frequent reviews!

Reviewer: camilleianPYT Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Aug 07, 2015 12:54 pm Title: Decisions & TKO's?

Oh man Aiko made the wrong decision. I don't trust Alex. I think he does care for Aiko but hes a bad influence and into drugs. He could end up getting her hooked on drugs and fuck up her life. Although if she has feelings for Alex for real, its best she was honest about it with Michael. I can understand why she's reluctant to be with Michael again she doesn't trust him and rightfully so.

Michael is growing up for real, about time. It sucks though that he had to learn his lesson the hard way by losing Aiko. Hopefully they will stay friends and continue to spend time together for their school project. Maybe once she sees how much he's changed she'll reconsider. I hope Tatiana goes and takes a flying leap though, I want Aiko and Michael back together. I have no time for Tati in this story.

Author's Response:

Hopefully Aiko will stay away from the drugs and not get into them just because of Alex. And Michael probably won't be with Tatiana anytime soon. His heart is still with Aiko. We'll see. Thanks so much for the review! xx

Reviewer: eaw112 Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 07, 2015 12:52 pm Title: Decisions & TKO's?

You are doing so good with this story, please continue!!

Author's Response:

You have no idea what that means to me! Thanks so much! xx

Reviewer: marje143 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jul 31, 2015 12:04 pm Title: The Kiss

I hope they get back together lol but l love it

Author's Response:

We'll just have to see. Thanks for the review hun! xx

Reviewer: Briannasamuels Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 30, 2015 10:29 pm Title: The Kiss

- well finally , been waiting for them to admit their feelings to each other and Alex and Tatiana could date each other lOl

Reviewer: super3o Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 30, 2015 08:41 pm Title: The Kiss

Okayyyy so my whole perspective of Aiko has changed a little becuz I guess I kinda understand clearly as to why she was acting like that now that she is finally coming to her senses and has seen the lawddssss cuz she was making me mad here but I guess I kinda give her SOME  SYMPATHY but not all becuz her way of venting was not a healthy or smart way to cope the pain or try to put the blame on Michael for who broke up with who. And girlllllll I was laughing at how Michael kept mentioning Aiko in everything on his date with Tatiana. Lol but I wanted em back together no matter what its just dat I wanted her to feel some pain for breaking up with Michael over his pass. 

Anyway Good Update 😂😂👏👏

Author's Response:

Lol, The part where Michael was mentioning Aiko was based on a true story. Thanks for the review hun! xx

Reviewer: Briannasamuels Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 28, 2015 12:04 pm Title: New Girl? Not For Long

- what she did wasn't right but they both did things to hurt each other , I think they need to just have a good talk and talk out there feelings for each other and kick Alex and Tatiana to the curb or get Alex and Tatiana together that would be nice if Alex changes his ways 

Reviewer: camilleianPYT Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jul 28, 2015 11:02 am Title: New Girl? Not For Long

Aiko is out of line for sure although I don't think Michael should be moving on quite so soon. Eventually yes, if she keeps pushing him away but if he gets with Tatiana when he still has feelings for Aiko he is being no better than Aiko rebounding with Alex.

They really need to sit and talk, even if it is to decide to just be friends and get some resolution before jumping into things with other people. Kind of late for Aiko but it would be nice to see Michael mature a bit. He was kind of a dick for the first 20 chapters of this story so he can hardly be surprised at the outcome. Sure Aiko is acting out now and I wouldn't blame him if he was no longer interested but he really hurt her and its obvious.

They both owe each other an apology. And Alex and Tatiana both need to go away.

Author's Response:

I agree with everything you're saying. Thanks for the review hun! Kisses xx

Reviewer: super3o Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 25, 2015 03:45 pm Title: Mom, I'm High!

Alex is changing her for the worst he ain't helping her at all and Michael is actually handling it better than Aiko is. I'm just so disappointed in her i can't even put it in words loll #speechless.

Anyway Good Update!!!!!

Author's Response:

Thanks for the review!

Author's Response:

Thanks for the review!

Reviewer: Briannasamuels Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 25, 2015 02:52 pm Title: Mom, I'm High!

- he's changing her 100% in the wrong ways 

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