Date: Sep 15, 2015 11:36 am Title: Chapter 25 - Time To Go
Thnak you for this update. hope kevin will not tell her bad news...
I don't want troubles for them. they deserve, joy and love!
Author's Response:
Thank you 😊They have love, just not always joy lol
Date: Sep 12, 2015 01:20 am Title: Chapter 24 - I Love You. . .That's How I Don't Hate You
Awsome Uodate, girl. Can't wait for the next part.
Would love to see them happy and enjoy themselves a bit... They are in love but demons are always not so far, in the closet.. It hurts to see Michael like that.
Author's Response:
Thanks <3 I know this chapter was rough . . .and depressing lol. Next one will be nicer :)
Date: Sep 05, 2015 11:35 pm Title: Chapter 23 - Deal With It
Excellent!!!! What is he doing with this girl, again...?
Author's Response:
Thank you :) We're going to find out soon!
Date: Sep 05, 2015 09:00 pm Title: Chapter 23 - Deal With It
Just started reading and I love this so far! Both Mike and Starr are so screwed up but together they just work like they are meant to be.
I have to say I kind of believe Mike when he said it wasn't sexual with that blonde woman. He never lied to her about Erik or anything else for that matter. Plus when he and Amber first had sex, he seemed SO nervous like he hadn't done it in years. Maybe I'm dumb to believe him, I can see why she is upset and he does owe her an explanation but my theory is that something else is going on. Perhaps these women are being paid to be seen with him in public, sort of like a PR thing?
I guess we are going to find out once she hires that private investigator. Lol.
Author's Response:
Hey camilleian, nice to see you and thank you :) Yeah, they're both pretty screwed up, lol.
I really appreciate that you picked up on those details. It's not dumb to believe him. I can give you a hint, though- it's not a PR thing.
Date: Sep 05, 2015 03:03 pm Title: Chapter 23 - Deal With It
Hmmm, who ARE these 2 women? And yay, I did imagine that Starr would get pregnant sooner or later....
Author's Response:
Yep, as it turns out - sex is the leading cause of pregnancy, lol.
Date: Aug 31, 2015 09:17 am Title: Chapter 22 - Not Yet
love this story!!!!!!!! thanks for this update!!!
Author's Response:
Thank you <3
Date: Aug 27, 2015 01:12 am Title: Chapter 21 - Spiral Out, Keep Going
I would love to read the things he wants to do to her...
. This is hot! I'm soooo happy that they finally together!
Author's Response:
;) She's going to be pretty happy!
Date: Aug 26, 2015 02:37 am Title: Chapter 21 - Spiral Out, Keep Going
Next chapter! Things are getting on the right path!
Author's Response:
No worries at all about him telling her she doesn't need to know about that other woman? Lol
Date: Aug 21, 2015 06:14 pm Title: Chapter 20 - Gone
Loved this chapter.
Author's Response:
Thank you! Nice to see you :)
Date: Aug 21, 2015 02:46 pm Title: Chapter 20 - Gone
Please Michael!!!! She's the one !!!!! You need to tell her!
Go get her, man!!!
Can't wait for more!
Author's Response:
Thank you :) He does have a way of getting what he wants ;)
Date: Aug 21, 2015 01:29 pm Title: Chapter 20 - Gone
No, no, no! Amber, runnign away is not a solution! At least, give Michael the courtesy of hearing him out, after everything he did for you! Quitters are losers!
Author's Response:
She did go back - after 2 months cooling off and drying out. She did need those two months in rehab. She's a lot more useful to him after getting help :)
Date: Aug 18, 2015 12:06 am Title: Chapter 19 - Sick
Oh, it is the real thing! Turning Michael into day and night nurse and getting him to open up about his deepest secrets about his childhood and is the real thing!
Author's Response:
They definitely have a thing ;)
Date: Aug 15, 2015 05:27 am Title: Chapter 18 - Confused
please!!!!!!!!! this story kills me girl!!! This Erik, what a bitch!!!!!
Michael has to get rod of him, quick. He's no good for him, only troubles!
Mike and starr need time to be together, get to know each other more.
He is lost and he need her more than he can think...
Please, come back soon. And thank again for updating!
Author's Response:
Thank you <3 Your reviews make me so happy everytime :)
So much Erik hate that I want to apologize for creating him XD lol
Don't worry, though. He's just for kinks. A girl has to have her fantacies right? That's what this is all about :)
Date: Aug 14, 2015 11:31 pm Title: Chapter 18 - Confused
Just another bitch trying to take advantage of Michael, that Erik fellow. I am sure there was nothing as serious as he wrote in that damned letter going on. He's just the poser and he's in it for the good lifestyle. I hope he goes away soon...(And Michael is definitely not gay!)
Author's Response:
Erik be for kinks is all ;) I am frustrared mj perv, lol. But yeah, he's a bit of a bitch, not a major character to worry about.
Date: Aug 12, 2015 12:07 am Title: Chapter 17 - Reckless
Finally, things start getting normal (by Michael's and Amber's standards). Good thing she sent that darned message (probably the best she did in a long while). Things will start clearing up one way or another...
Author's Response:
Do things ever really get normal in life? Or is it just like - on to the next problem?