Date: Jul 31, 2015 08:22 pm Title: Chapter 99
I'm all caught up! I don't know where to begin. Between Michael, Carlisle and the girls I'm shaken to the core. Soooooo much drama!
Date: Jul 31, 2015 12:51 pm Title: Chapter 96
Congrats on your baby girl!
Date: Jul 31, 2015 12:47 pm Title: Chapter 99
Also curious as to where Byron has been this whole time? I get that being a bit older he has his own thing going on, but it seems his way of dealing with his family's issues is by avoiding them.
Date: Jul 31, 2015 12:39 pm Title: Chapter 99
I swear Carlisle is the most bipolar person on the face of the planet. He almost gets into another physical fight with Michael and then tells carsten that he thinks Michael loves her? And he has no right to lecture Michael about Sky when he has paid someone to beat up his own 15 year old daughter so she has a miscarriage. What kind of horrible human being does that? Mike and Sky have their issues but at the end of the day he loves her and would never wish her physical harm. Because unlike Carlisle Mike is a good man. As far as I'm concerned Carlisle is trash and for once cancer has actually struck someone who deserves it. That's harsh to say but that man is overdue the bad karma.
I get that Carsten feels betrayed that Sky told Michael some of her family's problems but at the end of the day, come on its Michael. If he can't be trusted with such info, who can?? Its not like Sky told people at school or anything. And now Car is going to tell her father about all of Sky's problems, far worse in my opinion because Carlisle had a proven track record of evil. I don't think he can be trusted with such info. The only thing that gives me hope is that he has never lied to Car, as he pointed out. I'm hoping that hearing the story behind Sky's issues will allow him to gain some sympathy for the girl but I'm not holding my breath because that would mean Carlisle has a soul. And as far as I'm concerned he is Satan. I know Car doesn't see it that way, that's her father and she loves him, I just hope he doesn't betray her.
Happy to see Michael and Sky going to therapy. At this point, Carlisle pressing charges is not going to help anybody I am with Carsten on the fact that they have all been through so much drama, its time to move forward and heal.
Date: Jul 31, 2015 09:35 am Title: Chapter 99
- I'm all about skylar here and how I feel that she has nobody in her corner , everyone hates her down to her own family a little bit and pressing charges against her wouldn't help the issue and yea she should be held accountable but Carsten already forgave her and Carsten is dumb if she tells all their secrets knowing his job profession he is going to use that all against them and he has a right to be mad but him exposing them would just hurt so many people , and skylar is so vulnerable at this time and everyone is just out to hurt her
Date: Jul 30, 2015 04:31 pm Title: Chapter 4
Uh oh the temptation grows Great story.
Date: Jul 30, 2015 04:02 pm Title: Chapter 1
Great chapter
Date: Jul 30, 2015 02:14 pm Title: Chapter 96
Author's Response: Thank you.
Date: Jul 30, 2015 12:42 pm Title: Chapter 96
What a happy surprise. Congratulations on the baby girl. Oh the sleepless nights but they are so worth it.
Author's Response: Thank you. Yes, they are so worth it.
Date: Jul 30, 2015 12:19 pm Title: Chapter 96
Aawww!! Congrats on your new baby girl!! 😁😚
Author's Response: Thank you.
Date: Jul 28, 2015 02:21 pm Title: Chapter 1
When are you coming back ? I truly miss your updates on this story 😭😭😩😩
Date: Jul 20, 2015 10:13 pm Title: Chapter 1
Okay. Let me have a second to breath real quick. It's been a rollercoaster
Let me preface this review by letting you know that I haven't actually sat down and read a story on this site in two years. I've written, sure. But I never found the time to read and just enjoy myself. And something told me to try and start reading on this site again. Well I've spent the last 5 days reading this story in bits and I can't get enough. the only story I've read on this site in two years (which is totally insane). First and foremost let me tell you how much I love this story. There are certain character traits I don't agree with, but in all honesty that's what makes it fun. Although, I was lookng through the reviews and I felt the need to say something. From one author to another, sometimes I recieve reviews that talk about how they disagree with the way something was handled between two characters. And it gets frustrating because they take it as the personal opinion of the author or things like that. I don't know if that irks you in the same way it irks me, but I just thought I'd throw out the fact that although sometimes the characters piss me off or handle things in a certain way that I may not agree with, it's fiction. If I agreed with the characters 100% of the times this shit would be boring as hell. I love the way you've built your characters. This story, if nothing else, is so genuine. And I love the thought and the care that you so clearly have poured into it. This story is damn near perfect.
I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. I spent a year and a half being frustrated with myself for having writers block. And a whole lot of people gave up on me but your story....your story got me excited about writing again. Honestly. And I can't wait to see where you take this story from here on out and just know that although we don't know each other, you've hands down got my support. Keep kickin' ass, girl.
Thank you so much for this work of art.
-Sydney (HandsInMichaelsCurls)
Author's Response: From the very bottom of my heart, I thank you so very much, love. Your review means the world to me and I am so happy that people are actually still reading the story given my hiatus. It is people like you that truly inspire me and your kind words are definitely inspiring. I have written five different versions of this story and this one in my opinion is the most boring version of them all and the fact that you all are giving me rave reviews makes me wonder what you'd all think of the other four versions. I don't often say this but I have been writing MJ fiction for years upon years (not on this nor any other site though) and this version of the story is actually the one body of my work I'm least proudest of as I have literally written well over one hundred stories so again, the fact that you all really love this one makes me so very appreciative. Thanks so much for reading and commenting.
Date: Jul 15, 2015 09:12 pm Title: Chapter 93
Tsk tsk tsk I see some baby steps towards self realization but Michael is still not there. Janet is 100% right. He should want the therapy for him and for Sky, no one else. And just because he is in love is no excuse to deprioritize his kids or the rest of the family. You don't ditch your teenage kids and parents for a girlfriend no matter how amazing she is, that shit ain't right. Mike is so sweet with Carsten but he is a dick to everyone else in his life. I hope this therapy can help him because I'm starting to dislike him.
Date: Jul 12, 2015 08:42 pm Title: Chapter 94
Where sky brother? He should be at least on get side And should be mad at his dad
Date: Jul 12, 2015 04:52 am Title: Chapter 4
that's cool that she draws. i wonder what Michael's reaction would be if he saw her drawings of him.