Date: Nov 06, 2016 09:04 pm Title: Chapter 7
Getting so good
Date: Nov 06, 2016 06:16 pm Title: Chapter 6
Dang, getting fiesty
Date: Nov 06, 2016 04:43 pm Title: Chapter 4
Getting so good
Date: Nov 06, 2016 04:20 pm Title: Chapter 2
I'm wondering what's about to happen
Date: Nov 06, 2016 02:29 pm Title: Chapter 1
I'm going to the next chapter fast
Date: Jan 31, 2016 12:01 pm Title: Chapter 102
Do you continue this story ?
I wish you do because it's the most amazing story I have ever read !
You are a genius !
Author's Response: Awwwhhh...thank you very much. I'm writing new chapters as we speak.
Date: Aug 10, 2015 03:16 am Title: Chapter 102
Don't stop there!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Date: Aug 09, 2015 02:59 am Title: Chapter 102
great 2 chapters i really hopee michael and his daughter can work through their problems great chapter looking forward to reading more of this amazing story of love
Date: Aug 08, 2015 02:10 pm Title: Chapter 102
Michael's priorities are really fucked up. To say that Carsten is more important to him than Sky just makes me shake my head. Its like he doesnt even think twice about how hurtful he is being. Obviously Halle was more important than Sky too, or he wouldn't have so much resentment towards Sky for what happened. Makes me wonder.......I think he was much more crushed by his wife's death than he let's on. He seems to kind of downplay how much he actually cared for that woman. Its not wrong of him to admit that he loved her with all his heart and now that he's found someone again he seems terrified of losing her and having the same nightmare repeat itself. But I think I have to call bullshit on his earlier declaration that he loves Carsten more than he ever loved Halle. You either deeply love someone or you don't. It isn't really measured in degrees.
Sky really doesn't owe him any more apologies after this. The only one she should apologize to is Car... And Mike should apologize to Sky for being such a shit parent. For once it would be nice to see him realize how wrong he is.
They have A LOT of work to do in therapy. Michael moreso than Sky.
At the end of the day, significant others come and go. Even if you have found "the love of your life" and stay with that person for life, that love is never unconditional. There is always a condition on it, whethetr it be to stay committed and faithful, to eventually get married, etc. If you dont fullfill your end of the relationship, the relationship ends. But your kids will always love you and that relationship is for life. There really should be no contest. I would take a bullet for my husband but I would NEVER chose him over our son. And I expect he would say the same. If he didn't I would be disappointed.
Glad that Carlisle is coming around and showing some decency. I also think Car is overreacting about what Sky told Michael. It really is not that big of a deal they are all basically family and Car never actually asked Sky to keep it secret did she? Sounds like it was all stuff that Sky overheard not what Car told her. I don't know I think her anger is misdirected she should still be angry at the baseball bat.
Date: Aug 08, 2015 01:46 pm Title: Chapter 102
- and to add on Byron should be standing up for his sister at the end of the day , forget everyone else that's his baby sister and she needs him and he should tell his father off because that's seriously bullshit , skylar should just go away and see how everyone would feel if she was gone and never came back , just disappeared into the night and hopefull people would care smh I feel for her I really do or just keep her away from Michael and let him live his life with his new family because he has obviously forgot about his 2 kids
Author's Response: Byron is too busy partying with his celebrity friends to even know what's going on. He doesn't even stay at home anymore. Things are gonna worsen for sure but they'll eventually get better for Sky.
Date: Aug 08, 2015 01:28 pm Title: Chapter 102
- it's ridiculous how everything is skylars fault and she can't help but keep apologizing but damn the girl has been through so much and for Michael to say that Carsten is more important is ridiculous , yes she is the mother of your child and you love her but sky is your daughter you made her and now her best friend is more important? One day sky is just going to lose it and break down and run away because she doesn't seem important to anyone at this moment , her dad don't care , Carsten is ignoring her , Carsten family don't care and Carsten dad seems like he's starting to see why sky is the way she is but she needs someone by her side because her dad isn't their and where is her brother tf ? He needs to at least support his sister ! Fuck Carsten at the moment because she isn't anything to him , this story gives me headaches , like image your bestfriend being your future step mom and is having your little brother that's just sick I'm #TeamSkylar all the way
Date: Aug 08, 2015 04:09 am Title: Chapter 39
Hot-damnnnnn...I haven't put my laptop down or moved an inch since I started reading this - it's amazing! Unfortunately duty calls, and my kids need to go to the store, so I have to move!! Urghhh.
What a teriffic story though. Michael is just fantastic in this, and I think you've stayed true to form on how his personality was. Too many writers make him into something he could never have related to in real life, but you've managed to capture him really well in this story.
I can't wait to get back to continue reading!! x
Date: Aug 07, 2015 09:42 pm Title: Chapter 100
Good to hear. I've missed this story. And I hope you & your baby girl are doing well.
Date: Aug 07, 2015 09:16 pm Title: Chapter 100
looking very forward to seeing what you have in store for us readers
Date: Jul 31, 2015 09:50 pm Title: Chapter 99
great chapter well worth the wait looking forward to another amazing chapter to this amazing story