Date: Jul 06, 2015 03:40 pm Title: Chapter 90
I don't trust sky. The psychic said that sky will be difficult, and to me....that was too easy.
Author's Response: She is definitely going through a tough time being able to trust people and that coupled with her never know!
Date: Jul 06, 2015 03:14 pm Title: Chapter 90
HOLY SHIT ALOT JUST HAPPENED. Damn they way I'm feeling right now you would have thought I was in the fight, my ass is all tired and weak after reading these chapters I had to sit down and think about it before I wrote a comment. A lot of shit just blew up but then I guess some issues were slightly reconciled (I think) between Carsten and Sky.
Author's Response: LMAO! There's a lot going on here. Everything is coming to a head...trying to get it all panned out before Carlisle starts showing his ass!
Date: Jul 06, 2015 02:23 pm Title: Chapter 90
- where Ashton he should be there with sky comforting her in this most crucial time , I feel so sorry for her right now hopefully things will get better and teyanna needs to stop being a bitch , yes Carsten helped sky but if it wasn't for her sky was good as dead
Author's Response: Good question! Let me go dig Ashton up for ya, he'll be in the next chapter!
Date: Jul 06, 2015 01:46 pm Title: Chapter 90
I am speechless.
What kind of sick twisted bitch would force her 11 year old to do that? It traumatizing enough to have a parent die at any age, but to get your eleven year old to help kill you? That's just fucked right up. I feel nothing but sympathy for Sky, I really do. That poor girl. And for Michael to blame his daughter all this time instead of his twisted piece of shit wife is fucked too. She was ELEVEN!!!! And I'm guessing Halle drew up those papers and did this shit behind his back. Cause if you are going to ask someone to euthanize you, shouldn't it be your spouse? Halle probably knew Michael was too soft to do it.
Those two need some serious counseling. And to thank God they BOTH have Carsten in their lives, to provide a much needed dose of sanity. Totally explains why both of them can be so clingy with Car at times though, they are both starved of love due to the after effects of years of being in a family with a PSYCHO.
Teyana needs to cut Sky some slack. I can't even imagine how insane I would be if I had been through half the amount of trauma she's been through.
Author's Response: Yeah, counseling is definitely mandatory at this point. But as a family unit and with Carsten having their backs, they're gonna be okay.
Date: Jul 06, 2015 01:45 pm Title: Chapter 90
- wow the secret is out I just still don't like how Carsten is before sky Michael needs to realize she needs someone in her corner it's like everyone is against her
Author's Response: When Carsten stood up for Sky even after she attacked her with that bat, that put them back on the path of healing.
Date: Jul 06, 2015 01:11 pm Title: Chapter 90
Does sky know that Michael and car are together?
Author's Response: Yes, she heard their entire phone conversation, which is why she flew off the handle.
Date: Jul 06, 2015 10:42 am Title: Chapter 88
Damn it's all making sense now. Since the beginning of this story I was like damn Michael speaks more rudely to his daughter than lovingly. But it all makes sense. However one thing about this situation is that if Sky were involved in the death of her mother which at the time destroyed Michael's love life and now if Sky is about to go crazy in Carsten and destroy Michael's love life again, she really would make the situation between her and Michael much worse.
Date: Jul 05, 2015 08:33 pm Title: Chapter 88
Wait, WHAT?!?!
Date: Jul 05, 2015 05:40 pm Title: Chapter 88
OMFG!!! What did I just read. WTF. I'm speechless. Sky was arrested.....I did not see that coming. Damn if she was involved in her mothers death I can't imagine what she is about to do to Carsten. I'm afraid she gonna go beat the crap out of her. And we all know that would make Michael go ballistic. All I can say is no matter what is about to happen shit bout to get really really really real.
Date: Jul 05, 2015 11:35 am Title: Chapter 88
Sky is putting everything together and soon sh-- is going to fly.
Interesting about Sky being arrested for her mothers death.
Date: Jul 05, 2015 09:37 am Title: Chapter 88
😱😱 Shit just got crazy.
Date: Jul 05, 2015 08:29 am Title: Chapter 88
OMG this must be why he treats Sky the way he does.
Date: Jul 05, 2015 07:51 am Title: Chapter 88
- why would they arrest her
Date: Jul 05, 2015 07:49 am Title: Chapter 88
WHAT?!?!?!?! They arrested Sky for...... Oh heeelllll noooo!! WTF?!?!?! LOL, oh...shit DEFINITELY just got real. What a cliffhanger!
Date: Jul 05, 2015 06:44 am Title: Chapter 88
He obviously blames her for it on some level. But she was just a child! So whatever happened couldn't have been her fault.
I wonder how Carsten is going to feel when she finds out he is hiding all these feelings.....
I hope Sky doesn't go too nuts at Teyanas. Both girls need to remember they are pregnant.