Reviews For The Golden Circle
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Reviewer: Briannasamuels Signed [Report This]
Date: May 22, 2015 09:58 am Title: Chapter 31 Plans

- she cares for michael but wants to lie to him about the paternity ? thstd fucked up

Author's Response:

She wants to save him grief in the press.

Reviewer: TheBeatOfMikesHeart Signed [Report This]
Date: May 22, 2015 08:42 am Title: Chapter 31 Plans

Heat'n Up, Baby! Yassssss! I LOVE IT!

Author's Response:

Thanks! :)

Reviewer: Briannasamuels Signed [Report This]
Date: May 21, 2015 04:13 pm Title: Chapter 30 Wishes

- yes continue I'm liking this its a good story getting better 

Author's Response:

thank u I have ur blessing! :)


Reviewer: TheBeatOfMikesHeart Signed [Report This]
Date: May 21, 2015 03:52 pm Title: Chapter 30 Wishes

Awww shiznit! Ladies and gents...shit just got real! I now usher in 'the chin', to fuck Mike's entire world up! I would say I feel bad for her but I don't! I can't stand LMP! & Mike needs to confess his love for my girl, Goldie! Great chapter, waiting patiently for the next!

Author's Response:

Wow what a great review! I better bring my A game! LMP is a force, and u know the force, it's got a lot of power. But who is gonna bring the oow? The next chapter will be up shortly.


Reviewer: Crazyme55 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 21, 2015 03:22 pm Title: Chapter 30 Wishes

Here comes drama in the name of Lisa Marie Presley.

Author's Response:

Maybe! lol

Reviewer: camilleianPYT Signed [Report This]
Date: May 21, 2015 02:36 pm Title: Chapter 30 Wishes

This is getting so juicy!

I can't believe Michael's nerve asking if she can travel. Lol. What planet is he living on? Although Lisa is probably going to give Melanie's address and Imani's first and last name to the press, making it impossible for for them to go anywhere BUT Neverland. 

I laughed at "of all people the lesbo" lol. It still hasn't occurred to Lisa that maybe she should think of a new nickname. 

I feel bad for Lisa too, even if she is kind of an over the top bully in this story. Though I suspect that feeling will dissipate awfully soon because it seems she's about to do something CRAZY. 

Author's Response:

You make me blush! He only wants the best for her and the babies. He thinks he can get her that at Neverland. As far as I know, Lisa has no idea where Melanie lives, so no problem there. Right now Lisa is just in shock, she has to get her bearings. Hopefully she won't go to far off the deep end. Plz keep reading!


Reviewer: Crazyme55 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 21, 2015 10:29 am Title: Chapter 29 Compassion

I'm so glad Imani and her babies are ok. 

Michael really loves his Goldie and the babies.

Melanie is changing towards Michael. Anything can happen.

Your story gets better and better. 

Way to go girl.

Author's Response:

Me too. I didn't want anything to happen to the babies. He does love Goldie and the babies. I would hold out on Melanie's feelings toward MJ for now. But like u say anything can happen. Thanks for hanging in there!


Reviewer: Corybante Signed [Report This]
Date: May 21, 2015 10:26 am Title: Chapter 2 Life "Begins"

TThis story holds my interest, I like it a lot so far. But I actually feel bad for LMP. Like really bad, lol. Sounds like she has no clue, just genuinely loves him. Wants only him. I could be wrong of course ;)

Author's Response:

She really has no clue and yes she really loves him. Thanks for reading. I hope u continue!

Reviewer: camilleianPYT Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 21, 2015 07:51 am Title: Chapter 29 Compassion

That's right Imani, stand up for yourself! No more bullshit. If he's stressing you out to the point where you may lose the babies he needs to leave. 

Hopefully once she calms down they can work something out so he can be part of his kids life. But he needs to compromise. And I honestly don't see how that's possible as long as Lisa is in his life. Lisa has to be front and center at all times. Say what you will about Michael, I know there is no way he will choose that witch over his babies. 

He needs to get his shit together and keep it together. 

Author's Response:

She is letting him know how she feels. Mike needs to compromise, but does he know how? Ur right about Lisa, she has to be the one in front and on top. So does I think after this nhe knows he has to get it together...keeping it together may be a challenge. Thanks for reviewing!



Reviewer: TutThreeSevens Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 21, 2015 06:02 am Title: Chapter 29 Compassion

Aweeeee Nuggets. That's so cute!! 

Let me just say I'm not a fan of LMP. I don't wish her harm but I can't stand her as a person. It is what it is Michael was married to her and I feel he did love her. The Chin is my nickname for her. That and red lips. Lol. 

I hope Mani lets him back!! (It's nearing the chapter I left off of.) 

More soon. <333

Author's Response:

Thanks, Gold is a theme in this story...:)

I'm not a fan of LMP either but I believe he loved her and she loved him as much as they knew how at the time. Like u said it was what it was. I loved the nickname "The CHIN" it fits well and is so funny. Keep reading, but know u guys are making me work now! Lol New chapter is up and ready!


Reviewer: Redone Signed [Report This]
Date: May 21, 2015 05:37 am Title: Chapter 1 IN The Middle

Interesting premise! This line stood out to me: "Well, as much as he could love anyone." as something I'll definitely be scanning for an explanation about. So, he believes he has a limited capacity for love and I'm guessing there's a reason for this? Hmmm.I like how you added in the detail of the SB Airport. That place is tiny!

One request - could you please hit return/enter each time you switch the speaker? That helps, visually, to create a sense of distinction between the two speakers and makes it so that you don't have to write "said" so often.

Author's Response:

Ahh, I take it ur a writer of fan fics...if u must know, this is a bit of a sequel to Til The End my first fiction. I like to write in paragraph form and I'm working on my dialog. I did as requested on the last chapter but I don't know how often I will do that. I never liked it much in fan fics I've read. However I hope to master writing them in paragraph form with the saids and such. bear with me, please. So u know the airport? lol

Thaks for reading, I hope u stay with me and continue to review.


Reviewer: TheBeatOfMikesHeart Signed [Report This]
Date: May 21, 2015 05:32 am Title: Chapter 29 Compassion

I am so in love with this story!

Author's Response:

Thank you! So am I <3

Reviewer: Briannasamuels Signed [Report This]
Date: May 21, 2015 05:04 am Title: Chapter 29 Compassion

- she's playing hard to get

Author's Response:

You think so? lol

Reviewer: camilleianPYT Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 20, 2015 03:28 pm Title: Chapter 28 And Action!

I love Melanie. She is awesome. 

Sad about the babies, hope they and Imani are OK. 

Michael was pretty distraught. For a millisecond felt bad for him (don't worry it passed). He didn't even seem to care that Lisa showed up lol. That says a lot......

Mike deserves Lisa's wrath but Imani and the babies do not. I don't know what she's going to do but whatever it is will not be pretty. I hope that Mike at least has the decency to protect them, as this is all his fault in the first place. 

Author's Response:

Melanie's a mom u know? Michael was very upset about Goldie and the babies. We will seen in the next chapter how they all are. Lisa is a time bomb. No one knows what she is capable of but Michael really.(so he thinks) Thanks for commenting and reading!


Reviewer: TutThreeSevens Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 20, 2015 02:28 pm Title: Chapter 28 And Action!

LAWD Melanie got out of pocket for a minute there. Such a whirlwind of things going round in this chapter. Michael is something else. It was sad to see them on the verge of losing their bb!! :((( Lisa finally knows he's been "fucking the lesbo". Smh. Lol The chin is in for a big surprise!!

more soon. <333

PS you should split up the dialogue to distinguish between Characters as they talk. It would be a smoother read that way. 

Author's Response:

Didn't she? I wondered where she was going with that. But u know there are two sides to a coin. Sure she's happy about the babiess, but she's not happy about how they were conceived. Tell me your thoughts on MJ. Oh and "the Chin" I love it! I was worried for a time that I would lose readers becasue LMP was in the story.  I will do my best to distinguish who's talking in pragraph form. I wrote this story so long ago, and I'm editing it now when I see mistakes. Thanks.

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