Reviews For The Golden Circle
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Reviewer: femalien Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 29, 2015 02:57 pm Title: Chapter 9 Establishing Relationships

The plot is thickening...I wonder who snaps first, who runs and in what direction...

Reviewer: femalien Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 29, 2015 02:49 pm Title: Chapter 8 Settling In

Sortry for being silent so far I was gewtting the feel for the story. I really feel the drama coming, what with Lisa using the diaphragm and Michael having some feelings for Imani...I'm bracing myself...

Reviewer: camilleianPYT Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 29, 2015 02:24 pm Title: Chapter 39 Hold Up Momma

Michael was harsh to Melanie. Instead of scolding her he should work on convincing her that he loves Imani. Melanie has reason to be skeptical.

Michaels handling of Patrick though was perfect. 

Reviewer: TutThreeSevens Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 28, 2015 09:07 pm Title: Chapter 38 Getting Ready

It's on!!! <333

Reviewer: MJ4EVER1980 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 27, 2015 11:48 pm Title: Chapter 37 Happiness

Yes this story is the bomb love it..........

Author's Response:

Wow, thanks for reading and commenting!

Reviewer: TutThreeSevens Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 27, 2015 09:24 pm Title: Chapter 37 Happiness

See what I mean. Pat is going to try it. Smh. He's such a sad sack. You can't force people to love you. Any plan he could have made would have been fruitless. I can't believe he had the nerve to call Michael a fruit and judge him without knowing him. Well He was so eager for Michael to mess up. Lol Mani told him tho. I guess he'll find out soon enough how much more of a Man Michael is than him. 

More soon! <333

Reviewer: camilleianPYT Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 27, 2015 06:55 pm Title: Chapter 37 Happiness

Patrick should know a losing battle when he sees it. You can't force someone to fall in love with you. And hellfire itself wouldn't keep Michael away from his babies. 

I'm glad Imani told Michael the truth. 

I can't wait for the meeting with Lisa! 

Reviewer: big fan Signed [Report This]
Date: May 27, 2015 05:44 pm Title: Chapter 37 Happiness

Oh rest assured i'm still reading and enjoying so much,let that not discourage you i think sometimes you'll get silent readers of course ,but i think that happens where the comments will be an ebb and flow kind of thing ,but you still have supporters.As for my review uh!that damn patrick i  knew  somone was gonna still   stir up the pot just can't leave mj and imani alone jeez. 

Reviewer: Briannasamuels Signed [Report This]
Date: May 27, 2015 04:41 pm Title: Chapter 37 Happiness

- smh I'm not team Patrick no more

Reviewer: big fan Signed [Report This]
Date: May 27, 2015 10:32 am Title: Chapter 36 Confessions

Yes!!!!!!you made my  day so happy they reunited and confessed their love,and YAY!!!!she said yes to the proposal ,hopefully they and the babies can get on with being a family now, but something tells me its not gonna be that simple .DUN-DUN- DUN more drama maybe? oh lord i hope not.

Author's Response:

you don't want anymore drama?

Reviewer: Briannasamuels Signed [Report This]
Date: May 26, 2015 09:46 pm Title: Chapter 36 Confessions

 - finally they can be together, he confessed 

Author's Response:


Reviewer: TutThreeSevens Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 26, 2015 09:10 am Title: Chapter 35 Confrontation

Awe Sooky Sooky. The Chin went there. SMFH. There is no coming back from that shit right there. I can't say that I'm disappointed. Who am I kidding lmao I'm dancing a jig that she's out for good. She's a terrible individual. 

Pat is in for a big surprise. I can't wait for his ass to be set straight too. Too bad Mani feels she's protecting Michael by working with those two psychos.

More soon!! 

Author's Response:

Tut Three Sevens ur on it! There is nooo coming back from calling Michael Jackson "Wacko" EVER. Even I was dancing a jig when I wrote it!  Lol Is Pat in for a big surprise? Funny how u called them both psychos...Do u know something I don't know?  lol Please catch the next chapter and tell me what u think, ok?


Reviewer: TutThreeSevens Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 26, 2015 08:34 am Title: Chapter 32 Progressions

The a bitch! Ugh!!

Author's Response:


Reviewer: TutThreeSevens Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 26, 2015 07:31 am Title: Chapter 31 Plans

Oh man fucking Patrick. He's going to be a pain in the nuts. Those advisers are so disrespectful and uncaring. Damn. They had no kind of empathy what so ever. 

PS I like the new format. Reads great!!

Author's Response:

U think so, about Patrick? His advisors aren't aid to be his friend..during this period of his career he actually had qualified people helping him out instead of the blood suckers of the later years...Thanks about the formatting. It took me a while to figure out what to do, making it easier to read...


Reviewer: TutThreeSevens Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 26, 2015 06:54 am Title: Chapter 30 Wishes

Wow you move so fast lol. I have so many chapters to catch up on and I'm happy about that. GAWD The Chin is going to be so much trouble. Smh. <333

Author's Response:

Well these portions are already written dear...No magic, check the copywritten dates. Enjoy!

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