Date: Nov 16, 2015 02:18 pm Title: The Officer Or The Gentleman?
This dude is never wearing a shirt. He's Jacob Black
I read that part and all I heard was Edward in my head "Does he own a shirt?"
Author's Response:
Lmaoooooooo. <333
Date: Nov 15, 2015 07:42 pm Title: When A Stranger Calls
I understand Marley being upset with Michael for keeping what's in the box from him because she's in love and wants to know every aspect about him. However, I understand Michael was trying to protect her and leave his past in the past in order to move on.
Kenny, on the other hand, is a sick f**k! I hope he gets his. Time will tell when he gets his! Excellent chapter!
Author's Response:
Its only going to get worse when it comes to Kenny. He's not done just yet with his vendetta. Marley and Michael are tuff they'll make it through. <333
Date: Nov 15, 2015 07:36 pm Title: Watching Eyes... Sinister Ties (Une)
My oh my! Wasnt this chapter suspenseful! Part of it was heart warming seeing her and Michael happily married, and hoping to start a family soon! I had a strong feeling that was Kenny she bumped into, and whom she met in the room. I cant believe he drugged and possibly raped her? I hope not! Oh Lord! I just know that the tragedy is near! Good job, Menen! I love the way you use your paint brush and create these chapters! You're a true artist! And I know a true artist when I spot one being an actual artist myself lol! Sorry I've been M.I.A. with this story! It's been a crazy several months!
Author's Response:
It's ok Hun. Glad you're back to reading annnndddd writing. I'm so loving your story.
Unfortunaltly he did tape her and he taped the whole thing. Smh. Kenny is a lunatic yesss the tragedy is near so hang on to your tissues. <333

Date: Nov 09, 2015 02:09 pm Title: Real Eyes
Holy shit I'm sweating in this cubicle that was so freakin hot. Your sex scenes are always unique and different. I often feel like mine all sound alike lol.
So cute Michael being all nervous to meet her parents. Sam was cool though I like how he subtlety defended his daughter without being a complete shotgun kind of dad.
Uh oh here comes some drama I smell it....
Wtf is this "Peter" up to? I don't like it.
Awesome chapter I loved it!!!!! More more more!!!
Author's Response:
Thank you!! I try not to make the lovin monotonous. I try to make it realistic but spicy. Lol. It comes from my lurid mind. Lmaooo.
It was cute Michael got all antsy to meet the parents. But he ended up doing just fine. Sam made his point about his daughter very clear but in a subtle manner. lol. Yup the drama will commence once again and Peter is small potatoes. Lol. <333

Date: Nov 09, 2015 09:02 am Title: The Interview...
This is really interesting!
Author's Response:
Thank you. Read on. I hope you can dig where I'm going with it. Thank you for reading! <333

Date: Nov 08, 2015 09:25 pm Title: Real Eyes
I'm glad the parents like Michael and the little Bee! Sam's cool, but I think once he gets to know Michael a little more, he'll definitely be less worried. He's a great guy and wouldn't let anything happen to her.
Or at least he will try his very best not to let anything happen to her. Poor babies. Too much is going on, but at least there's a bit of peace between them. That time together and with Baylee was definitely a relief for em.
Detective ain't SHIT, and I can't wait til we all know he ain't shit ya know? I know we know already, but you know what I mean. WHEN WE ALLLLLLLL KNOW HE AINT SHIT.
I hope they do alert somebody. WE GOTTA MAKE SURE THIS DUDE DON'T MAKE IT TO THE SEQUEL. He can't go beyond this. There's no way he can.
Peter ol bitch ass punk ass bitch. I need for him to suffer and realize just what the hell he lost. I don't care how you do it. i just need for him to suffer something. Gawd.
But can I say when she said mommy I DIED
I squealed even. I'm just so happy. So please, don't let my happiness end.
Great update! <3
Author's Response:
Sam does worry about his little girl. After all the lady guy who had her heart totally stomped on it. So he had to get to know Michael and see he's not a threat to his baby's heart.
Their time in Cali has definitely been a relief from all the crazy. It's like a vacation from bullshit. Lol. But you know bullshit don't get scraped off easy and now they know something new. Canton ain't Canton.
As for Peter he'll see just what he missed sooner than later.
Bay calling Mar mommy was sweet. <333

Date: Nov 08, 2015 07:04 pm Title: Real Eyes
You and Teddy just love to kill me with these sex scenes;---; GIRL.
So im still super hyped about baylee calling Marley "Mommy". That will make me happy for a long time.
The meeting went well with the parents!!! Yay! I can blame Michael for being nervous meeting her parents. He had a pretty difficult life before and was previously married. Sometimes people just hold that against you. Plus he has Baylee. But I'm glad they were in the know before they met him and that they accepted him.
Yaaaaaaaas it is about time someone figures out that Canton is not who he says he is!! Now hopefully this will be a domino effect for Kenny and get him caught up in something he can't buy or change his way out of but knowing him. He will find a way. I'm just worried for my babies now. What if they wanna bring it to the nypd attention then that speeds up kennys plans?? :(
Author's Response:
Yes it's cute. It comes very natural to get to call Mar mommy. Mar did tell her parents that ahead of time so it didn't throw them off when they heard it. You're so right they could have easily used the fact that he has a child and was previously married and hold that against him but they knew enough from what Mar told them to meet him then get to know him first without judgement.
Yess they figured that Canton is an imposter now they have to put 2 and 2 together and figure out he's actually Kenny. You're on to something there. <333
Date: Nov 08, 2015 04:56 pm Title: Real Eyes
That sex scene was very hot! I'm very happy things went well with her parents! I think they should tell the authorities of what they found out. I think Marley should face her ex instead of running away! Can't wait for the next chapter!
Author's Response:
I'm glad you liked it. ;). Yes it's great her parents like Michael. It's just one less thing they have to stress over. Now Michael has to do good by Mar or else he gets his legs broken. Lolllll. They should definitely tell the authorities. We will see if she stays and confronts her Ex. <333

Date: Nov 08, 2015 03:15 pm Title: Real Eyes
Girl, I ain't gonna lie to ya, o kind of got scared for Michael myself after him meeting Mar's parents, especially her dad. The part where he said you break her heart I'll break your legs. I was like....... crickets could be heard right then and there. Mike don't do it, but I know he wouldn't break her heart. He loves her so much and it shows a lot. I'm just glad her parents took a quick liking to him.
I have got to mention this real quick, Little Susie's Bar. All I could think about was the song, lol.
Now lastly, this pic of the reap Steven Canton they saw at the bar. And not only that, the things Annie and other people were stating about his sexuality and the career field he chose and stuff like that, I'm telling you now, that's evidence. What they need to do is snatch up that damn photo and take it to the Police's office and show them. What they saw is most definitely an imposter.... Kenny the Kray Kray don't care to say his last name. Lol.
So this Peter is here. Mar, don't you dare run away from that lowdown negro. Tell him off girl.
More soon.
Author's Response:
Lol Michael was pretty nervous. He never had to do the meet the parents thing. Sam gave him a subtle earning to show he's not taking any mess when it comes to his babygirl. It was all good natured tho. Lol. I love the song Little Susie. It was also the name of a bar in a TV show I love so it worked two fold. Lol. Yes finally things are starting to fall in place with Steven seems like the one they know isn't the real guy and now they know something isn't right. An imposter indeed. <333

Date: Oct 10, 2015 01:09 pm Title: Unmasked
Find out key info from Marley's parents?
So the real Canton wasn't a detective at all? Kenny rose through the ranks in the police just to be there eventually when he Michael began a new relationship? Or was the relationship simply a coincidence? Why not be a doorman at his building just to monitor him all the time? Hmm. There must be more to his reason for becoming a police officer than we know thus far....
Kenny destroys everyone's lives whom he touches. His partner's...for seemingly no reason. Both in terms of taking his life and in taking his wife. Michael's. Marley's. Ria's.
Author's Response:
The key won't be with her parents but in them visiting her parents and reconnecting with friends. they'll find out a key piece of info. No the real Canton wasn't on the force at all. He did rise through the ranks. The relationship wasn't expected at all I fact he didn't even see it coming. He thought Michael would have been too hung up on Ria and what happened to even go there. He's been watching not for Marley but Baylee. You'll see more there.
As to why a police officer that too isn't all about Michael the full reason will surface later on.
Kenny as a child lost a lot most of all control and he has a warped way of getting it back and inflicting pain is the way he does it. He can't be the only one hurting. In reality he's the thief he's always accusing Michael of being. <333

Date: Oct 10, 2015 11:10 am Title: Assurances, All On The Table
I think she's a little jealous as there will always be a big part of his heart that is reserved for someone else, IMO. Is that to be expected? Yes. However, it isn't necessarily something any woman wants to hear.
Hmm. Too simple? IDK. I think it's usually simple and awkward. I just am not sure I'd have Baylee do it for them....I could see them telling her and her being like "huh? of course you are. Next subject" It seems normal for Baylee to want to call Marley mom, as she's basically been her mom.
Author's Response:
Nope. It definitely isn't something a woman inlove wants to hear. In love as we grow and love and fall out of love we retain a part of those people in U.S. It just affects us more when we never got any closure with those people or a chance to resolve those old loves. It goes for both Marely and Michael in this case. You will see in the chapter after the last one how a negative reaction to her ex imprinted on her.
I wanted them telling Bay to be as straightforward as possible and there was no avoiding the awkwardness so I fighured her showing she already knew would make it just that. With a little more awkwardness sprinkled in. Bay has been seeing Mar as her mom for some time. She knows her better than Ria even though she does have love for her blood mother because Michael made sure she knew her. It will just make her little girl heart more full of she had a mommy she could talk to and hug too. <333

Date: Oct 10, 2015 10:28 am Title: Bye Bye Love Hello
Thank you for leaving out the gory details. That was my fear, as sometimes people state too much, and in doing so it feels like it departs from the rest of the story. It becomes blood for blood and drama for the sake of drama. The art gets lost.
Author's Response:
You're welcome and you're so right. I think more of the imagination lays in what's left unsaid. I try to leave out the messy parts of what happens and just give the method instead. No blood for blood sake. It's only a means to lend to the storyline. <333

Date: Oct 03, 2015 01:39 pm Title: Unmasked
Lawd Kenneth is a deranged man smh
I appreciate the flashback of when Kenny told Hicks the full truth. I thought he had killed Hicks right then and there!!
And I'm sure Marla is racked with sorrow AND guilt...
great chapter as usual!
Author's Response:
Deranged lunatic is right. Yup he's a classic villain so you know he had to take his moment to monologue. Lmaoo. Marla now has to live with what she's done. Well since it happened really but now she has to focus on raising her children. <333

Date: Oct 02, 2015 09:55 pm Title: Unmasked
Kenny is just.....can he go somewhere?! That dude gets more and more crazy as time goes on. He killed Carlo. And has been sleeping with his wife. I just cannot wait till he goes back to prison or the crazy house. He's ridiculous! I'm so scared for Baylee ;---; but I'm gonna have faith and believe that she is Michaels. More of my babies next!
Author's Response:
We will have the next chapter with out his craziness for the most part. They'll reference him in the end but you know he's a pest so he will always come back.<333

Date: Oct 01, 2015 05:29 am Title: Unmasked
First of all, when I read that he'd slept with Hicks' wife, I LOST IT. How dare this mothDUCK?!?!?! Then she at the funeral, lusting over this dude. Girl, are you serious right now? OMG
I feel for Hicks cuz I know he loved his job, and sometimes that happens. Poor dude. Poor Marla. I feel for em both, tbh. BUT Kenny a mothafucka for that! Ol bastard ass
I was loving the scene between Kenny and Hicks though. Then this dude yelled "My name is not Steven"
and me being the person i am, you know I started singing "my name is not steven, so watch what you say" Aren't you glad im dramatic as hell?
This dude is on some scary ass shit. I'm talking Joker and gawd knows I love me some Joker but dude is scary. I told you this was perfect for Halloween.
Believe me
I'm curious as hell! I wonder what they're gonna find out. What are these ghosts? Are they friendly? Will they provide some dirty stuff?
I'm ready as usual
Author's Response:
Yup he got some of Hicks goods and he didn't even have the decency to just keep it to himself becaus he knew damn well he was going to kill that man. He just likes to see other people suffer because why not. He suffered. He's crazy as a fuck and he doesn't even see it at all. He's a villain to the max for sure. The ghosts we will see but they are only Markey's from her past. More to come!!! <333