Date: Jul 01, 2015 09:32 pm Title: Father vs Stepfather I
It's completely understandable that Nina wants her son to have a relationship with his father but she needs to also understand Michael's point of view and be more considerate of his feelings he is her husband and Marcus is crossing boundaries that he has no business doing and she needs to check him.
Author's Response:
It is understandable, but you're right. She completely disregards Michael's feelings in this.

Date: Jun 30, 2015 06:38 pm Title: Interview with the Jacksons
These two, I swear! I couldn't deal with either of their asses for too long before just saying, fuck this...
All they do is fight and fuck and both play games. Nina subconsciously plays Michael and Marcus against each other for her benefit and he is encouraged by her telling Michael not to do anything to him.
Michael needs to be kicked in the ass, for a lot of the stupid bs he does, but cutting Maddox hair isn't one. Why is she always referring to him as a separate entity from Michael and her girls? Hell, Michael knows he's not his biological son but he treats him no different, so why does SHE?
FURTHERMORE, Marcus clearly is not interested in his son. He's seen him once and doesn't make much effort to even call him. Once again, he called for NINA, and not once was his son asked for FIRST. He's FIVE, he can talk, especially to his dad on the phone. Marcus is full of shit and excuses to avoid the truth: he's a piss poor father who is mad another man has stepped up and not out. *rolls eyes*
Please update again!:)
Author's Response:
LOL They are pretty messy and it's only getting worse. The long awaited Michael vs Marcus is coming soon. They've both been holding back from each other each time they've gotten a chance to meet. It's time for Michael to really let him know how he feels.
Michael does do a lot of stupid things, but Nina can be down right vicious with no regard.

Date: Jun 22, 2015 10:52 pm Title: Interview with the Jacksons
I just read this from start to finish and boy do these two give me a headache! When they work, they are so sweet together but when they don't the level of dysfunction is mind boggling.
Gotta say that Nina can be a grade A bitch though. She is never happy with anything Mike does. Getting that worked up over a haircut is just petty, especially when the damn kid wanted the haircut in the first place. She acting like Mike had a swastika shaved into her sons hair or let him get a tattoo. Just let it go woman.
Sure Mike has his issues, he can be childish as hell and is in total denial about his addiction. But he is generally sweet and loving to her, and she rarely reciprocates the effort. She has her moments but is too often super harsh and critical. No wonder he drinks and pops pills. I would want to be high all the time too if I lived with her.
And her annoyance at having to do interviews at this point, is just plain uncalled for. Who the fuck did she think she was marrying? She married the most famous man on the planet; certain responsibilities come with that. If she hates it that much she shouldn't have married him. It isn't even his fault, he never even had a choice in his fame it was decided for him as a child. All he wants to do is show off his wife and kids to the world!
I don't know what Nina's problem is but she needs to be kinder to her husband. He does his fair share of bullshit too, don't get me wrong sometimes he needs a firm hand. But I find myself wondering if she loves him as much as he loves her.
Author's Response:
Yay!! thanks for taking the time to read it all!. I love hearing your always raw feedback. You are so right about these two. When they work, it's magical, but when they don't it's like why are they even together it's poison.
Nina does have a very strict personality and he knew this about her from day one yet he still pursued her and allowed himself to fall for her. He does his best to try and create a normal world for them to make her happy and in this fairtyle they live in Nina does forget that outside of that bubble he is the most famous man on the planet and has one of the most stressful jobs in the world. It's not easy for him balancing the two and sometimes he slips up.
I think Nina shows her love differently than Michael. He enjoys affection while she enjoys control. She wouldn't be so far up his ass on these meds and stuff if she didn't really care and worry for him. It could also be that Michael loves wholeheartedly while Nina's personality just doesn't allow her to give herself in that way.
Date: Jun 22, 2015 07:58 pm Title: Interview with the Jacksons
Whoa talk about maximum rage..although I do see where Nina was coming from Michael should have at least let her know before hand he was gonna have Maddox's hair trimmed..I would have been pissed too..agreed when Michael said how she was rude at first I remember thinking how if she wanted his sunglasses off she could at least ask him nicely to take them off or at least ask why he had to wear them in a civil manner..so he didn't lie there..
Author's Response:
I get mad at my mom when she cuts my boys' hair without asking. I love their little mop heads but she's always going behind my back and cutting it off. So I can relate to Nina here. And she's pregnant so her rage was magnified.
But she was rude in the beginning lol But that's what got under his skin.

Date: Jun 22, 2015 07:49 am Title: Interview with the Jacksons
great chapter
Author's Response:

Date: Jun 22, 2015 07:15 am Title: Interview with the Jacksons
This is definitely one of the best done "interviews" that I've read in a ff. I can totally imagine the combination of coming off sleep pills and pain meds (both mess with mood), leading to an already anxious Michael throwing a fit. I'm glad Nina didn't run and did support him. If he tries to get upset with her about what she said re: Marcus, then he needs to be schooled in how to be a step parent. The largest challenge often isn't the stepchild, but the ex lol.
I think for Michael to realize he has a problem with the meds, he'll need to have a similar experience to what he had with the alcohol. He'll probably need to sleep through a kid getting injured and/or freaking out because he wont respond, missing a doctor's appointment for Prince/Nina, or getting caught on video by Bill or the media. Nina can't keep threatening; she's either got to pack everything and actually leave, or wait it out.
Author's Response:
Thanks! And yes aside from him being moody, we all know he was a perfectionist and I can't see him being happy going into an important interview with someone who's half there, one foot out the door...
Exactly alot if this Marcus drama really originates from how Michael handled it. He was jealous day one when Nina first mentioned taking Maddox to go see him way before they were an official couple. Had he been more accepting of her ex, Nina may have handled (not hid things) the situation alot differently. Obviously Marcus is not perfect but he may have respected Michael a little more if Michael had come across a little warmer.
The pain meds/sleeping pills... those are all good ideas that I may just incorporate into the coming chapters!

Date: Jun 22, 2015 05:23 am Title: Interview with the Jacksons
MESSY ASSES!!! These two are either on the verge of fighting, fighting, fucking or being fake as hell for press. I can't with theses them. I know they love each other and love takes work but to be honest it feels like there is too much "fixing" that needs to happen and neither of them are willing to compromise in a way that will ease tensions for good or at least for the long haul.
Nina is forever in separatist mode with her and Maddox. It's like they're seperate from Michael and the girls. She's always getting ready to take Maddox and runaway. And over a haircut?!?!?! I mean are they family or what? Does she want Michael to treat Maddox as if he was his own or keep him at arms length? He had embraced Maddox from the beginning and most would be happy they're new man held their child from some else in such regard. LMAOO im going off on this because Nina needs a smack into reality. Has she ever thought about what it would look like if Michael stop giving a fuck about them being a family so whimsically as she does everytime she feels her toes are stepped on? I would hate to see that.
Uggghhhhh it's always one step forward, two steps back and fucking!!! Vicious viscous cycle!!!
More soon!!! Girl I'm missing this!!
Author's Response:
Lmao they are a mess that's for sure. Nina does forget that by marrying Michael he is now Maddox's stepfather. Just because they are not blood relatives doesn't mean Michael can't have a say in his upbringing (let alone a damn haircut!!) They are supposed to be a unit now.
And you're right Michael is like the glue holding them together if he just up and stopped caring there wouldn't be much keeping them together.
Just wait girl, I've got wild plans for these two.
Date: Jun 07, 2015 08:09 pm Title: Old Flames and Bad Habits II
Tsk tsk tsk, girl you're taking me on this rollercoaster with those two..just when I think maybe their relationship was on the way to being somewhat healthy this stuff happens..and that Marcus needs to go kick some rocks..he's had it..Michael don't have to prove anything to the press..just continue to do him (within reason, of course)
Author's Response:
You're right Michael shouldn't have to prove anything to the press, but the pressure from the people around him will force him to. Marcus does need to either be a dad or kick rocks and disappear

Date: Jun 05, 2015 10:44 am Title: Old Flames and Bad Habits II
What a tense and heated chapter! Things just aren't getting better for them and Michael is slipping into his patterns. I hate to say it, but she may need a trial separation just to make sure that the baby is born healthy and she can stay healthy. Putting it off until after the baby is born isn't doing anyone any favors. Michael can do a last minute delay on the interview and suffer the consequences.....he hasn't held up to his end of the bargain. Taking sleeping pills isn't part of "wearing the pants", and her just rolling her eyes or giving him the silent treatment isn't addressing the issue; it's adding to the problem. He's not going to take decisive action, so it's on her. If she doesn't? Well, it's going to be a version of
Author's Response:
LMAO!!! The first thing I gotta say is that dude in the orange hoodie in that gif. His expression had me DEAD!!!!!
Now on to my real response... Thing never really get better between the two they just seem happier when avoiding their problems. If they could simply ignore Michael's risky behavior and Nina's Marcus baggage then they'd be happily ever after.
It's about to heat up soon the baby is coming and as Nina promised, things are gonna be changing. Whether or not she can wait til the baby gets here or not... stay tuned.

Date: Jun 04, 2015 11:10 pm Title: Old Flames and Bad Habits II
Psssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss... That's my hopes and dreams for these two getting it together deflating. Man! Marcus isn't worried about his son. He's just a means to an end right now. A tool to get Nina back. That's fucked up.
Michael needs a swift kick in the ass for thinking he's untouchable by addiction. Boy!!
Is love supposed to be that much work! Lawd.
Nice BDay prez for me!!! More soon!<333
Author's Response:
LOL. Love is a lot of work. Especially between two people who are as opposite as Michael and Nina lol. Michael does need a wake up call. And Marcus needs to either get serious about being a dad or get lost.
Date: Jun 04, 2015 09:36 pm Title: Old Flames and Bad Habits II
- I feel bad for Marcus
Author's Response:
He's got it rough losing Nina and not being able to see Maddox.

Date: May 28, 2015 06:08 pm Title: The Positive Side of Things
Aww...now, I know Marcus about to pop back up with his shit. However, this time...Michael needs to yank his ass up!
The baby should be getting ready to come soon...seems like she's been pregnant forever. Lol. Maddox is definitely growing up, because he is having that "eww" reaction to their kissing, lol. How adorable are the girls!
More, more!
Author's Response:
You may be right about that. and yeah Michael needs to show him he is NOT the one to be played with.
It does seem like she's been pregnant FOREVER. probably because she basically has been since the beginning of the first story lol.
Date: May 27, 2015 12:39 pm Title: The Positive Side of Things
Sheesh Mike was such a mess in the restaurant, throwing ice at her..I would have smacked him..on a positive note though I was so happy to see him and Nina getting along, I mean really getting along because with the way they argue I get concerned that the relationship isn't a healthy one..not to mention sometimes Michael overdoes it with the goofiness and Nina being like a grumpy old woman..and everytime I read about Michael sticking out his tongue I think about those photos from Bad Era where he did it and I was like..what the..when I first saw it.
Good luck with the wedding I have one to partake in myself this weekend.
Author's Response:
Michael was being over the top silly at the restaurant shooting water at her through the straw, but the sillyness was kind of needed to ease the tension that was seeping in there.
I had fun at the wedding. Walked down the aisle with a groomsmen named MICHAEL lol he was a hottie, but nothing compared.

Date: May 24, 2015 08:23 am Title: The Positive Side of Things
"My Balls have cobwebs hanging from them." I can't stand him. Lmfaooooo.
*sings*Moments like thiiiiiiisssssssssss...
I'm so happy to see them having this kind of time. Thinking about the positive was the best thing to do in the moment. It was great. Now they just have to get their shit together. Nina has to stop focusing on the control over Michael she doesn't have but wants and let things fall naturally and Michael has to stop believing he's immune to addiction and stop with all the damn doctors. Then they'll be home free. I do smell the drama on the horizon.
*cringes a little.
More soon!! <333
Author's Response:
Lmao!!! He was so dramatic right then for real
hallelujah!! They ended up having a good day!! You're right about Nina she's never going to have complete control over Michael. And Michael is never going to be able to 'control' his drug/alcohol intake....

Date: May 23, 2015 05:33 pm Title: The Positive Side of Things
aww great ending to a great chapter looking forward to the next great chapter
Author's Response: