Date: Jun 13, 2015 03:19 pm Title: History of the Jacksons
whoa,talk about intense..I don't know what to say about those two...
Author's Response:
It's only going to get more intense... And though this story may be over soon. It's not the end.
Date: Jun 11, 2015 03:30 pm Title: History of the Jacksons
NOOOO you cant break them up
Author's Response:
Date: Jun 10, 2015 10:04 pm Title: History of the Jacksons
Damn. I am so about this story right here. I love how their love isn't perfect and how your dedicating so much time to Michael's character and growth. The only thing I'd wish is that you go a little bit more into the details of Michael's lifestyle. Shit is real and raw and I think we need to see that.
Mad respect to you love for sticking it out. Peace!
Author's Response:
Thanks! It's hard writing about those details because I don't live that life lol. I can't pretend to know every detail that goes on in a drug traffficking operation behind the scenes and all that. And thank you for sticking the story out. I know it was hard for some people in the beginning seeing a very bad Michael.
Date: Jun 10, 2015 08:32 pm Title: History of the Jacksons
UGH!!!! Stop chasing her mike, now its time to make her chase you. I have seen a lot of change in mike like his anger, it would have been three times worse in the beginning. Cant she see that he is only trying to save her life? And also trying to spare his mother heartache? Wouldn't she do it for her mother? Maybe if she met Joseph face to face she would understand. I hope he dont take her back easily. It seems that mike is the only one doin the begging in this relationship. He is always apologizing. Why cant she see her wrongs. She is suppose to stick by her man no matter what.
Author's Response:
Mike has come a LONG way with his anger and Chivonn should be encouraging that and not trippin' off this last little thing he needs to get fixed in his life. Michael just needs to do him right now and keep chasing his goals.
Date: Jun 10, 2015 08:16 pm Title: History of the Jacksons
Lawd No!! No No No!!! I understand that Chiv doesn't want to get that call but how is she going to feel after she lets him go and gets the call. Is the hurt going to be any less than it would be if she was with him. Would she not grieve because they're broken up? Go to the cops?!?!?! What in the world is she thinking? I know it has to do with her not understanding that kind of life. There is no going to the cops. Michael needs leave there. I know he has his probation thing and seeing his PO but being there is making things that much harder.
I am proud of him for not erupting into that Cookie Monster mode. He really controlled himself.
If I'm to be honest. She shouldn't have broken up with him. He told her the truth and they just got back together anyway. He didn't want to break up and she didn't either. This is just ugh!!!!!
more soon girl!!
Look at you all cute and stuff in your bridesmaid "sack". Lol. Adorable!!! Creepy Internet love!!! Lmao. <333
Author's Response:
LOL!!@the creepy internet love. I swear I already responded to this but looking back I see I did not. I'm gonna have to start stayin' on top of things 'round here.
LMAO Cookie Monster mode... He kept it together really good for being dumped by the best female he's had in his life thus far. Breaking up with wasn't the right thing to do, Chivonn should try and be a little bit more encouraging in these last phases of his transition from street thug to superstar.
Date: Jun 10, 2015 07:37 pm Title: History of the Jacksons
Can't Michael and Chivonn just move away from Joseph? They should make a fresh start somewhere new, preferably in a city that will help his career. Michael really is trying but he's only going to get dragged down by his father and brothers if he stays there. You can't change toxic people sometimes in life you just need to cut them out, like a cancer. And Mike's family is truly toxic.
I can understand Chivonn being done, she can see what the future holds if Michael stays on this path. I would be the same in her position.
I hope Mike doesn't give up. He knows she loves him and he's not going to find a girl like her again. He just needs to realize his own inner strength. He can do it, he's just scared.
Author's Response:
Neither one of them really have the money to up and move. Chivonn depends on Bryan to pay half the household expenses as it is. And Michael isn't really seeing any money yet since he JUST got signed. So they're in a bind. Plus can Michael really leave his mother behind? As much as she has encouraged him to break free...
It's dangerous dating someone who's dealing so yeah Chivonn is right to step away until he gets out of whatever bind he's in.
I think we all know Chev isn't gonna be able to get rid of Michael that easily.
Date: Jun 10, 2015 07:22 pm Title: History of the Jacksons
I'm glad Michael is telling his therapist more. His therapist is very very formal lol.
"THAT'S RUDE." <--He acted a fool and asked her what's wrong with her?
I get Michael is in a bind. There's no doubt about that. THAT is why he needs to take Chivonn and leave the region, the state, the whatever, while he records. If he stays there, he stays in the bind. If continues to run Joseph's errands, he digs himself deeper. Joseph is just going to expect him to continue. Joseph should know that he's untouchable while he's on parole. He's watched more, so he's actually a greater risk to Joseph than he is a benefit. smh
Author's Response:
Lol I did make Bruce super formal with his Mr. Jackson and sir... He's got Kim to deal with tomorrow (in his post break-up mood) and she won't be as formal that's for sure.
Michael doesn't have any money. He just got signed, he hasn't seen anything besides an incentive that he already blew on Chivonn's promise ring and a car that he can't drive. If Chivonn leaves her job, she doesn't have any money either it'll be rough trying to start over somewhere. And the studio he records in is in the city near the suburban area they live in. But he's determined that when he DOES make it, he's gonna go somewhere Joseph can't touch him.
He is skating on thin ice though. Even just as the middle man.
Date: May 28, 2015 10:05 pm Title: A Day to Ourselves.... and the Gossip Girl
Why must you always leave me wanting more?!
I've been checking back here far too often for an update. So happy to see one!
I don't know how I feel about Chivonn just getting up and going to Macy's. I mean, why not actually talk with Michael and/or do something relaxing or enjoyable together? She knows he'll be working long hours.....I'm glad Risa told her, but girl could've just told her over the phone. Not drop it on her like a bomb in the middle of a store. And Michael needs to learn not to speak out of both sides of his mouth. If he wants Chivonn to trust him, he's gotta take risks and be honest with her. He knows CJ lacks control, so expecting that anything he does with CJ doesn't end up in Risa's hands, is ridiculous. Sometimes I want to read that man.
Great update
Author's Response:
I'm sorry LOL
I'm going to start updating more often.
Chivonn felt in that moment when she set off to Macy's that if Michael was going to be acting all shady and havin' an attitude, what did it matter, you know... Michael's being an idiot trusting CJ with his dirty work. He knews CJ is a nark. What makes him think that he won't drop Michael's name if he ever gets caught.
Date: May 28, 2015 08:30 pm Title: A Day to Ourselves.... and the Gossip Girl
John Legend forever shading Michael. But I a let it pass though cause I loved this chapter so much. I did start feeling all depressed and shit right along with Chiv in the end. God I really have very low tolerance for Riza. It's like the most news she could carry she's running with it. As long as it casts Michael in a terrible light in Chiv's eyes then she's happy as a damn clam about it.
Look at Michael growing up and making Chiv cum in one go. Lmfaooooooooooo. I'm glad he's going to tell her the truth.
Bloop Riza!!!! Bloop bloop bloop.
More soon. You catch the hell outta that bouquet girl. I'm rooting for you!!! <333
Author's Response:
LOL!! John Legend has like one or two songs I can stomach. The mentioned one being one of them. Right, it's like any piece of dirt Risa can get her hands on about Michael, she runs with it.
Lol Chivonn basically had to train him to do so lol
We think he's going to tell her the truth....
Damn bride didn't even throught the bouquet!! And she made us stay in our bridesmaid potato sacks the entire reception.
Date: May 28, 2015 08:21 pm Title: A Day to Ourselves.... and the Gossip Girl
Another eye roll for Chevy and risa. Chevy knew what she was getting into when michael first stepped in her home with the prison suit on. ugh see what I mean, instead of takin to him like a grown up, she gonna be done.....again. she claims to love him, but she lets her so called friend puff up her head instead of thinkin reasonably even if he is in the wrong, TALK TO HIM!. And as for michael, you claim you love the woman but you cant be honest with her? You cant think about the consequences of your actions before you do crazy stuff? If he is trying to better his life, it don't seem like much effort is made. They lack communication. Maybe she should go with him to one of his sessions. I love this couple one chapter but over them the next. GET RID OF RISA, AND GET RID OF JOSEPH, and everyone else who are bad influences on their relationship and career!
Author's Response:
You're right about that. Chivonn KNEW, but then again he's been steady talking about how he's going to do better. Michael's in a tough spot. Joseph's going to be pressuring him to sell drugs whether Michael chooses to or not. He's just trying to stay out of the action best he can by hiring CJ to do it. That's a good idea about Chivonn going with him to one of his sessions.
Date: May 27, 2015 08:18 pm Title: A Complete Missunderstandin'
yay Mike and Chivonn are back together..Michael had better not make any big screw ups..
Date: May 27, 2015 08:04 pm Title: Shuttin' it Down or Gettin' Shut Down
Risa got issues but Michael need to calm himself, seriously..could have come up with something else than threatening Chivonn
Author's Response:
He let his anger get the best of him there...
Date: May 16, 2015 05:58 pm Title: A Complete Missunderstandin'
Awwwwwwwwwwwwww these two are too cute. I can never stay mad at Michael for long, I can understand Chivonn's predicament. But I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop. Their reconciliation seems too easy.
Author's Response:
Neither can I. lol!! Apparently Chivonn can't either, but she can only take so much of the same kind of behavior... Michael better straighten ALL THE WAY up or this reconciliation will mean nothing.
Date: May 14, 2015 07:15 pm Title: A Complete Missunderstandin'
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat???? I cannot believe this story will end at Chapter 50.. That means there are ony three chapters left.. What am I going to do ? I am going to miss this story.. : (
I am glad that Michael and Chivon reconciled, but why do I get the feeling that this little reunion might be short lived ? So what happened to Camilla ? Did Michael just leave her sitting in the car ? lol lol I truly hope that Michael's career takes off and he move away from a life of crime. So no bueno.. I am looking foward to the next chapter, although I shouldn't because it only means that you are getting closer and closer to the end :(
Sigh..... I think I am going to have a glass of wine now.. lol
Author's Response:
It's not the TRUE end. I've got plans for another short story for them possibly. It won't be for a while though. and LOL it could be because Michael still doesn't have his act 100% together. The deal he set up with CJ is no good... Michael told Camilla to wait for the sign, he gave it to her right before he went inside with Bryan so she knew it was ok to drive off. She's driving the car because Michael doesn't have a license.
I'm going to need a glass after this story ends too... lol
Date: May 14, 2015 12:16 pm Title: A Complete Missunderstandin'
Oh, thanks God for that!!! I was soooo afraid something would break them apart further!
Author's Response:
I cant say anything yet...