Reviews For Lady In My Life
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Reviewer: nalwenda Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 05, 2015 07:10 am Title: Chapter 36

Yayyy I was so happy to see a new update!

Great chapter again :) And they're even talking about marriage already! Can't wait to see how Mike's gonna propose officially :D


Reviewer: camilleianPYT Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 15, 2014 07:34 pm Title: Chapter 34

Wow plenty happened in this chapter!

I'm glad Katherine is dealing with Diana. That woman basically molested her little boy. If that were my son I would punch her face in until no surgery could fix it.

And Michael has a point with Wini. She has been very unforthcoming about her past, she's like a closed book whereas he tells her everything. She needs to stop that nonsense.

I'm just waiting for Connor to cause drama.

And Jules, gotta love her, but she has serious boundary issues. Even though I agreed with what she was saying, when Wini and Michael were arguing that was her cue to leave not jump in. The inner details and workings of their relationship are between them. Wini is her best friend, if she needs a smack of common sense to the head Jules has every right to give her one but jesus christ don't gang up against her during an argument with her boyfriend. In one of the previous chapters when she picked the lock on their bedroom door I thought it was over the line. If that was my BFF I think I would be annoyed and say something. I doubt its intentional but sometimes she is just plain rude. I wanted to smack her in this chapter. 


Author's Response:

LoL I actually am quite fond of Jules. She is based off of my best friend 100% with the minor exception of her name, birthday, and picture. The manorisms and description is all her though. She's always been very nosey and somewhat intrusive but for some reason, I love her for it. Maybe because I can always count on her to keep me in line and to call me out on my crap when I'm being stupid, kinda like in Wini and Jules' case at the moment. To some it might seem a little over board, but for me it doesn't. But of course I do have the occasional urge to smack her like you said. LoL




Reviewer: nalwenda Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 14, 2014 11:07 am Title: Chapter 34

I was sooooooooo happy when I saw the new update!!! 

Great chapter again, don't think I'm weird, but I kind of like how they get into little arguments, I think it's cute and realistic haha.

Good chapter again and you already know I cant wait for the next updateeeee! I'll be waiting and I am by far not the only one! :) 


Reviewer: michaelfan90 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 08, 2014 05:39 am Title: Chapter 33

That bug eyed bitch should get her wig snatched. Lol I love stories where diana is the bad guy cause I can call her names. Poor michael. I hope win will let him explain. I understand she was angry so her actions where completely understandable,  but I hope she cools down and let him explain. When I read this story, I cant visualize michael as the cheating type. So I hope she realizes that also. Great story hun. Please update soon.

Reviewer: shellymjbean1989 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 06, 2014 05:47 pm Title: Chapter 33

good story so far great cliffhanger of a chapter i really cant wait to read more of this great story i hope michael will be ok and i hope him and wini talk things out they make a great couple i hope wini comes back to michael and i hope that diana gets what she deserves for the hell she has caused in this story 

Author's Response:

I'm glad you are enjoying the story! We shall see where the story takes us!

Reviewer: nalwenda Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 06, 2014 09:51 am Title: Chapter 33

Oh, and I also wanted to thank you for uploading new chapters regurlary and so often! :) It can be really annoying  for a reader when you have to wait such a long time for the next chapter. So, thanks!!! You're the best! 

Author's Response:

I do my best to get new chapters out as fast as possible. Some weeks can be a little slower than others though, just depends on my work schedule and how much time I have available for me to work on it. But I do promise at least 1 a week.

Reviewer: nalwenda Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 06, 2014 09:50 am Title: Chapter 33

Ohhhmygod, no way! 

Wini and Michael are so perfect together I can't believe this is happening! 

And now Mike's passing out too?

I CANNOT wait to see how this is gonna work out! 


Reviewer: mj_lover5809 Signed [Report This]
Date: Dec 06, 2014 08:57 am Title: Chapter 33

That bitch Diana is gonna get it. She is fucking crazy. I hope Michael is alright. Wini isn't gonna be mad for long. Once she hears about Michael, she is gonna be by his side. Trust me, once she hears the story, they will be Okay. But, great chapter. Don't have us wait too long for the next chapter.

Author's Response:

I'm about halfway finished with the next chapter. It shouldn't be too long.

Reviewer: camilleianPYT Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 06, 2014 08:30 am Title: Chapter 33

I knew it! I knew that psycho would try something crazy. 

I feel so bad for Michael. I hope he is OK.  Hopefully once Wini calms down she will remember that when she walked in, he was yelling at Big Weave and telling her to get out. And that Diana is a nutjob. It's unfortunate that he was only in a towel though, makes it look so bad. 

I wish Wini had a hidden camera somewhere in that room. 

Author's Response:

LoL I told you there was drama to follow 

Reviewer: camilleianPYT Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 05, 2014 02:32 pm Title: Chapter 32

I just found this story and I love it! These two are a beautiful couple with a rare connection. Sometimes when you meet someone, you just "know" they are the one for you, and I'm definitely feeling that vibe from Mike and Wini. A rare once in a lifetime kind of bond. Its adorable.

You've done a great job of introducing drama without it involving baby mammas, side chicks or cheating.

I would like to know more about Wini's past relationships. Cause there ain't no way that girl was a virgin the first time they had sex lol. She needs to give Michael a run for his money in the crazy ex department. Although there is no way she can possibly win, Diana Ross is coo coo for cocoa puffs in this story. Not only did she basically molest him when he was seventeen, she is now turning into a stalker. Next she will be leaving dead animals on Wini's stoop and breaking into the house naked. I seriously think Michael was hiding in that room out of embarrassment and shame he was ever involved with the psycho hag. I know I would be. Poor Michael. 

You've got a new reader! 



Author's Response:

Oh wow, thank you! I'm so glad you are enjoying it! And Yeah, there will be some crazy ex drama on Wini's part as well, I just haven't figured out when or where to put it. This story has a tendency to write it self. I have on several occasions sat down to start working on it then looked up at the clock thinking oh wow 3 hours have gone by? And I'll have absolutely no idea what I even typed up until I start editing it. I'm hoping to get the next chapter up tonight after I get off work if I'm not too tired, it's only got a few more paragraphs that need editing.

i hope you enjoy the upcoming chapters and I look forward to your future feedback! 

Reviewer: BluJayWay Signed [Report This]
Date: Dec 03, 2014 05:15 am Title: Updated Character Info

Thanks for the update. The picture you posted underneath is everything. I love how all the other brothers are wearing these basic sunglasses while Michael's appear to have *that* much more class, lol. 

Author's Response:

LoL I love that picture, couldnt resist!

Reviewer: ladyT Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 02, 2014 03:18 pm Title: Chapter 31

This was a very interesting chapter. Diana tried it, but Wini did provoke her a little. I'm Team Wini though. I'm glad that Mike stood up for her. I would have been upset if he didn't. I really don't have time for Diana to try to stir up drama between these two, but things are going a little too well right now. I'm sure there is some drama coming up soon. They are a really cute couple. I like the fact that Wini has a job that isn't industry related or she's some damsel in distress. She has Mike's back and he has hers. Good story so far!

Author's Response:

Yes there will be some drama coming up, you have guessed right! Im glad you are enjoying the story so far, thank you for the feed back!

Reviewer: NotUrAvgLadi Signed [Report This]
Date: Dec 02, 2014 10:14 am Title: Chapter 31

Diana needs to slow her roll! I think wini handled her right!

Author's Response:

It gets better ;)

Reviewer: BluJayWay Signed [Report This]
Date: Dec 02, 2014 09:13 am Title: Chapter 31

The scene you painted was so accurate to the recording session, and the show-down between Wini and Diana was epic. I approve 👍

Author's Response:

I'm glad you approve! I did a lot of research for this part, it just had to be right!

Reviewer: lummilovesmichael Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 02, 2014 03:28 am Title: Chapter 31

Welcome back, great update.  I loved the way both Wini & Michael stood up, to that big haired diva.  The Nerve ughh!!

I really could see Ms. Ross being that manipulate it towards Michael as Quincy said.  Wini wasn't going to take it.  Oh h*ll NO.  Please update soon.  Is all for L.O.V.E.... Lummi <3

Author's Response:

I'm so glad you enjoyed it! There is another chapter on its way soon, just need to edit it!

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