Reviews For The Bodyguard
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Reviewer: Kings_Queen Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 03, 2016 06:59 am Title: Chapter Twenty-Eight

THEY FINALLY KISSED!!!!!!!!! Michaels so cute I'm dying in class right now

Reviewer: marje143 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 15, 2015 12:35 pm Title: Chapter Thirty-Seven

it about  time  love it lol

Reviewer: TutThreeSevens Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 14, 2015 11:21 pm Title: Chapter Thirty-Seven

"That large thing". Lmaooooooooo. You know what image comes to mind! DEAD!!!  Girl I can't believe they finally did it. It threw me just how nonchalant Michael was being. He seemed off his game as a bodyguard. I guess horny Michael is not a good protector. Lmao. He didn't seem like himself at all. I wonder if the "Mysterious man" got a hold of Kari? Where in the world could she be. People going missing is never a good thing around this crew so Michael being so blazé about it is odd.

Would him drinking from her thigh counteract the effects of the vervain? If so Lana is in for a ruff night if they go at it again. Lmaoo. With "that large thing" sore won't even be the word.

I'm going to need more of this ASAP ma'am!!! 

You hear me!!! More soon!!!<333

Reviewer: sydneylovesmike20 Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 14, 2015 06:30 pm Title: Chapter Thirty-Seven

Yay, they finally made love! Michael was being really sweet to her! I hope Kari is found before something bad happens. Continue!

Reviewer: Redone Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 14, 2015 06:02 pm Title: Chapter Thirty-Seven

An update yay!

And they finally sealed the deal. I feel like his ability to be her bodyguard has been hindered, as yes, he's protecting her, but I'd think knowing where Kari is would be immediately relevant to Lana's safety....

Now, at the risk of sounding greedy, I need a follow up to that cliffhanger. Me and cliffhangers do not mix.

Reviewer: loyalpyt Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 14, 2015 05:16 pm Title: Chapter Thirty-Seven

I am obsessed

Reviewer: DareToDream Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 17, 2015 06:39 am Title: Chapter Thirty-Six

Oh wow! I wonder if that mystery person is the spirt of Lana's father. That would be very interesting to see. I'm glad Michael and Lana were able to talk about the...incident. I, personally, would have been too humiliated to even look at him after that lol. And then he suggested that she "practice" with someone else? Lol too funny.

Author's Response:

You guys are so good at guessing! But I won't spill just yet! And RIGHT! Lol there's no way I could face him.

Reviewer: TutThreeSevens Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 14, 2015 12:10 am Title: Chapter Thirty-Six

Monogamy existed 300 years ago. I would also venture to say that it might have been more revered then because it was sanctioned by religion. Scarlet Letter style. Michael not understanding what it is is pretty surprising to me. Him not understanding the ins and outs of relationships shouldn't mean he doesn't understand the basics of it. Had he never seen or heard about it before? That doesn't compute for me.  People cheated back then because as long as there was marriage there was infidelity. They knew what cheating was and what it entailed. 

I do hope though that Lana comes to realize that her first time is going to hurt regardless of how long she waits. She never really had "the talk" though did she?

Im wondering who the "Unknown" is. Is it a character we already know? Why do I feel like it's Martin. That would be a plot twist for your ass. Lmao. Or is it Alex?  It might be Alex.  Now Ivana is trapped in a place they may never return too. 

MORE SOON!!! You can't just leave us there!!! <333

Author's Response:

Thats totally true, but he's been a vampire for 300 years they live by totally different rules. Cheating has so many different definitions even today and he hasnt lead a life that played by any of those rules. He could be playing a bit dumb.

Besides the glorious gossip from her girlfriends who have probably made sex sound like the best thing in the world, nobody had the TALK with her.

I don't want to give it away!!! But it's not ALEX!!! lol 


Reviewer: Redone Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 13, 2015 08:39 pm Title: Chapter Thirty-Six

But in today's world that's considered bragging and I'm not a boastful vampire.



Is it wrong that I'm chanting "less violence, more romance"?

Author's Response:

LOL. ok ok there shall be romance. 

Reviewer: sydneylovesmike20 Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 13, 2015 06:35 pm Title: Chapter Thirty-Six

So is Ivana a ghost that was watching over the estate? I wonder who was talking to her. I'm glad Svetlana taught Michael about how cheating is bad. She wants to be with Michael and only Michael. Continue! 

Author's Response:

Well she was and now that the estate burned she doesn't have anywhere to go. Michael needed to learn that lesson. I'll post more soon.

Reviewer: DareToDream Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Aug 15, 2015 03:50 am Title: Chapter Thirty-Five

As w man! That didn't go well at all. That's going to be one pretty awkward conversation the next time they talk.

Author's Response:

Awkward to say the least!

Reviewer: Redone Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Aug 09, 2015 10:00 am Title: Chapter Thirty-Five

Woah. At least he listened to "no means no". She sure waited until the last possible second. He showed amazing restraint and respect for her. I'm just surprised by the fact that he left her there. More please :D

Author's Response:

And its hard for a hungry and horny vampire to hear 'no' too so he did good and I promise, he didn't totally abandon her on a beach alone. I will be posting more sooner rather than later. 

Reviewer: camilleianPYT Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Aug 09, 2015 06:39 am Title: Chapter Thirty-Five

Wtf he just left her alone on a secluded beach in the middle of the night? Not cool Michael. 

I'm kind of glad they didn't have sex this time. It was too rushed and unromantic for her first time. 

Michael is also very obviouisly clueless about relationships. He needs to read some romance novels or watch some romantic movies or something. I doubt he's ever dated in his life and it shows lol. 

Author's Response:

He had to dash away to get out from under that intense situation. He's a vampire, he's getting hungry and turned on... a dangerous equation for little virgin Lana. You'll see next chapter if he totally abandoned her or not. Lana wants to rush because she's tired of being a virgin. Michael's still getting used to kissing a woman without biting he's not quite ready either.

He's 300 years old and he's spent the last couple centries feeding and fucking basically whenever he felt like it. He's clueless.

Reviewer: femalien Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Aug 08, 2015 11:40 pm Title: Chapter Thirty-Five

Oh drat! Well... a public beach is not the ideal place to lose your virginity...and it was really not fair for Michael, leaving him wanting like that... This should have happened in complete privacy (it will happen soon, right?)

Author's Response:

It definitely is not and Svetlana should try and rush to lose hers. It's a special thing she should hold for a special moment between them. Maybe it'll be soon... 

Reviewer: TutThreeSevens Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Aug 08, 2015 11:14 pm Title: Chapter Thirty-Five

OMG. It almost happened. I don't know I think is for the best it didn't go any further. It wasn't special enough. It was rushed and I think Lana bit off more than she could chew. It's quite frustrating I could imagine for Michael because she kept pushing him to do it.

I'm glad he did the right thing and stopped. Were he a typical man he should not have left her like he did as well as as her bodyguard.  Alone on an abandoned beach in the dark anything could happen, but who knows what kind of hunger was awakened in him by this. Seeing how closely sex and his vampiric desires go hand in hand.  He might have had to get away before he harmed her.

Not quite gift time yet for Michael. *sad sack face. You tease!!! Lol

More soon my love!!! <333

Author's Response:

Lana's wanting it for all the wrong reasons. So many girls throw away their virginity for the sake of NOT wanting to be labeled a virgin anymore. Michael didn't really want to do it and yes he had to get out of that position quickly before he could hurt her. She may be safer on a deserted beach alone than under the covers with a hungry vampire with wavering self control. 

Poor Michael... no gift for him. And you're going to be even more upset with what happens next!

Stay tuned! It's about to get crazy.


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