Date: Jun 18, 2014 03:13 pm Title: Chapter 7: The First Date (Part I)
I missed this story!
Michael was cute in this chapter with all his plans. Lol. I bet he already has names picked out for their kids.
I hope she says yes to the tour.
Author's Response:
Girl there's soooo much more to come! U don't understand!

Date: Jun 18, 2014 06:15 am Title: Chapter 7: The First Date (Part I)
Thanks for updating :) I hope Raine goes on tour with him
Author's Response:
Thanks for reading! :)

Date: Jun 18, 2014 12:36 am Title: Chapter 7: The First Date (Part I)
I love how Michael and Raine goof off with each other. It's so cute. Lol when Raine said pencil dick! But oh my God when Michael was all like "pencil dick, really?". How in the world could she keep a straight face and not physically combust as he led her to stroke his member is beyond me. That scene I re-read about 10 times.
He loves her and wants a future with her. Oh, Michael!
I enjoyed this chapter, can't wait for more!
Lol ok I gotta revisit the first half of chapter again...i love how offended he got though when she made that comment and mmmm was he willing to prove her wrong. Prove me wrong, please!
Author's Response:
She was sooooo wrong for that! Haha but he got her when he mentioned that she even sucked it haha! And she still called him a pencil dick. Raine is a mess, I'm telling you!

Date: Jun 05, 2014 08:06 pm Title: Chapter 6: Unmatched
I love this story!! Thank you for updating!
Author's Response:
I'm so happy you're enjoying it!!! Thank you is much for reading! There's soooo much more to come. :)

Date: Jun 05, 2014 04:16 pm Title: Chapter 6: Unmatched
There is an obvious solution to their problem. Michael needs to knock her up.
Author's Response:
Hahahaha! Yes he does!

Date: Jun 04, 2014 11:32 pm Title: Chapter 6: Unmatched
This was such a cute chapter. Looks like little TJ has a crush on Raine lol. He's so adorable. Raine should known that Michael's vengeance was gonna be stronger than ever. He's such a troll. NOBODY had her back. Poor thing. Bet she'll learn not to leave Michael out of anything again lol.
Date: Jun 04, 2014 08:09 pm Title: Chapter 6: Unmatched
She needs to promise she won't go back. She served. She also lost a lot, personally. Please don't let her go back! They've already been through enough as a couple....please bring many more positive times/experiences before any ones as serious as war/foreign occupation?

Date: Jun 04, 2014 05:19 pm Title: Chapter 6: Unmatched
I feel like little TJ has a crush on Raine lol and he's jealous of her and Mike's relationship. The last line stood out to me, I know as a soldier she's going to probably go back to war if needed but Ihope it doesn't happen soon
I love this story very much & I can't wait till the next update :)
Author's Response:
I'm glad you're enjoying the story! Thanks for reviewing! Stay tuned!

Date: May 27, 2014 05:07 pm Title: Chapter 5: Game of Spades
YESS! They are going to work it out!
Author's Response:
Yes lawd!

Date: May 27, 2014 04:46 pm Title: Chapter 4: What Do You Say?
Author's Response:

Date: May 27, 2014 04:20 pm Title: Chapter 2: Missed
"There's so much I have to tell you." She began. "I got married."
I pulled away from her. "What?"
"Mhmm." My mother cut it.
Janet shrugged. "I'm divorced, now."
"What the heck?"
Janet giggled. "Long story, girl."
I know they promised to wait for the other but like she said, she knez it would happen. I hope she won't be mad at him in the future. And it didn't take long until they got closer again! They are adorable together :')
LOL @ Janet always cockblocking them lol!

Date: May 23, 2014 11:35 pm Title: Chapter 5: Game of Spades
Hmm...me don't really care...long, short, medium, brown, yellow, as long as you grace us with your writing i am happy. I'll take what I can get lol
I love Raine in the kitchen singing some Teddy P. She betta sang!!! So I'm glad these two are talking about this issue. And I'm glad mama gave Raine some good advice. Two wrongs don't make a right. She is a very smart girl for trying to take it slow with Michael so they can try and get back what they lost.
Michaelmichaelmichaelmichael....he was so cute with the family.
When he said, "I need you...." that was deep...I felt that. I would've stopped walking away, give in, and hop on him.
Great chapter! :)

Date: May 23, 2014 03:35 pm Title: Chapter 5: Game of Spades
Finally they're getting somewhere!
Raine's mother's advice was good. She does need to either forgive him or move on.
Michael seems so sad in this story, like he has a lot of internal turmoil. Hopefully that improves as time goes on. He didn't seem that way in the last story at all.
Oh and I don't care if the chapters are long or short, I'll read either way!

Date: May 23, 2014 10:40 am Title: Chapter 5: Game of Spades
I'm glad they're fine now! I can tell raine is really growing up and maturing. I like how she wants to take things slow because that seems to be the best for them right now

Date: May 23, 2014 06:06 am Title: Chapter 5: Game of Spades
Thank you for a longer chapter. I do prefer the longer ones :)
So much to say. Well, I'll start with her mother's advice to Michael. I can see why she'd say it, as it is reminiscent of her husband, but this is an entirely different case. He came to Raine's mother for guidance (I think?).... I wish she had been able to key him a little more into what it is like as the spouse/partner of someone serving abroad. Rather than just being so vague. Maybe, knowing differently, he would have acted differently.
I love how you snuck Michael back in through the family night. It was endearing and subtly swoon-worthy.I'm looking forward to longer conversations between Michael and Raine. Right now, it feels so.....precarious and timid. Which is completely understandable given what has gone down, it's just that I'm impatient ;)
You have done an excellent job of demonstrating PTSD so far. A really true portrayal, IMO.
Finally, I love your writing style. It's smooth and the way you move from one scene to another is clear and fluid; It reads like a natural lapse in time. Oh, and, the interactions are believable and relaxed.