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Reviewer: Mooreasia14 Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 11, 2014 05:53 pm Title: Chapter 68 I JUST NEED TIME TO FORGIVE

Can't wait for more

Author's Response:

working on it as we speak :)

Reviewer: camilleianPYT Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Feb 11, 2014 11:49 am Title: Chapter 68 I JUST NEED TIME TO FORGIVE

Cassie is a better person than me. I would have driven down to Dr. Val's office and taken a baseball bat to her face.

Michael is wrong here too, even if he hadn't cheated he was wrong for going out drinking and not helping his wife when they have newborn babies at home. I also don't totally buy 'I was drunk' as an excuse. Alcohol is not a hallucinogen it only removes your inhibitions. Unless you black out, you know what you're doing. You just don't care about the consequences. No no no I call bullshit on that one. Maybe it would fly if she had slipped him some LSD.......I'm not saying that Dr. Val didn't take advantage of him cause she did, but it's his fault for letting it happen. I don't think it's grounds for Cassie leaving him since it's not like he was sneaking around behind her back, but if I were in her place I would be angry for a LONG time. Probably years.


Author's Response:

Funny,  when I started writing this weekend I had he rushing to the office and confronting Dr Val but pulled it back.  Dont want Cassie to be too much of a raging lunictic.  Now I fight with bringing them back together.  Cant keep them apart as the story will get too boring.


Thanks for your review and comments.  i love reading how into this you are.  :)

Reviewer: SineMj Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Feb 11, 2014 10:28 am Title: Chapter 1 CALIFORNIA VISTAS

Lol yea. Very good story. It took me about 3 days to catch up. I'm a late reader, but am enjoying it. :)

Author's Response:

Thanks for reading Its been fun writing it.  i love your comments. 

Reviewer: KerenOlivero Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Feb 11, 2014 09:53 am Title: Chapter 68 I JUST NEED TIME TO FORGIVE

love how you wrote the conversation...also I respect Val for her honesty

Reviewer: SineMj Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Feb 11, 2014 09:32 am Title: Chapter 68 I JUST NEED TIME TO FORGIVE

Hmm...this situation is a little tricky. The best way I can see this matter is Dr. Val holds the most responsibility on this one. Michael was wrong to use alcohol to solve this. But the doctor was sober enough to know better. Due to the fact Michael was drunk, Dr. Val technically took advantage of him. She thought about what she was doing before she did it, but went through with it anyway. Now what was interesting is when they met at the pub, Michael recognized the Doctor. Which most likely means he forgot who she was after a while. Or the alcohol had not kicked in full just yet(having been drunk a few times myself, just when you think your already drunk the rest of the alcohol kicks in. And then your puking your guts up). Michael was wrong. But my attention would have focused on Dr. Val. I wanted to hit her over the head while I reading it. I started screaming, "HE THINKS YOUR HIS WIFE STUPID!!!"

Author's Response:

Wow. So I take it you like where I took it. Lol

Reviewer: Mooreasia14 Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 08, 2014 11:53 am Title: Chapter 67 YOU CHEATED ON ME!

Can't wait for more

Reviewer: KerenOlivero Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Feb 08, 2014 07:43 am Title: Chapter 67 YOU CHEATED ON ME!

Wow I expected Cassie to have a bigger hissy fit than this like take off her wedding ring or something..but I am glad it looks as if things can be rebuilt

Author's Response:

Darn I should have put that in.   I guess her night alone he knew she needed him for the children's sake

Reviewer: KerenOlivero Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Feb 07, 2014 07:58 pm Title: Chapter 66

*prepares to learn of Cassie's reaction to Michael's indiscretion* Man I am so nervous to read about the little hissy fit Cassie is bound to have..

Keep it coming!

You on any social networking sites? would love to talk with conversing with fellow authors/readers

Reviewer: KerenOlivero Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Feb 07, 2014 07:32 am Title: Chapter 65 DISASTEROUS FIGHT

My goodness the fight sounds worse than the ones he may have had with Lisa Marie..hope the marriage can be saved

Author's Response:

Working on the how does she find out part right now and her reaction his reaction is he to blame is dr val to blame is Cassie to blame...lots of thoughts going through my head where to take it..


thanks for your loyalty and comments. I read them all

Reviewer: KerenOlivero Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Feb 07, 2014 07:11 am Title: Chapter 64

Poor Michael getting urinated on..

Reviewer: Mooreasia14 Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 07, 2014 03:30 am Title: Chapter 65 DISASTEROUS FIGHT

Can't wait for more

Author's Response:

Thanks for the shout out. Nice to know someone is still enjoying this story. I'll write more tonight. 

Reviewer: KerenOlivero Anonymous starstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: Feb 02, 2014 06:22 pm Title: Chapter 62 THE AWAKENING

this is really cute ^^

Reviewer: KerenOlivero Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Feb 01, 2014 11:52 am Title: Chapter 59 LABOR AND DELIVERY

Yay I finally caught up!

This is a really good adult fic one of the best I have read. The paparazzi were a bunch of pricks for what they did..shocking of Michael to make someone angry by lying to them usually it would be his stubbornness or childlike nature or if he wants to do something but the other lady doesn't. The wedding was really sweet and I like the idea of him attending church with Cassie..looking forward to the next chapter and I hope Cassie will make it

By the way I hope you enjoy my fics when you get to read them I am eager to know what you think. :) Would like it if we could be in touc off the site too 

Author's Response:

Thanks for the review.  I'm suprised more people havent commented on the wedding and the labor...its hard to get reviews so I really appreciate your loyalty.. :0



Reviewer: KerenOlivero Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Jan 27, 2014 07:22 pm Title: Chapter 7 THE THINGS YOU'RE DOING TO ME

oh ouch..hope Michael's foot didn't get hurt too badly

I really love how you wrote this. ^^

Reviewer: KerenOlivero Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Jan 27, 2014 05:23 pm Title: Chapter 6 STARTING OVER

I like Cassie's meeting with the children..can see that they have taken to her rather quickly. <3

Author's Response:

You better get reading you have alot of catching up to do. :)

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