Reviews For Shades of Truth
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Reviewer: nellan Signed [Report This]
Date: Dec 19, 2013 03:55 pm Title: CHAPTER XXVII - War

I adore it! Soooooooo funny!!!!!!!

Author's Response:

Thank you lol!

Reviewer: iam_music Signed [Report This]
Date: Dec 19, 2013 03:26 pm Title: CHAPTER XXVII - War

Lmao! What a mess! And Michael think he slick tryna get Jean wet and in a bikini huh? Looks like they just may be friends again. Hopefully neither of them fucks it up again. It's only a matter of time before he asks her to have another movie night with him. The rule is to get wet at Neverland after all.. Lmao. 

Author's Response:

Hey Kat! LMAO! Yes, a real mess! But at least, they are friends again and the awkwardness is gone :)

"It's only a matter of time before he asks her to have another movie night with him. The rule is to get wet at Neverland after all.. Lmao. "

Reviewer: Michaelsbaby Signed [Report This]
Date: Dec 19, 2013 03:07 pm Title: CHAPTER XXVII - War

Wow continue please

Author's Response:

new chapter online

Reviewer: camilleianPYT Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 19, 2013 06:21 am Title: CHAPTER XXVI - Kids

Haha those kids are pure evil. I love it! 

I couldn't stop laughing at "I feel naked without my Dior," I've seen little girls like that here in Manhattan, head to toe designer clothes at age 11 or 12. Who are these people? Even if the parents are rich, I don't get it. When I was that age I couldn't have cared less about clothes!!!!!!!

Funny how they are the only two adults....where are the rest of the employees if it's 'employee day'?

Michael needs to try the old 'yawn and stretch' to get his arm around her during the movie. 

At least they aren't watching awkward sex scenes. Having all those kids around should make it easier for them to talk.

Author's Response:

Hello Camille :))) Haha! I love me some Carly and Romeo too! There are some kids like that in Paris, where I live. The new generation *smh* ... LMAO! Dn't worry, Michael will take note of your review and try that 'yawn and stretch' move later ;-) Thank you for the review and the rate :)

Reviewer: Michaelsbaby Signed [Report This]
Date: Dec 19, 2013 03:55 am Title: CHAPTER XXVI - Kids

I fucking love this PLEASE PLEASE continue

Author's Response:

Thank youuuuuuuu, the new chapter is online :)

Reviewer: xMOONWALKERx Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 18, 2013 11:03 pm Title: CHAPTER XXVI - Kids


Ava has messed up too many times, and she keeps on lying to him. Even about the kids. I hope one day, that she'll for once be real with him about something. :(

Author's Response:

LOL! That would be sweet but I don't think Michael is ready for that lol! Ava needs to stop lying because she seem to forget that at some point, she'll have to tell him the truth and tell him everything!

Reviewer: nellan Signed [Report This]
Date: Dec 18, 2013 10:11 pm Title: CHAPTER XXVI - Kids

great update, girl!

can't wait to read the next part!!!!!!!!!

Author's Response:

Thank you Nellan, the next chapter is here :)

Reviewer: iam_music Signed [Report This]
Date: Dec 18, 2013 09:59 pm Title: CHAPTER XXVI - Kids

Jean looks amazing dahling. She's so damn pretty. And lol at those kids! They are a trip. I hope it's a good day. Jean doesn't need to suck up to him to get his attention, just act normal and things should be fine. She doesn't need to do anything extra.


Author's Response:

Hey Kat :) Jean is such a beautiful girl!! Michael will obviously notice her, she doesn't need t do much, you're right. And the kids are crazy lmao!

Reviewer: April Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 18, 2013 07:41 pm Title: CHAPTER XXVI - Kids

Wait....he is being friendly?!!! Has he forgiven her? I still am wondering why are they the only adults there. I thought the others were coming. Ohhhhhhhhh A TRAP LOL! Can't wait for the next chapter because I am curious on what is going to happen next lol!

Author's Response:

Hey April! Seems like Michael is slowly forgiving her! ;) Thank you for the rate and the review :)

Reviewer: camilleianPYT Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 18, 2013 07:55 am Title: CHAPTER XXV - Cold shoulder

She could literally stand on a street corner for two minutes and find kids wanting to meet Michael. But she needs to be smart about it.......

Since she said she works with kids on the weekend, she needs to actually find some kind of center for disadvantaged youth or something and sign up to volunteer. Or sign up as a 'big sister' to a little girl. Otherwise the kids are too likely to give away the fact that she made it up on the spot. Or find older kids and pay them.

Author's Response:

LMAO! Indeed, she could but she has to me smarter than that! Thank you for the review and the rate :D

Reviewer: ProductOfLoveliness Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 18, 2013 05:52 am Title: CHAPTER XXV - Cold shoulder

Lol I can't believe she told Michael that. I sure hope she can find two kids!! But it's sweet that she would lie like that just to be able to talk to Michael ;) I love it!! As always :)

Author's Response:

Hello Megan! Thank you for the review and the rate. It's always good to have new reader :D

Reviewer: Michaelsbaby Signed [Report This]
Date: Dec 18, 2013 02:57 am Title: CHAPTER XXV - Cold shoulder

I fucking love this PLEASE PLEASE continue

Author's Response:

Thank you :)

Reviewer: nellan Signed [Report This]
Date: Dec 17, 2013 09:56 pm Title: CHAPTER XXV - Cold shoulder

Nice update , girl!

There is others nice things to do to brake the ice...!

Author's Response:

Thank you for the support Nellan :)

Reviewer: iam_music Signed [Report This]
Date: Dec 17, 2013 07:39 pm Title: CHAPTER XXV - Cold shoulder

Jean just keeps diggin the hole for herself chile. Stop being so thirsty for his attention and for him to accept your apology! She said sorry and now she needs to keep it moving and act as if she's unaffected. All that groveling isn't gonna do anything but annoy him even more. And her lying about working with kids damn sure won't help things either! For her sake, I hope she won't get caught in this damn lie. Smh. Maybe she has some younger cousins or something and she can get them to play along.


Author's Response:

Hey Kat! Indeed, Jean is lying more and more and forgets that at some point she'll have to tell th entire truth to Michael. She should focus on her article

Reviewer: April Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 17, 2013 07:37 pm Title: CHAPTER XXV - Cold shoulder

Heck no it isn't!!!!! Lol XD but great book! I love it!! 

Author's Response:

Hello April! I'm happy you like my story :) The new chapter is online :)

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