Reviews For Dirty Diana
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Reviewer: Badgirl Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Jan 18, 2014 05:43 am Title: Chapter 46- Hidden Truth (Bonus Chapter)

Diana è l'unica che può aiutare Michael a togliersi dalla mente Annie. Annie è ingenua a pensare che Michael la ama. Continua per sapere cosa succederà

Author's Response:

Grazie per la lettura!!

Reviewer: camilleianPYT Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 17, 2014 03:29 pm Title: Chapter 46- Hidden Truth (Bonus Chapter)

My panties dissolved at "let the bitch be my slave." Then my jaw hit the floor. Michael sure has one hell of a dark side and is it wrong that I kind of like it?

Poor Annie has no idea who she's dealing with. She's blaming Diana but the real culprit is her 'perfect' boyfriend. I feel bad for her as she is in for a rude awakening. I'm now even more convinced her and Michael are a mismatch and do not belong together. She is a good woman but for someone else. I'm not saying Michael isn't a good person because in many ways he is, but he needs someone better able to handle his complex persona.

As for my girl Diana, well, I'm sure she can handle anything Michael can throw at her. She is very strong and determined, and has had to deal with a fair amount of pain in her life. She has a hidden good side much like his hidden dark side. Maybe they can make each other whole? Or it could go horribly awry I guess we'll have to wait and see. Michael's self destructive tendencies do worry me........especially the mention of drugs. 

By the way I am not a psych major, never took a single psych class in college. 




Author's Response:

No, girl lol. That line he said was sexy, it a twisted way. Michael is very complex and Annie is seeming innocent. We will see what becomes of everybody in the furture. But oh okay, your reviews though are awesome lol. Thanks for reading!!!!

Reviewer: Karoll84 Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 17, 2014 08:13 am Title: Chapter 46- Hidden Truth (Bonus Chapter)

omg i'm adicted to this story

Author's Response:

Omg, girl thank you for being an awesome reader!!!!!!

Reviewer: jazii Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 16, 2014 06:18 pm Title: Chapter 46- Hidden Truth (Bonus Chapter)

Wow, Michael really let out some heavy stuff there. Dr. Donahue was at a total loss for a moment, like ..."wtf?!?!"


Awesome Bonus, girl.


Update soon!

Author's Response:

Michael was tripping wasn't he? lol. Dr. Donahue was, well, speechless lol. Thanks for reading girl!!!!!!

Reviewer: Luckystar456 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 16, 2014 05:35 pm Title: Chapter 46- Hidden Truth (Bonus Chapter)

Annie- Okay, if I were Annie, I would start suspecting too. Women have intuition that can be very powerful. BUT when love is blind, well you can't see, or choose not to see the mess right in front of you just to save the relationship. I see women everyday take men back after cheating (which makes now sense to me). Just watch television and you will see the mess women go thru just to keep a man or dog lol. I mean, I hate to admit, I glance at Love and Hip, the one showing right now and see (even though it is probably faked up, it can relate) women fighting over a man who is just having his cake and eating it too. We do not see what we should see when we are inside the box. Only people outside see the sense in the situation. Yes, Michael is her boyfriend of 5 years and she sees herself with nobody else. He is rich and hella cute, but no woman should go through that. But I see where she is coming from about protecting her feelings to keep the relationship strong. I have been there before. But it is up to her what she ultamatily wants to do

Michael- Woooooaaahhh, that was deep. Michael got a lot going on there.  I am not surprised. He sounded all kinds of complicated in a sexy way lol. Does that even make sense? Some of that acutal feels like what he could think in reality at the time. He was seen as almost an object, a god to some people. He could not live normally and I know he wanted that sometimes. I know for a fact he hated tours because of all the physical stress it takes on somebody, he said it himself. Is Diana prepared for all that baggage? I wonder how much of this Annie knows about. Man, he better watch it. People cheat when they want to try something different but don't realize what they already have. Annie is a good woman with substance. She is somebody you can marry. Diana, yes I love her for the story purpose, but if I were a dude, I would just bang and have my fun. Michael better watch it, Dr. Donahue is trying to warn him what can come out of this?! But hell, it makes the story, so please continue with the dysfuctional aspect of the story.

Diana- Diana is too much lol! Bianca is a cool chick. What was she about to mention? About a CEO than Diana told her to stop? I really want to know what that was about that? Diana is falling for Michael whether she wants to or not. But like Bianca said, she needs to watch her back because this is the enterntainment world. People don't play with that. But man, Diana is a very strong-willed woman and I respect her for that. So for story purposes, yes, I still rock Team Diana. In the real world I would call her a bitch and walk away lol. But please do continue. Lovely chapter. Loved this spin on what you just did! You are a great writer as people have told you. Don't stop! This actually lets me understand the characters more.

I think Annie and Michael would make the perfect traditional family, Diana and Michael... well....But please update like ASAP!!!

Author's Response:

Luckystar,PREACH!!!!! You went in on that and gave some Oprah advice with that one lol. I think many women can relate to this. Being the woman cheated on, or even hell, the woman with the man cheating. It is always two sides, or should I say three. It can become a real sticky situation. Diana is something else lol. I am glad you like this chapter and I really appreciate your review!

Reviewer: MzMichaelJackson92 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 16, 2014 04:56 pm Title: Chapter 46- Hidden Truth (Bonus Chapter)

As I said before I really don't want Annie to leave Michael and let Diana win but then on the other hand after reading this chapter I am beyond furious with Michael Annie is a very nice girl and doesn't deserve what he's doing to her I still say she fights for her's I really don't want to see her give up that easly or at all for that matter.

Author's Response:

Yes, it is a thin line between it all because of their relationship. It is like trying to find that balance. There is a lot of emotion this story can evoke! I completely get what you are saying! Anyhow, thanks for reading my chapter!!!!

Reviewer: Girlisdangerous Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 16, 2014 09:39 am Title: Chapter 45- Anni(e)hilation

Great chapter as always! Team Diana all day!

Author's Response:

Thanks girl:)

Reviewer: SmoothCriminalThrills1234 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 15, 2014 11:18 pm Title: Chapter 45- Anni(e)hilation

I can never catch a break with this story. I love it! Never a dull moment because something is always happening. Michael is just confused with his feelings. Diana always got something to do. Update soon!!! I will pick a team eventually, I am still trying to figure them out, always discovering something new about these people. It sounds so realistic, like I can see these things happens while I read.

Can't wait to see what's in store for all three of them.

Author's Response:

Take your time. Choose wisely lol. Diana is such a busy bee. Micheal don't know what he want lol. But thank you for the compliment. Just posted the next chapter. I am sure you will like it:)

Reviewer: SmoothCriminalThrills1234 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 15, 2014 11:17 pm Title: Chapter 45- Anni(e)hilation

I can never catch a break with this story. I love it! Never a dull moment because something is always happening. Michael is just confused with his feelings. Diana always got something to do. Update soon!!! I will pick a team eventually, I am still trying to figure them out, always discovering something new about these people. It sounds so realistic, like I can see these things happens while I read.

Can't wait to see what's in store for all three of them.

Reviewer: SmoothCriminalThrills1234 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 15, 2014 11:17 pm Title: Chapter 45- Anni(e)hilation

I can never catch a break with this story. I love it! Never a dull moment because something is always happening. Michael is just confused with his feelings. Diana always got something to do. Update soon!!! I will pick a team eventually, I am still trying to figure them out, always discovering something new about these people. It sounds so realistic, like I can see these things happens while I read.

Can't wait to see what's in store for all three of them.

Reviewer: MJJlovers3978 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 15, 2014 06:47 pm Title: Chapter 45- Anni(e)hilation

I will get my own Vaseline and sneakers if Diana even try some nonsense. Michael is such the red-blooded male it is ridiculous. Damn his good looks! Team Annie all the way!

Author's Response:

Oh no! Don't bring out the Vaseline, that is when a chick gets serious lol. Don't let the innocent voice fool you. Michael can get down like the rest of them lol. Second @ his good looks lol! Thanks for reading!!!!

Reviewer: MJJlovers3978 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 15, 2014 06:45 pm Title: Chapter 44- Fight or Flight

I really am not feeling Diana. She needs to lay off other people's men! What is wrong with her?! I do not blame Annie! I was rolling at the pie and when Annie stood her ground. I was like Yes! Let them know who is boss Annie! #Team Annie

Reviewer: Luckystar456 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 15, 2014 01:35 pm Title: Chapter 45- Anni(e)hilation

Diana is starting to form blurred lines. She wants him for his fame but wants Michael to himself. She needs to be careful with that. Damn, what is she about to do to Annie?! Man, I would hate to be Annie dealing with this chick who will not back down. I got to give Diana props though for having so much perseverance. That woman does not back down for nobody!!!!

Author's Response:

We will soon find out what Diana is thinking about. Diana don't stop, will she ever have enough! HAAA!!! Okay, see your silliness is rubbing off on me lol. Thanks for reading!!!!!!

Reviewer: jazii Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 15, 2014 12:14 pm Title: Chapter 45- Anni(e)hilation

Lovelyyy, as always. I remember when this was on mjjboard and crazyovermj :) So glad u brought it back!

Author's Response:

Thank you girl! Always nice to remember a mjjboard fan. *Ahhh, memories*. Those were the days. I need to finsh posting on crazyovermj but I just get busy and only post on this website smh. Need to fix that lol. Thanks for reading though!

Reviewer: camilleianPYT Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 15, 2014 10:18 am Title: Chapter 45- Anni(e)hilation

Great Chapter! I can't wait to see what delightfully nefarious scheme Diana has in store for Annie. 

Poor Michael is a MESS! An adorable mess but one nonetheless. First he's mad at Diana when he has no right to be, then he's making her feel up his erection and spanking her ass, and two minutes later he's talking about taking Annie to the awards. It's like he has multiple personality disorder. I think he's worn a mask for so long that he has no clue who he really is. He puts on this 'perfect gentleman Annie loving' persona and blocks the other parts of his personality out. But the mask can only hold for so long before it bursts. Annie seems to have no clue that he is so complex a being. But he can't hide from Diana which is why she is so effective at seducing him. She is his gateway to self-discovery. When he said to Diana "we are living a lie" I think he should have said "I am living a lie."

Not sure why Michael is shocked by Diana's motives. Diana's intentions have always seemed pretty clear to me. OF COURSE she has ulterior motives. She wants him, plain and simple, and in more ways than she's willing to admit to herself. The thought that "she would not settle for his groupie or some jump-off. She was going to be more than that. His friend, his lover, his confidant" confirms it. She is fooling herself into thinking she is going after him purely for material things, her feelings are involved but she doesn't want to admit it. Like Michael, she is very complex and hides many facets of herself. Cause if they don't know you care you can't get hurt, right?

Diana and Michael are two sides of the same coin.


Author's Response:

The cute one always acting up girl! Lol.  He is confused and don't know what the hell he wants lol. You have a point though. Girl, you major in psychology? I like your analyze lol. I am asking that because I did too (nursing school now) and you sound like a psych major. If not, take that as a compliment lol. If I was a reader, I would probably agree that Diana is forming those blurred lines and is gradually forming feeling. But you right, if one hides it, who will ever know? If the phone rings, but nobody hears it, does it make a sound?! Okay, I will stop! lol. Thank you for reading and great review!!!

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