Reviews For Dirty Diana
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Reviewer: Miss lima Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 29, 2014 12:11 am Title: Chapter 48 - Toxic Passion

Of course it's the lyrics to one of my favorite songs by him (Threatened)

Author's Response:

You guessed it!!!!!! Lol.

Reviewer: MJsPTY80 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 24, 2014 10:26 am Title: Chapter 47- Not If She Stabs You First

Waiting for more.

Author's Response:

About to post more!!!!! lol. Thanks!

Reviewer: Girlisdangerous Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 23, 2014 08:21 pm Title: Chapter 47- Not If She Stabs You First

Loved reading this chapter!!!! It was funny also! Lol

Author's Response:

Glad you liked it!!!! Thanks for reading!!!!!

Reviewer: SmoothCriminalThrills1234 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 23, 2014 09:46 am Title: Chapter 47- Not If She Stabs You First

Annie is wrong for that. It may all eventually come out. And idk, it is what it is but to be fair, it may be adviced for her to give some head lol. Because what one woman won't do, another one will. Can't wait to see what happens!

Author's Response:

Lol...well, I have heard that before and there is truth to that lol. Buuuuut I have also heard women say stick to what you believe in. It depends which side you look at. Annie should have told everything though.

Reviewer: SmoothCriminalThrills1234 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 23, 2014 09:45 am Title: Chapter 47- Not If She Stabs You First

Annie is wrong for that. It may all eventually come out. And idk, it is what it is but to be fair, it may be adviced for her to give some head lol. Because what one woman won't do, another one will. Can't wait to see what happens!

Reviewer: camilleianPYT Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 23, 2014 07:58 am Title: Chapter 47- Not If She Stabs You First

Just when I was starting to sympathize with Annie and warm up to her character she's gone and pissed me off for good. I know I am going contrary to popular opinion here but I can only draw one conclusion: Annie doesn't deserve Michael AT ALL.

I present my arguments:

1) She hit Michael again. She has no right to keep laying her hands on people. I don't care what he did, physical violence is not acceptable. She doesn't even know what he did. Yes, cheating is bad. But he's letting his guilt blind him from seeing how unacceptable Annie's behavior really is. Michael needs to think long and hard about why he's cheating in the first place, I hope he realizes the fact that his girlfriend is abusive and controlling.

2) The fact she lied to him about what really happened in that bathroom. SHE started the physical violence, not Diana. I can understand her motivation in trying to get rid of Diana, Diana is hardly an innocent in all this. Diana deserves any kind of verbal tongue lashing that Annie can dish out. But Annie is the one who made it physical, and then to act all high and mighty and like she is so much better than Diana, when in fact she is just as much of a liar, is BULLSHIT. I can't wait for it to blow up in her face cause she deserves it. I hope there was a security camera in that bathroom and I sure hope Michael sees the video. Even if not, Diana has been nothing but cool and collected in all her encounters with Annie. Annie is the one with the anger problem and who acts like a raving lunatic. If Michael really thinks about it, he'll realize that something is fishy with Annie's story.

3) The fact that she did not return the happy ending to Michael is hypocritical and quite honestly, rude and selfish. I have total respect for anyone who decides to wait for marriage. If that's what she wants to do, good for her. That being said, if you are going to wait that rule needs to apply to both of you. You can't apply that rule only to your boyfriend and not yourself. If you're going to let him eat you out and give you an orgasm, you'd sure as hell better return the favor. Sure she didn't ask him to do it but she let him go ahead with no complaint at all. BUt suddenly her principles kick in when it's her turn to put in work? Fuck you Annie. If the shoe were on the other foot there is no way she would let Michael get away with it. And to make matters worse she's done it in the past with another guy?! If I was Michael, I would be MAD.

God this story has me so angry! Great job, I love how unpredictable it is so far. 

And I'm DONE feeling sorry for Annie. I can't believe that more reviewers don't see how shitty of a girlfriend she is. She treats Michael like a peice of property, not like a human being. She's a complete bitch! As far as I'm concerned, she's made her bed and it's time for her to lie in it. 




Author's Response:

Annie should not have lied though. It may all come back in the end of the day. If she was ready to tell the story and she should have told all of it! And, well I am a fan of the golden rule, do unto others as you would want them to do unto you lol. So, you get my drift?! lol. If Annie does not do it, than some other woman is willing and ready being the celebrity he is. But some women believe that they do not have to do it and the man should wait. I agree, he does not have to do anything than. Some people are okay with that? Idk. We will see how everything works out. And yes, emotion are tested in this story! But let it all out lol!!! Thanks for revewing luv!!!!

Reviewer: Karoll84 Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 23, 2014 05:52 am Title: Chapter 47- Not If She Stabs You First

wow that was good and I know Diana will tell Michael that his girl beat her too

Author's Response:

Thanks for reading!!!! We will see what happens!!!

Reviewer: GemziiGift Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 23, 2014 05:35 am Title: Chapter 1- Characters

Think I'm the only person who doesn't like Annie, she made out that Diana just purposely hurt/threatened her when in reality it was Annie that interrogated Diana first. Secondly, Annie seems quite pompous in a way & there's like a big line between Diana's & Annie's lifestyle.

Honestly, I don't like how Michael has cheated - even if Annie wasn't his girlfrined & it was somebody else, it's still wrong & it just proves for future references that he's unfaithful.

& as for Diana, I really do just think she's messed up due to her childhood. She puts on this fake front acting all tough & macho when in reality I think she's scared & lonely, I really do believe that Diana needs to experience love for her true self to come out & shine.

Why all the hate put on Diana? It takes two to tango so Michael is to blame just as much as Diana. Diana is not the one in a relationship so she has nothing to lose really, whereas Michael should be more thoughtful. He must not love Annie as much as he says he does because if you love somebody, you wouldn't cheat on them. Js

& one last little pointer, I find Annie extremely boring, yawnn. Rant over:)

Author's Response:

Hey there :) And no, you are not lol. Diana is an interesting character that readers will find out more about. And yes, cheating is two people. When people cheat somebody, they do not realize what they are getting into because the get caught up in the whole game. Aw, give Annie a chance lol. But thanks for reading luv:)

Reviewer: GemziiGift Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 23, 2014 05:35 am Title: Chapter 1- Characters

Think I'm the only person who doesn't like Annie, she made out that Diana just purposely hurt/threatened her when in reality it was Annie that interrogated Diana first. Secondly, Annie seems quite pompous in a way & there's like a big line between Diana's & Annie's lifestyle.

Honestly, I don't like how Michael has cheated - even if Annie wasn't his girlfrined & it was somebody else, it's still wrong & it just proves for future references that he's unfaithful.

& as for Diana, I really do just think she's messed up due to her childhood. She puts on this fake front acting all tough & macho when in reality I think she's scared & lonely, I really do believe that Diana needs to experience love for her true self to come out & shine.

Why all the hate put on Diana? It takes two to tango so Michael is to blame just as much as Diana. Diana is not the one in a relationship so she has nothing to lose really, whereas Michael should be more thoughtful. He must not love Annie as much as he says he does because if you love somebody, you wouldn't cheat on them. Js

& one last little pointer, I find Annie extremely boring, yawnn. Rant over:)

Reviewer: Badgirl Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Jan 23, 2014 01:45 am Title: Chapter 47- Not If She Stabs You First

Michael ha bisogno di una donna che lo ami e lo soddisfi sessualmente la donna che può farlo è Diana e no la noiosa Annie. Per favore rendimi felice con il prossimo fai in modo che ci sia una volta e per tutte un confronto tra Diana e Annie e Diana dica ad Annie cosa pensa di lei




Author's Response:
, Diana fa Michael sente eccitato, vedremo quello che Michael e Diana e Annie diventano da tutto questo.

Reviewer: Luckystar456 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 23, 2014 01:29 am Title: Chapter 47- Not If She Stabs You First

Michael is a damn fool with that chicken lol. And he is becoming all kinds of nasty I see. He is slick. Made Annie forget why she was mad. He went a little crazy there because he know he is guilty of lusting and messing with Diana. He better watch himself, Diana is smarter than he thinks. Hoochie, but smarter than meets the eye lol. Loved the chapter!!!! Update soon!!!!

Author's Response:

He better lol...Thanks for reading luv:)

Reviewer: MzMichaelJackson92 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 22, 2014 08:39 pm Title: Chapter 47- Not If She Stabs You First

Lmao at the kfc part michael is silly but still an asshole and Annie still my girl, It's good that she rather wait until marriage that's what you call a woman with respect for herself and her body and has morals which Diana can take a lesson from GO ANNIE! Btw did you send me your email? I couldn't find it.

Author's Response:

Hey girl!!! School got hectic, but I will send an email. Sometimes, my email starts tripping. I will send it again tonight! And yes, Annie do got that traditional morals going on!!!! lol...

Reviewer: MichaelsSecretLover28 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Jan 22, 2014 07:22 pm Title: Chapter 47- Not If She Stabs You First

Im sooo sorry I didnt review yesterday I was sneaking reading it in my college classes Lol Such a rebel lol anyways Im finally excited that michael sees what happened and will be on annies side for once. I respect Annie because she wants to wait until marriage to do those type of things. And that last part confuses me. It says who says cheating was easy. Michael should have known from the start that this was going to turn into an altercation and leading to a blood bath. Michael is pissng me off in some of the chapters whre i just wanna throw my phone on the floor. LOL But amazing chapters all together. KEEP WRITINi 

Author's Response:

Girl, you good lol. Well, what I meant with that part, it was just sarcasm lol. Cheating is not easy and can get messy no matter what happens. And oh no!!! Do not throw the phone lol!!!! Emotions are tested in this story, but it will be okay lol. Thanks for reading girl:)

Reviewer: Ohhthatsjordan Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 22, 2014 05:00 pm Title: Chapter 47- Not If She Stabs You First

Lmfao when michael goes crazy for that chicken though,X) nice way to add comic relief in this chapter , keep it up : )

Author's Response:

Thanks!!! Tried to bring some humor into it!

Reviewer: MJsPTY80 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Jan 18, 2014 06:30 am Title: Chapter 46- Hidden Truth (Bonus Chapter)


Author's Response:

I knoooowwww!!!!! Lol. Thanks for reading!!!!!

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