Date: Dec 21, 2013 06:09 am Title: Chapter 38 - Flaws and All
Something still tells me Diana can not be trusted! However, that should not happen to anyone and that part about Michael seemed realistic.

Date: Dec 21, 2013 06:08 am Title: Chapter 38 - Flaws and All
Something still tells me Diana can not be trusted! However, that should not happen to anyone and that part about Michael seemed realistic.

Date: Dec 21, 2013 06:07 am Title: Chapter 38 - Flaws and All
Something still tells me Diana can not be trusted! However, that should not happen to anyone and that part about Michael seemed realistic.
Author's Response:
Oh no, you gotta trust Diana a little bit lol. Thanks for the compliment. I agree, it shouldn't happen to anybody and I tried to make that part realistic.
Date: Dec 20, 2013 11:59 am Title: Chapter 38 - Flaws and All
AWWWWW *sniff* thats so sad I didnt know that about diana and I agree with michael with the annie thing its like Diana brings out a side of michael that Annie doesnt even know. Amd the music really set the mood it was great! Keep writing!
Author's Response:
Thanks for the feedback on the song choice! And yea, Diana was able to connect with him in a level Annie and Michael seem to not attain. Annie needs to wake up ASAP!!!!!!

Date: Dec 20, 2013 08:31 am Title: Chapter 38 - Flaws and All
Okay, so Diana is actually a sweet person!! Well, in this chapter. I actually felt sorry for her. I really want to know where they are going!!!!!

Date: Dec 19, 2013 08:00 pm Title: Chapter 38 - Flaws and All
Michael is totally going to fall for Diana now. I know it.
And I kinda did get to see a soft side of Diana that I never expected to see. Cause I always thought that she was a bitch. LOL
Anyways, great chapter!! <333
I love 'Flaws and All' by Beyonce!! That song is so beautiful!! :D
I was singing it while reading this chapter. XD
*singing* You catch me when I fall. Except me flaws and all. And That's why I love you....... X3
Author's Response:
YAAASSSS!!!!!! I freaking love that song!!!! Diana did strike a sensitive chord with Michael. Oh, Diana is still Diana, but people have reasons for acting the way they act. That was a glimpse into why. Thank you girl!!!!! I appreciate the love:)

Date: Dec 19, 2013 07:00 pm Title: Chapter 38 - Flaws and All
Omg it's about to really go there soon & Diana's story was sure a tugging at the heart to now I bet Mike is gonna like her more now & surpass her good looks they both sharing stuff now uhh ooh & what about Annie? I feel bad for her tho... she may get annoying at times but she still a good women reguardless, & as for Diana it was so shocking to see another side of her now she may not be that bad of a person like I thought she was lol.... welp anyway I throughly enjoyed all your updates can't wait 4 more! ^_^
Author's Response:
Yea, sometimes people have to see why people act a certain way before passing judgement on them. Annie, I feel bad for her too. She does not deserve that kind of treatment. No woman does. And thank you!!!! I appreciate you reading:)

Date: Dec 19, 2013 01:02 am Title: Chapter 37 - Confessions
This story is slowly taking a dark turn. I love it!!!!! I want to discover the unknown with Diana!!! But at the same time I ask, am I ready to discover what Diana is really about? Omg!!!!! Update now! The love triangle is intertwining!
Author's Response:
We will slowly find out about Diana!!!!

Date: Dec 18, 2013 01:36 am Title: Chapter 37 - Confessions
Michael should listen to Elizabeth! Eliza is giving warning to what can possibly happen. Annie is innocently caught in the middle of this game. The ending was hella deep!! It gave me shivers also!!! Update and please write soon!!!!
Author's Response:
Will update soon! Elizabeth did have some advice for him, lets see if he will take it!!!!

Date: Dec 18, 2013 01:36 am Title: Chapter 37 - Confessions
Michael should listen to Elizabeth! Eliza is giving warning to what can possibly happen. Annie is innocently caught in the middle of this game. The ending was hella deep!! It gave me shivers also!!! Update and please write soon!!!!

Date: Dec 17, 2013 08:01 pm Title: Chapter 37 - Confessions
Damn, Diana HAS a heart. Update soon. Pretty speechless from here on out!!
Author's Response:
She just might lol!!
Date: Dec 17, 2013 05:12 pm Title: Chapter 37 - Confessions
Iiiii dont know I think diana is the spider that pulled michael, the innocent fly into her trap and hes stuck and now im not sure he can get out of it. Didnt in the Prologue it sounded like Diana and Michael are together there and he is telling the story of how it happens.....hmmm im not sure. Lol it'll come to me.... hopefully! Team Annie and Michael on this chapter
Author's Response:
Yea Michael is making this more and more complex. I love your analogies!!! They are great!!!!! And lol, it may come to you lol.

Date: Dec 17, 2013 12:58 pm Title: Chapter 37 - Confessions
Tsk tsk tsk. I knew he couldn't tell the truth. Though I'm glad he didn't, that would spoil all the fun.
Michael just keeps digging a deeper hole. And now that him and Diana are both developing 'feelings' it's only a matter of time till he's inside her holes. He doesn't seem to want to even try to stop it. See this is when people cheat, when they aren't honest with themselves. Sure Annie is "the only love he's ever known" but he doesn't seem to realize that's the problem. He talks about Diana being a drug but Annie is too, she's like a security blanket to him. He loves her, sure. She's been in his life so long that he can't conceive of not having her around. But that's NOT the same as being in love.
I know you think I have no love for Annie, but that's not true at all. I just don't think she's the right woman for Michael. All she seems to do in this story is be insecure, boss him around and nag at him. Let me just put it this way if I had a penis I wouldn't date her. But she certainly doesn't deserve to get hurt like I have a feeling she's going to be...........
Author's Response:
Thank you for taking time for this review! And yea, Michael is not being honest and he is just creating a more complicated situation. And I get what you are saying with Annie. It makes complete sense. You read deep in that love line that I didn't even catch lol! The way you are Annie and Michael is understandable. I will agree that a certain level of comfort is shared between them that is hard for somebody to just up and snatch Michael. Anyhow, thanks for reading hun!!

Date: Dec 17, 2013 12:31 pm Title: Chapter 37 - Confessions
Ugh..Diana..the whore. Lol, I love her as a model, but this story makes me wanna hit her! XD Continue please!
Author's Response:
Hey there!! Thanks for reading, there will be an update soon!!! And oh no! lol, we must have some love for her!!!!

Date: Dec 16, 2013 09:56 pm Title: Chapter 37 - Confessions
Thanks for the dedication! :3
Anywho, Michael should've told her instead of just standing there going down memory lane. lol
Annie needs to know, so she can kick Diana's ass down the well. Diana just gets more mysterious each chapter. She just doesn't know when to stop, does she?
Anyways, awesome chapter girly!!! <3333
Again, thanks for the dedication! That chapter name just came to me when I thought Michael was gonna tell Annie the truth. But he didn't and I knew he wasn't. lol :D
Author's Response:
Thanks girl!!!! I am going to catch up on yours. And yea, it would've been a lot of easier to just admit to Annie!! And yea, Diana is a very mysterious in nature...we will find out more about her as the story progresses....