Date: Sep 21, 2014 05:26 am Title: Chapter 41
If Drew is really sorry he should make it up to Avery by doing an interview in the National Enquirer where he exposes India for the trifling bitch that she is. Or go on ET and talk about their affair. Michael has been painted as the bad guy long enough. And now that India is targeting Avery its time for the gloves to come off.
I too wonder what happened to India to make her this way. Maybe she is a true sociopath and was born evil. t can see her being an evil little girl.
Author's Response:
Hello Camille ;) I agree! Drew needs to do more than feel sorry, he needs to drag India and let the world know what kind of woman she is!
LOOOL! Same! India must have be like the little girl Esther in the movie Orphan when she was a child lol!
Date: Sep 17, 2014 09:43 pm Title: Chapter 41
I can't wait to read about what Avery has planned for India in next chapter. It's gonna be so good to read about her fall from grace, lol. And I'm proud of Avery for standing up for herself against India and putting her foot down with Michael. He needs let Avery handle this and support her.
Author's Response:
Hey Vicki! ;)! I can't wait to write this chapter too, I promise to make it epic ;-) I'm proud of Avery too! Michael needs to stop acting like being pregnant is a disease that makes her need helps constantly! She is a grown woman !
Date: Sep 17, 2014 09:01 pm Title: Chapter 41
Oooo yes Avery. Thanks for updating! Hope you update soo because I'm alil anxious about what's gunna happen next lol
Author's Response:
Hello Nene, the new chapter is here ;)
Date: Aug 21, 2014 11:16 am Title: Chapter 40
Avery should not let India's lies get to her cause she knows the truth about what's going on. India is a sad woman and she's just lashing out cause she can't walk all over Michael anymore. I'm actually surprised that Avery wasn't ready for India to pull a stunt like this to make her look bad in the press. She has no qualms about throwing Michael under the bus so she's gotta do the same to Avery and make herself look good. It's wrong that India is making Avery look bad but she can't hideout at home behind Michael because that will make her seem weak. No she should continue working and go on with her life cause India gone keep talking shit and eventually look like a bitter women in the end.
Naomi needs to stop being stupid and follow her instants. She knows deep down something ain't right about India but is so caught up in trying to help a lost cause. India is going chew her up and spit her out when she's no more use to her and only then will she realize how right Michael was about her.
I love how protective Michael is of Avery but he needs to tone it down. There are medications a pregnant woman can take for nausea that can help Avery and once she improves her eating habits she should be fine. Avery worked hard to get where she is at Runway and quitting her job is a no go. If anything Avery should take maternity leave when she's ready to do so and not because Michael wants her at home. Honestly I would be disappointed if Avery quit her job or let's India get the best of her.
Author's Response:
You're right! It was so predictable of India to spread lies. Avery should toughen up because it might only be the beginning.
Naomi is trying to be captain save a ho but like you said, India only want to use her!
LOOOOL! Michael loves that woman so much he gets worried when she is not around him. But Avery is independent and needs her space! She has to tell him because he probably thinks she doesn't care.
Thank you for the review Vicki! It's been a long time, glad to see you back!!!!
Date: Aug 20, 2014 09:13 pm Title: Chapter 40
-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-India is the pettiest betty in the history of petty bettys. She's like the person who bumps into you on purpose, then glares at you like its your fault. But it doesn't matter, she can try, but she can't ruin my Mavery, I'll take her down myself! XDXD I have a feelin Katherine is either going to really dislike Avery or just grill her all the time when they visit. For pete's sake, India cheats on her son, but she still likes her because she had Wynter. Whateves! You should love Wynter and Michael because they got through dealing with Darth India, and stand by her son. I have a feeling she'll say something dumb like "Maybe you should work it out with India, it'd be good for Wynter." to try to guilt trip him when that would just ruin Wynter. And poor Naomi is being led on, India can choke on filthy socks and stay in a grave full of maggots for all I care, all she does is take advantage of people. Awesome chapter!! Mavery for freakin life! LolXD Good to ser you updating this one, I've been waiting on it. :-)))
Author's Response:
LOOOOL! This is exactly how India is! Let's hope Mavery is stronger than that! Ooh! You know how Katherine is, she only see the good in people. But when she'll meet Avery, I'm sure she is going to wish Michael had Wynter with her! Naomi is so stupid but one day she will learn!
Thank you for the reviiiiieeeewwwwwww
Date: Aug 20, 2014 08:52 pm Title: Chapter 40
Avery just need to laugh at that bitch pleeeeaasse just laugh at her lame thot famous ass! Cause clearly she trynna throw shade in that magazine! So shady! Might as well threw a umbrella at her!! I understand India "wants to be a mother now" *rolls eyes* but does she really have to tell lies in the magazine and stretch the hell out of the truth??!! She a clown!! And I know her acting sucks!!! Lmaooo
Author's Response:
Hey Nene! Thank you for reading this chapter!
"So shady! Might as well threw a umbrella at her!!"
LMAOOO!! India must be mentally sick to lie like this!
Date: Jun 27, 2014 09:41 pm Title: Chapter 38
I just love this story but god do I fucking hate India! I've finally caught up with another story of yours and the other ones are calling my name!
Author's Response:
Hi Brandy :) I'm glad you like this story! If you're going to read my others stories, I want to apologize for the typos. I'm working on it! Thank you for the lovely reviews and the rate girl :D
Date: Jun 27, 2014 09:32 pm Title: Chapter 33
When Avery tried to say she was a man I bought damn near died!! Lmfao!
Author's Response:
LOOOOOL! She is crazy! But like Michael said, if she wasn't pregnant it would have been a more believable lie lool
Date: Jun 27, 2014 07:54 pm Title: Chapter 11
HAAAAA! Yes. She should've been Bernadine #2. YAAASSS
Author's Response:
YYYEES! I would have been epic!
Date: May 05, 2014 05:45 pm Title: Chapter 11
Just started reading this story; already hooked.
Michael's text had me
Author's Response:
LMAOOO! I had to re-read this chapter to know what text you were refering too and this gif is the perfect reaction loool
Date: May 05, 2014 12:12 pm Title: Chapter 39
NaiHOmi is sticking her nose where it doesn't belong. She'd better watch out, India is likely to bite it off.
I'm so cynical all I can think is that this whole 'suicide attempt' is a ridiculous attention grabbing ploy. Although I don't see how it will help her to get custody of Wynter. If anything it just proves how unstable India is.
Can't wait for an Avery/NaiHomi showdown. I hope she punches that self righteous bitch in the face.
Author's Response:
Naomi is stupid if she thinks she is going to change India! She hasn't change since Michael discovered she has been cheating on him with Avery's husband! Why would it change now? And India's plan is not smart at all. You're right, it makes her look unstable!
"Can't wait for an Avery/NaiHomi showdown. I hope she punches that self righteous bitch in the face."
Date: May 04, 2014 08:26 pm Title: Chapter 39
I don't like Naomi assuming that Michael is being cold hearted by asking for sole custody of Wynter. He is always putting his child first and gave India many chances to be there for their daughter. I seriously can't wait for all of this to blow up in Naomi's face cause she shouldn't be sticking her nose in other people's business. And after this little stunt India pulled no judge would allow a kid to stay with a parent who's mixing sleeping pills with alcohol.
Author's Response:
HELLO VICKI! I missed you girl ;-)
You're right! Naomi only listen to India's side of the story because India is playing the victim... If only she knew! But I'm glad Michael doesn't want to talk to her anymore. She will soon understand India is just playing a role!
TBH! I don't think India's plan is smart.!
Thank you for the review girl ;D
Date: May 04, 2014 03:36 pm Title: Chapter 39
I do not trust that skanky charleton named India at all. At. Freakin. All. I completely believe that people can change, India does not wish to. She just wants to keep looking good in the public eyes, and losing a kid will not do so, so she wants to "keep" Wynter. And she's being a >insert mutliple swear words here< for taking advantage of Naomi. -_- Smh smh smh. I'm beyond done with Dark India. But on the bright side, MAVERY LOVEMAKING!!!!!!! XD Super sexy and amazing(like all the sex scenes you write are ^_^} I can't wait til they get married, its gonna be soooooo cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!!!! Excellent chapter!!!!
Author's Response:
India never cared about WYynter and suddenly she does? Michael is right to be suspicious! Naomi should get a clue and quick!
I love this nickname! Mavery sounds so great :D. Already thinking of a wedding loool? I don't know... ;-)
Thank you for the review and the rate :D
Date: Apr 17, 2014 07:06 am Title: Chapter 38
Awww its perfect. It was about time they took the step. They need to tally more top each other.
Author's Response:
YES! They will finally live together with Wynter ;))
Date: Apr 15, 2014 06:27 pm Title: Chapter 38
Ugh. NaiHOmi. Glad Michael told her off. She's overstepping her boundaries Michael is her friend but he isn't her man and quite honestly his relationship with his ex wife is none of her business. His custody arrangements with his daughter are even less of her business. She should support him as a friend and if she were actually interested in being his friend she would but she is more bitter than a wheel of expired blue cheese because he doesn't return her feelings. So India is exploiting this fact and will no doubt exploit her into thinking that Avery is bad for Michael and he needs to be rescued. Or some twisted shit like that. Ugh I am sick of both India and Naomi they both need to take a long walk off a shirt pier. Can't wait for Avery to run into them I don't doubt she will have choice words.
Author's Response:
Hey Camille :D Yup, Naomi needs to know where she stands in Michael's life and after that, it's definitely not as a friend! She lost all her good points with him and once India will have enough of her, Naomi will regret it. But she thinks she is doing something right so can we blame her :(?
Thank you for the review :)