Reviews For Cheaters
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Reviewer: MommaE Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 25, 2015 05:14 am Title: Chapter 51

I've missed this story. Please update sooner!!!

Author's Response:

The new chapter is here :D

Reviewer: Briannasamuels Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 25, 2015 02:38 am Title: Chapter 51

- in all fairness I think joint custody would be the best , yea she done so messed up things and doesn't deserve to have her daughter but at the end of the day lots of children don't have their mother in their lives and in the long run they hurt from it and believer or not but wynter will hurt from it eventually and it's not right to take a child away from a parent because you want to be spiteful and I think that's what's going on hey can still have they little relationship but keeping her mom away isn't a good idea that just hurts their daughter believe it or not , she can play mommy to wynter all she wants but theirs no better connection between a mom and her daughter no matter past mistakes 

Author's Response:

You're right. Michael probably can't see that because he is too upset with India to see it. If India could sacrifice her career for Wynter, or take a break, I'm sure Michael would be less resilient.

The new chapter is here :)

Reviewer: iam_music Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 25, 2015 01:28 am Title: Chapter 51

Avery is the bomb diggity! She handled that testimony like a pro. And with India's outburst, I woulda started cackling out loud right then and there while I was on the stand then sent a nice smirk her way. Like yessssss bitch, your child will think of me as her mama before she even remembers your damn name! Trifling ho. Smh. Anyway, India will lose this case. The proof is in the pudding. She's not fit to be a mother, PERIOD. She's emotionally vacant for anybody that is not herself. That's not maternal qualities at all. As far as Michael, like I said in my last review, he needs to be kissing Avery's ass and she really doesn't need to make it easy for him. Make his ass sweat for a while. He's realizing more and more how much of a catch Avery really is and now his thirst is increasing. Too bad! Let his ass sweat it out. Once the trial ends, give his ass a lot of air. Maybe even go on some dates. Make him pressed for the gawds so he will know that if he ever gets the chance to be with her again, he will act like he got some damn sense and treat her as nothing less than a QUEEN.


Author's Response:

LMAOOOO, India didn't need Avery to look crazy. It's obvious she wants full custody of Wynter for all the wrong reasons. Hopefully, the judge sees that. LOOOL! You want Avery to induce the thirst, Kalliope style? LMAO?

The new chapter is here, enjoy :D

Reviewer: nene147 Signed [Report This]
Date: May 07, 2015 06:58 pm Title: Chapter 50

It's good that Avery and Michael are on speaking terms. Of course Avrey was going to help him out with Wynter's case! Now I can't wait to see what she has to's her turn! India's lawyer better stay in his damn lane! 

Author's Response:

Hey Nene ;) I'm happy Avery and Michael speak too :)

The new chapter is online :D

Reviewer: camilleianPYT Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 06, 2015 01:38 pm Title: Chapter 50

Someone needs to ask Wynter who she'd rather stay with. Cause her answer sure as hell wouldn't be India!

Michael needs to be patient and keep trying with Avery after the trial. All of her actions are proving how much she loves him, he just needs to prove the same to her. I do feel bad for him, its like he has no clue how a healthy relationship is supposed to work and has to re-learn everything. PTSD from India I guess. Now that he's finally got a clue, he can treat Avery better going forwards and hopefully they can rebuild a more solid foundation. They both live each other too much not to try. 

What happened to NiaHomi?

Author's Response:

Hey Camille :) Im sure Wynter wouldn't want to be with sorry-excuse-for-a-mother India either!

Avery is worth fighting for, let's hope this is what Michael does. If she didn't care of him, she wouldn't be testifying!

" PTSD from India I guess."

Naomi will be back, I know you love her betraying ass haha :)

Reviewer: iam_music Signed [Report This]
Date: May 06, 2015 12:37 pm Title: Chapter 50

Yes Avery, stand on yours! Michael needs to do more begging and pleading than James Brown if he thinks she's gonna just come back to him. He needs to be kissing her ASS! It's a damn shame how he's just now saying sorry to her. Smh I can't. I understand he's going through a lot with this custody battle but the very person who he catches attitudes with is the same person who helps his sorry ass. Once this situation is over with, I still want Avery to just focus on herself for a while. Michael still leaves a bad taste in my mouth and he still truly hasn't learned. Avery has been through a lot in such a short amount of time. Her own divorce, losing her baby.. Just too much and Michael's ass had the nerve to be acting bitchy and bratty. BYE to that mess. After she does this for him, she needs to pay him DUST. 

Author's Response:

"Michael needs to do more begging and pleading than James Brown"

I missed reading your reviews LMAOOO! But you're right, Michael needs to change because Avery knows her worth and she won't be afraid to find someone else who will treat her like the queen she is!

The new chapter is here, enjoy :D

Reviewer: Redone Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 06, 2015 12:14 pm Title: Chapter 50

omg I was going to post a gif screaming for more, but then I realized that this was roughly the equivalent and stated much better.

I'm so glad that Avery is standing up for herself. I love how you balance Michael's desire to respect her wishes and his desire to be with Avery. He isn't asking her to compromise herself and he isn't trying to b.s. her. He's persistent but knows that his priority is to be a good dad and win custody.

I'm rather glad they are separate going into this testimony. Now, if asked, she can state that she isn't with Michael (thus lessening the bias a lawyer might argue, exists), and still believes he is the most fit parent. I think the best arguments they have for that are that he provides structure, consistency, attention, and can organize his life around his daughter. They need to give Wynter a say.

Mas, por favor!

Author's Response:

You know what? You post so much Jimmy Kimmel gifs that I read your review with is voice in my head lmao!

Thank you for all your positive feedback :) It's about time Michael gives time to Avery to make up her mind about their relationship. The first time they started as FWB and the second time, he was so insistent that she gave in and said yes. Now it's on her terms!

el nuevo capitulo is online, enjoy :)

And I proofread it!

Reviewer: camilleianPYT Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Feb 22, 2015 08:39 am Title: Chapter 49

I'm glad that Michael is doing some self reflection and realizing that he needs to refocus his anger at the appropriate target: India and not Avery. The root of the entire problem Avery and Michael are currently having is that he let India's past cheating cause him to overreact about Drew. Understandable but inexcusable. Yes Avery should have told him from jump but he should have been able to get over it in a minute. She didn't do anything wrong and was trying to help him. Then despite it all she still comes back to help him and he still treats her like shit? Nuh uh. Girl if that were me I would help with Wynters case for HER sake and once it was settled it would be sayonara for good. He hasn't even apologized! 

I hope they can work it out because they really do love each other and Wynter is now in the middle. And i get that Mike is having a rough time and does deserve some slack. But Michael needs to change big time going forward. Avery has her problems and is far from perfect but he is the cause of this whole mess.

Some of the other reviews are so hard on Avery I have to roll my eyes. I think Michael could have an orgy with a hooker midget in front of her and it would still somehow not be his fault. Lmao. 

Gotta say I usually find I agree with iam_music. She must keep her man IN CHECK lol. Nothing wrong with that. 


Author's Response:

Indeed, it's about time Michael realize that it's not Avery's fault if he is in this situation. She has been too nice and has taken all the blame but now he has to understand that it's enough.

" I think Michael could have an orgy with a hooker midget in front of her and it would still somehow not be his fault. Lmao. "

LOOOL! And like I said on another review, you and iam_music share a connection!

Reviewer: iam_music Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 21, 2015 11:36 pm Title: Chapter 49

Good for Avery for putting her foot down. Now Michael is eating crow and realizing how ridiculous he acted. He made his bed hard, now his ass has to lay in it ALONE. Anyway, I'm glad Melissa is on the case and I hooe she won't let India take Wynter from him. That bitch is not fit to be a mother at all. As for Avery, I know she will be supportive but MICHAEL needs to learn how to act if he really wants a real relationship with her. Period. 

Author's Response:

Yup! Michael thought Avery would take everything just because she feels guilty for leaving him for a month. But no, she had enough!

Reviewer: Redone Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Feb 21, 2015 09:26 pm Title: Chapter 49

jkadfsl;a I love seeing your updates! I'm glad Michael has finally agreed to take action.  I got upset when Avery looked at Michael's tearful face and still left him. I get that she needed time, but I wish it could have been spent talking too one another. Update soon, please <3

Author's Response:

And I love seeing your review more <3 :)

The new chapter is here :DD

Reviewer: nene147 Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 21, 2015 08:45 pm Title: Chapter 49

*sigh* what can I say..michael and Avrey do need a break. They did speed into a relationship. And to win wynter he needs all the dirt on India. India in not even a real mother.  Weak review I did :/ half sleep

Author's Response:

They do need a break, yes :/

Reviewer: iam_music Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 22, 2015 04:33 pm Title: Chapter 48

I agree with Camille. Michael is a big ass wimp and on top of that, an even bigger hypocrite. He really doesn't have THAT much right to be mad at Avery, and she honestly don't need to break back trying to earn his forgiveness. Apologizing once is enough. 

Author's Response:

You and Camille have a mental connection I swear lool

Reviewer: femalien Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 21, 2015 11:49 pm Title: Chapter 48

Well, Avery needs to win Michael's trust again. She left him for no good reason (being an insecure wallflower does not count as reason) and now she expects everything to be peachy perfect just because she came back. She broke his heart...she needs to fix that.

Author's Response:

Hey Femalien! I'm happy you're still reading this :) Thank you for the rate and the review :)

Reviewer: nene147 Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 21, 2015 09:53 pm Title: Chapter 48

Yes please try Avery. Michael...he's still trynna cope with everything..he can never put hisself in Avrey shoes though. He never tries to see it from her point of view

Author's Response:

Hey Nene! Thank you for the review and sorry for the late response :)

Reviewer: Redone Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 21, 2015 08:23 pm Title: Chapter 48

I'm glad he is making her work for this. She can't just disappear like that. Especially not with a child in the equation. I get that she was emotionally overwhelmed, but doing that is...immature and inconsiderate. A miscarriage can either tear a couple apart or bring them together. Those actions were the kind that tear a couple apart.

Author's Response:

Hey Redone! Glad to see you still reading this ;) Thank you for the review :)

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