Date: Sep 09, 2013 07:18 pm Title: Chapter 12
I’m wearing my ugliest PJs and I just ate cheese.
That's my part.
Author's Response:
LMAO! Mine too :)
Date: Sep 09, 2013 07:18 pm Title: Chapter 12
LololXD That last text killed me lololol. Thank you Janet!! I knew you'd know what to say!! See little sis's always knowXD But seriously, Drew And India either need to
1) Walk in on Mike And Avery ohonhonhonhonhon-ning in like, anywhereLol
Orrrrrr Get beatdown by somebody! Anybody! I volunteer!! XDXDXD Hopefully their pain will go away soon, at least they have eachother to *ahem* "vent" with. (XD Simple way to call it) Awesome chapter Madame Annie!! :-)))))
Author's Response:
HAHA! Avery said it would be the last time and she wants to keep her promise to herself ;) Thank God for Janet! :) Thank you very much for the rate and the review Miss :)
Date: Sep 08, 2013 06:23 pm Title: Chapter 11
Yay Janet! I hope she and Avery hit it off. Hopefully she can talk some sense into Michael about that bitch India.
I can't believe he is still considering taking her back. He can do so much better.
I bet that Michael and Avery get it in next time they see each other. Last time my ass.
Author's Response:
I can't wait for Janet and Avery's meeting!!!!
You know Michael is sprung, it might believe that just a bad time in their relationship :/
LMAO! Don't you believe Avery? She said it'll be the last time !!
Thank you for the review and the rate :D
Date: Sep 08, 2013 01:19 pm Title: Chapter 11
Mmhmm....they both catchin feelings!! Glad to know that Janet can't stand India..hopefully that means she'll just love Avery!
And the gif....LMAO!!!
Author's Response:
Little sister always know the truth lol! :) Thank you for the review and the rate :D
Date: Sep 08, 2013 06:29 am Title: Chapter 11
AWWWWW YEh!! That "Waiting to Exhale" gif was so. Freakin. Awesome. Avery needs to check out that movie. Lol Finally some good ideas from Kidada! XDXD Just kidding Kiddada and Avery, I adore you both. I just think a nice (XD As you said, a body party) tape with a note that says "With Love, You Cheating Swine" . XD Mike's an artist after all. But I get it they're both still crazy in live with their cheating swines. But I do hope they get over it and admit they fall for eachother and MAKEA THE BABIES!!! XDXDXDXD I know I keep saying thatXDXD but that's for later and for you to pick out miss fantastic author. Great chapter!!!! :-))))))!
Author's Response:
Hey ;) I know Angela Basset was badass in this movie! LMAO, you really want them to send a sex tape to Drew and India lol! I don't know about he babies yet...
Date: Sep 07, 2013 12:25 pm Title: Chapter 10
Wow that was hot!
Those two are already catching feelings BIG TIME. And you know it's only going to get worse......
Soon they will not be able to stay away from each other. I just hope that Drew and India walk in on them while they scream each other's names.
I laughed my ass off at 'Anytime' again. And at Michael commanding her to strip naked. They are a MESS.
Author's Response:
LMAO! Y'all want India or Drew to walk in on them. That would be a freaking mess! Michael is hawwwt
Date: Sep 07, 2013 05:23 am Title: Chapter 10
LOL....these two are tryin too hard to not catch feelings!
This was such a hot chapter! And the Maestro gif...Lawd have mercy!! *drool*
Author's Response:
Michael in Ghosts >>>>>>>>>>>>>
Date: Sep 06, 2013 06:25 pm Title: Chapter 10
So haaaaaaaaaaawt!!!! I mean, dang! Mike and Avery got it ON!! XDXD They'ee totally in love, XD If only they knew. Ah well, theu'll find out soon enough. Lol Can't wait for Drew or India to walk in on them. Moment of the millenium! XD And I love the Ghosts gif! One of my all time favorite MJ videos ever. Anywhooooo, excellent chapter as usual Miss Annie! :-))))
(P.S As for Avery being on the pil, meh.lolol Yeah maybe she could you know "forget to take it" lolXD The that'd be a whole new set of drama.)
P.PS "And get naked, I'm not done with the painting"
Best. Line. Today.
Author's Response:
LMAO! You really want Avery to forgot her pills, right! I don't know... I'll see what I can do ... ;)
I love this gif! The best lol
Date: Sep 06, 2013 06:24 pm Title: Chapter 10
Oooooo lmao they are so perfect together
Author's Response:
They are so cute :)
Date: Sep 03, 2013 07:19 pm Title: Chapter 1
Damn.... I'm pulled into this already and it's just the first chapter!
God, I love you Annie.
Author's Response:
I'm happy you're reading this too!
Love you too Sunni :)
Date: Sep 03, 2013 01:08 pm Title: Chapter 9
I love how you have Janet in all your stories girl, can't wait for her appearance in this one.
You completely fooled me with the opening, I thought Avery was actually going ham on India. I was so disappointed to see it wasn't true!
Michael is BOLD as fuck in this story. I like it. Not only the "Now we fuck" line, but now he's all like "strip and let me paint your body." LMAO. Reminds me of that line from Chapelle's show: "Bitch, show me your titties." Need to think of a nickname for this Michael......Dirty Michael? Pimp Michael? Dom Michael? LOL.
Author's Response:
You need to know I am OBSESSED with Janet. When people talk about her, it's taking everything in me not to breaks out in military style choreography like in Rhythm Nation. She is the Queen!
Aww, I'm sorry lol. I couldn't let Avery hit India like this. But her revenge is close! :)
OMG! From the "I'm Rick James bitch!' skit right? lmao! Love this man!
Date: Sep 03, 2013 12:43 pm Title: Chapter 9
I'm so done with Micheal and Avrey lmaooo he wild
Author's Response:
I love me some bold Michael :)
Date: Sep 03, 2013 10:45 am Title: Chapter 1
Oh yeah, lol I'm feelin a preggers Avery coming soon. XD Then again idk, I'll have to see.
Aaaaaanwho, awesome story! :-)))))
Author's Response:
Awww, but Avery is on the pills! But who knows. She might forget to take it...
Date: Sep 03, 2013 10:40 am Title: Chapter 9
PAINT HER LIKE ONE OF YOUR FRENCH GIRLS MIKE!!! XDXDXD Sorry couldn't resist. Lol I love how Avery was like fighting India (and winning I might add) all in her mind. Seems pretty legit lol. Yay! More lovemaking. In this case its not "cheating" its "healing their souls" and Avery and Mikey need some healingXDXDXD. Great chapter!!!
Author's Response:
IT TOOK ME 3 MINUTES TO GET IT. TITANIC lmao! I saw it in French wo I didn't understand immediately lol. I also think Avery would have won if they had fight. But hey, it might happen... ;) I think it's too early to call it lovemaking but they are definitely having a lot of gun together! It's like... A body party lmao.
Date: Sep 03, 2013 10:29 am Title: Chapter 9
I was disappointed to find out India hadn't really got what's coming to her! LOL
I hope Michael's attitude about Avery just being someone he's fucking with changes and soon!
Author's Response:
Aww, I'm sorry! But trust me, Avery would have won this fight anyway lol! Michael is still in love with India, it might take more than sex to make him change his mind about Avery. But who knows?