Reviews For Waiting to Exhale
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Reviewer: BestOfJoy Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Oct 25, 2013 07:35 pm Title: Chapter 19


Annie girl. I love you ya but isnt that suppose to be Godfrey.

Author's Response:

OMG, yes! LMAO! Too many stories, I am mixing everybody lol

Reviewer: iam_music Signed [Report This]
Date: Oct 25, 2013 02:12 pm Title: Chapter 19

Oh get the fuck outta here already! Enough is enough! I'm sick of this ugly ass, big chinned, Elvis face bitch, and I'm equally as tired of Michael's simp, cowardly, sorry narrow ass. I have fucking HAD it. Kaya seems to be a very sharp child so I hope she will put Lisa on blast and tell Michael that she has seen her ugly hard faced ass before. Enough is enough, I can't even read this again until the damn truth comes out. All this lying, fake ass acting, retarded ass guilt. I've had enough. 

Author's Response:

She is not on the next chapter. I think y'all needed a little break from Lisa lol :)

Reviewer: camilleianPYT Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 14, 2013 08:35 am Title: Chapter 18

That's what you get Michael. This is all a direct consequence of YOUR actions. I don't feel sorry for you at all. Time for you to feel some of the pain you've caused Jill you selfish asshole.

Still smdh at Michael. I am beyond done with his ass in this story. I hate Lisa in this story too but at this point, she's the only one he deserves. And is he seriously wondering why Jill is being standoffish towards him? Seriously? Cause if so he ain't too smart. He should be grateful she's even letting him into her house after what he put her through. I wouldn't be nearly as civil in her position. And she's right, what is there to talk about? Other than Kaya, NOTHING.

Jill needs to hurry up and fuck Godfrey. It ain't right that the last penis she saw was Michael's time to erase that. I don't care if Godfrey is a mafia don at this point, or a pimp, anyone is better than Michael. I hope she ends up happy with Godfrey while Michael is miserable and alone. That would be the perfect end to this story.

Author's Response:

Hey Camille :D Everybody agrees that Michael deserves what he gets. He will have to earn the title of father. I think Michael honestly believe that everything will go back to normal with Jill but unfortunately no...

Let's see how this story end, I have a tons of idea for it :)

Reviewer: VickiJ Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 06, 2013 04:29 pm Title: Chapter 18

Oh my god! Jill has too many men in life right now trying to tell her what to do. I don't like it when boyfriends try to tell a woman how deal with their baby daddy's. If she wants to be friends with Michael for Kaya's sake then she should. So this is strike one against Godfrey in my book. Alexander is ass for pulling that shit in front of Michael so this is strike two for him, one and he's out. Mostly I blame Jill for this cause she lets Kaya call him daddy. 

Author's Response:

Hey Vicki! I agree with you! Jill doesn't need Godfrey consent to deal with Michael. Godfrey should support her, whatever her decision is. Alexander is very intrusive but deep down, this is for Jill's good. But his move was petty. He knew Kaya would call him Daddy.

Thank you for the review and the rate

Reviewer: sammisweetheart Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 05, 2013 09:21 pm Title: PART 1

Ah, this story is amazing too. If you're not a professional writer, then you should be. I love your style, and the storyline never ceases to surprise me. Love love love this :) update soon! ♥ 

Author's Response:

OMGGGG!!!! Thank you! I would love to be a writer :)

Thank you for the lovely review and the rate :D

Reviewer: iam_music Signed [Report This]
Date: Oct 02, 2013 03:31 pm Title: Chapter 18

Jill is a bad bish. She basically has two men after her, Alexander and Godfrey. But I'm team Godfrey all the way. Alex has no right to be eavesdropping on her phone calls. He's not her man or the father of her child, or anything else for that matter. Anyway, I'm still not here for Michael's ass so I feel no kinda way at all about Kaya calling another man daddy. Oh well. That's a title he will have to earn over time. All he did was get Jill pregnant then left her again to stay with his ugly wack ass wife. Speaking of that Trollop stank loose cooch ho, funny she would suggest an ET doll. I hope it comes out that she's seen Kaya before and that she figured she'd like ET. Just put it out there that she knew of Kaya's existence long before Michael's sorry ass did. And Jill needs to stop guilt tripping herself. What's done is done already. She doesn't owe him a damn thing. He's seeing his child so that's good enough. I want her to focus on her man Godfrey. As fine as he is, she def needs to give him a try in the bedroom!!! And they love each other, all the better. Alex needs to get a damn life.


Author's Response:

Hey Kat :) I am back with the story, finally lol! haha, everybody wants some of that cake, cake, cake, cake. I think Alexander is just trying to protect Jill and Kaya but he come off very intrusive. Godfrey is becoming a little bit too controlling too! Telling her what to do and everything... LOL, Michael can stay forever pressed. Like you said, he will have to learn this title.

Haha! Not now, I have something in mind. It'll be very interesting. Lisa won't get away that easily ;)

Reviewer: Rizzo87 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 16, 2013 05:36 pm Title: Chapter 17

I hope at some point Lisa accidentally blurts out that she knew about Kaya. That way Michael will know she hasn't changed a bit and Jill won't feel responsible for ruining their relationship. WIN WIN!! :p

Author's Response:

Hey girl ;D That would be funny lol. But I don't think Jill will do it... Maybe later ;) Thank you for the review and teh rate :)

Reviewer: camilleianPYT Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 15, 2013 10:17 am Title: Chapter 17

OK Annie please get rid of Lisa already. Enough with her and her bullshit.

She's really dug her own grave hasn't she? I wish I could push her in it at this point. Every chapter with her in it makes me so angry. 

Author's Response:

Lisa needs to be kicked out of this story in a memorable way ... Not saying more ;)

Thank you for the review and the rate ;D

Reviewer: camilleianPYT Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 15, 2013 10:17 am Title: Chapter 17

OK Annie please get rid of Lisa already. Enough with her and her bullshit.

She's really dug her own grave hasn't she? I wish I could push her in it at this point. Every chapter with her in it makes me so angry. 

Author's Response:

Oops, double review lol :)

Reviewer: iam_music Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 14, 2013 11:42 pm Title: Chapter 17

Aw hell. I'm so fuckin done. This lying ass, big chin, Elvis in drag lookin bitch. And Michael's gullible retarded, simp ass is on my last nerve too. I hope Jill tells his stupid ass that his wife saw Kaya and thought that she told him. I hope that shit epically slips out. I'm sick of everybody involved. 

Author's Response:

Hey Kat :) ! Well, keep on reading ;)

Reviewer: AppleheadJax Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 14, 2013 11:21 pm Title: Chapter 17

Oughhh Lisa ruins my mood EVERYTIME x_x oh God, Annie you manage to do it everytime. 

Oh, I noticed something; is Jessica from this story, the same woman as Avery from Cheater??

Much LOVE!

Shinie xx

Author's Response:

Hey girl! Oh no, Jessica from this story is Jessica White and Avery is a girl I found on instagram lol :)

Reviewer: camilleianPYT Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 07, 2013 12:14 pm Title: Chapter 16

Jill should let it slip that she ran into Lisa recently. Not that Jill should give two shits about his feelings or relationship but if he is married to some bitch who wants to pretend Kaya doesn't exist, that's a problem.


Author's Response:

Maybe Jill shoud... But where's the fun in that? I'm pretty sure Jill will know how tu use this against Lisa at some point ;)

Reviewer: melissmjj1 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Sep 07, 2013 08:54 am Title: Chapter 16

=O oh my God!! he found it out!!

Author's Response:


Reviewer: Rizzo87 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 07, 2013 08:21 am Title: Chapter 16

I'm so glad Michael knows about Kaya!! He'll be a wonderful father, but he better not expect to be forgiven by Jill so easily. Yes, she messed up, too, by not telling him about his daughter, but he better be understanding about why she didn't tell him. The thought of seeing him after he hurt her the way he did would've been too painful! Michael's gonna have to work his ass off if he wants her forgiveness and hopefully, eventually, they can be together again. I can't wait for him to find out that Lisa knew he had a daughter and didn't tell him. That'll definitely be the last straw and hopefully he'll kick her to the curb!! Great chapter, love!! xoxo

Author's Response:

Michael needs to be in Kaya's life, not in Jill's one. I know Jill let him know that he isn't forgiven yet! I can't wait for that part too!!!!! Thank you for the review and the rate love ;D

Reviewer: BestOfJoy Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Sep 06, 2013 08:53 pm Title: Chapter 16

Damn something is gonna happen and it's gonna be bad.

Author's Response:

Well, it won't be pretty :S

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