Date: Mar 19, 2014 12:56 am Title: Chapter 2
Damn.. Just played her like that?? Really?? That's so fucked up.. I'd be mad as fuck to. Still sexy as hell but i'd probably say that to.
Author's Response:
Poor Jill :(
Date: Mar 18, 2014 10:40 pm Title: Chapter 28
I'm glad Michael grew some balls and told Lisa and that ho Yasmeen the hell off! This is so crazy that everybody is out to hurt Jill but I'm glad Godfrey told the truth. I think he's genuine and he does care for Jill, even though he fucked up. I'm really speechless at the amount of fuckery that's happening right now. Yasmeen needs her ass kicked for calling Jill a whore. The NERVE. The person she was representing was the whore because he was the one who was married and lying!!!! The only innocent party is Jill and that sweet little girl Kaya. I'm just floored at all this. And michael is trying to be all noble for once but he can have a seat too, talkin about she should find a man who won't betray her.. The irony. Anyway, I feel bad for Jill. The girl just can't win. And Michael needs to spend a good time being single and being a father to his child.
Author's Response:
This is finally over they can now focus on Kaya and drop the others like a bad habit. Godfrey defintely care for Jill but let's see if its enough for Jill. And Muchael.,, youll never forgive him looool! The new chapter is online!

Date: Feb 25, 2014 06:43 pm Title: Chapter 27
What in the world is going on? I have so many questions. I don't know what to think. Please update soon. By the way, what's the real name of the guy who plays Godfrey?
Author's Response:
All your questions will be answered ;) Thank you for the review and the rate.
Godfrey's real name is Godfrey Gao!

Date: Feb 25, 2014 07:39 am Title: Chapter 27
Michael needs to get unconfused fast. There is no question as to what he needs to do. He needs to drive down to wherever Lisa is and smack her clear across the face. I never condone violence but this is a rare exception, the only exception, where I've ever thought it would be justified for a man to hit a woman. He needs to slap her, choke her out, throw her on the floor and give her a roundhouse kick in the stomach for good measure to make sure any potential fetuses she's carrying are aborted, then file a restraining order AND let her know he will sue her if she ever goes near Kaya or Jill again. I know I sound extreme but it is time to put this bitch down once and for all. That woman has ruined his life long enough. And if he truly cares for Jill or Kaya he needs to put his money where his mouth is, man up and take control of the situation once and for all. At this point whether he tells Jill or not is irrelevant to me but he can't keep letting Lisa get away with her bullshit, she will end up hurting Jill and Kaya. She's already hurt Jill by making her think Godfrey is cheating on her. Michael brought Lisa into Jill and Kaya's life, he's is by no means responsible for her actions but his own actions have indirectly caused all of this, so now he needs to fix it.
Something is seriously sketchy and wrong with Yasmeen. Alexander is also acting majorly sketchy....I don't think they're dating at all. They are plotting something that they don't want Jill to know about. Just a theory but I think I'm right!
Author's Response:
I bet this is what Michael would love to do but a restraining order will be enough I think! You're right, Michael needs to man up and make sure this is the last time something like this happens! Kaya is his priority and this is what he needs to show Jill.
You mght be right about Yasmeen and Alexander... I guess you'll have to read the next chapter to know :))

Date: Feb 25, 2014 07:19 am Title: Chapter 27
Aww Michael poured his heart out to Jill discreetly yet not so discreetly. That was sweet abd smooth of him. I hope Jill gives Mike a chance.
Author's Response:
That was cute, yes :( thank you for the review and the rate :)
Date: Feb 24, 2014 08:38 pm Title: Chapter 27
*the. Damn iPhone
Author's Response:
autocorrect is the devil
Date: Feb 24, 2014 08:38 pm Title: Chapter 27
Damn Godfrey is fine! Jill needs to focus on keeping that man, and make sure he's telling her the truth. I hope whatever that needs to be said comes all from him and not Michael. Especially if it's regarding that trifling ass Elvis Marie. Ugh. Anyway, Jill surely doesn't need to be concerned about who Michael finds attractive. Girl bye. This is the same man who you didn't know was married and was cheating on his wife with you. Who gives a damn if he thinks the publicist is attractive.. Smh. Anyway, I hope Godfrey isn't the villain here. We need to answers Sway! Somebody needs to be doin the education.
Author's Response:
LMAO! Even if she is with Godfrey, she can't help but being a little bit jealous. She hides it, but her feelings for Michael are coming back and it's not helping he is always here!
"We need the answers Sway!" OH NO, YOU DIDNT!!! LMAOOOO!!!!!
Date: Jan 28, 2014 05:46 pm Title: PART 1
oh btw, I don't know if anyone else noticed this. Alex spent so much time trying to talk Jill into marrying him and letting Kaya be his daughter. He is also tripping about Godfrey, which although he didn't seem to have much proof of anything before Michael heard the phone conversation, he was adamant that something was wrong with Godfrey. I find Alex questionable right now, that he would be seen with Yasmeen. How long has he known Yasmeen? If he had known Yasmeen for sometime then why is he trying to push up on Jill and interfering with Michael and his child? Why is that Yasmeen who has connections to Michael is also connected to Jill through Alex. Like I said there a lot of "coincidences" in this story that keep me asking questions. Godfrey is a suspect right now and so is Alex.
Author's Response:
Great analysis but you'll have to read the following chapters for answers ;))
Thank you for the reviews!!!

Date: Jan 28, 2014 05:33 pm Title: PART 1
I'm not on the Hate Michael thing with this one. What Michael did in the beginning was not right and I was not happy with him for that. But it was 3 or 4 years ago, Jill forgave him. They have a daughter now. Michael has every right to want to be there for his child. I like the fact that Jill is supportive of that, but am not happy she allowed her daughter to call another man daddy when she knew she wasn't going to be with him. She is the reason Alex is pressuring her. As far as Michael hitting on the publicist, I say "way to go Michael". Jill and Michael are not together and although he may still be in love with her, he has respected her enough to let her move on and he has also taken responsiblity for his actions. Michael's words are proof of this: “Jill is a beautiful woman, intelligent, passionate, funny and generous. Kaya is an amazing little girl. So no, I don’t it’s strange a man would fall for her” Michael grunts “Matter of fact, he is lucky” Michael adds “Like you, the fact that Jill has a man in her life makes me... Ugh! It doesn’t matter. She is happy! Let her be happy!” and “Listen, Alexander” Michael says “I understand why you have doubts because you’re like... Jill’s big brother. You want to protect her and that is great but... You have to understand I have no room to tell Jill who she can or can’t date” This shows that although Michael may not be happy that she's with someone else, while her friends downed Godfrey, Michael was man enough to be supportive of her decision. Michael chose to step back and be friends with her. So therefore regardless of his feelings, he may be going through a divorce (Which Lisa is really bogus for what she is doing to him), but he has a right to move on as well. If the publicist says No, move on and ask someone else. As far as Godfrey, he is not off to a good start and when Jill find out I hope she makes him work for her trust again. oh and another thing this story is full of "coincidences" Alex and Yasmeen? I worried. I have a feeling there are more secrets then we know of.
Author's Response:
Hey SineMJ :D I agree with what you are saying. Michael is trying to change, Jill supports it and their focus should be on Kaya's happiness! It was wrong to let Kaya call Alexander "Daddy" but the more present Michael will be, the easier it will be for Kaya to realize her real daddy is Michael! And for Michael trying to move, I think you're the only one who isn't mad lol. As long as he is a father for Kaya, respects Jill and ask for her forgiveness, I think he has the right to move on. He has the feeling it will never happen with Jill so why does he have to be alone for the rest of his life?
"oh and another thing this story is full of "coincidences" Alex and Yasmeen? I worried. I have a feeling there are more secrets then we know of. "

Date: Jan 27, 2014 11:34 am Title: Chapter 26
Wow just when I thought I couldn't dislike Michael anymore he's hitting on his publicist and asking her out for dates when he supposedly "loves" Jill so much? Asshole, goodbye. Not to mention the fact that he's barely finished with Lisa's trashy ass, the leftovers aren't even cold yet and he's already lining up for the buffet.
That man deserves nothing less than to be completely celebate for YEARS while everyone else around him is happy and in a relationship. Not trying to line up another relationship for himself when he still has feelings for the mother of his child. What is he trying to do, repeat what he did to Jill to someone else?
He's still far too selfish for my liking.
Author's Response:
Oh, hitting on Yasmeen is not what I would call him. We all know Yasmeen is desperate for company, so it was Yasmeen like it could have been Bubbles lol. Michael knows he can't have Jill, but it doesn't mean he has to stay alone all his life.
"What is he trying to do, repeat what he did to Jill to someone else?" I agree with that. Maybe he shoudld take some time before jumping to another relationship because that's not cute!
Thank you for the review, the new chapter is here:)
Date: Jan 25, 2014 12:16 pm Title: Chapter 26
Sigh. Every time Jill brings up what Michael did to her, it makes me hate him all over again. Smh. I will never feel sorry for him and what he's going through with that ugly bitch Elvis doppelgänger because he hurt a good woman in the process. And I'm glad Jill let him know what he's missing out on. He could've had the wife and kids he always wanted, but he fucked that up and now he will suffer the consequences and watch another man make Jill happy, and maybe even get it! Speaking of said man, we need to really know what's going on with Godfrey. And lol at Yasmeen and Alex. Everybody has someone except Michael. Good! He needs to be alone for a long while.
Author's Response:
I have no idea what "doppelgänger" means but I take it as shade u_u/. Ooh, poor Michael. Everybody is happy but him and Godfrey is more and more mysterious! Thank you for the review, the new chapter is here :D

Date: Jan 06, 2014 03:10 am Title: Chapter 25
Update update update!
Author's Response:
Date: Jan 05, 2014 12:27 pm Title: Chapter 25
Is Elvis Marie is paying Godfrey I swear she needs to be murdered. I am so sick of her lying manipulative ugly ass. Why can't Jill have happiness?! Damn! It's nauseating at this point. I think Godfrey loves Jill but he's caught in a bad situation and wants out of it now since he's really found love with her. And FYI, I just don't believe Michael loves Jill. I just don't see it. It's not genuine to me. Anyway, I hope Godfrey can get out of whatever deal he's made with the damn devil. I want Jill to be happy for a change dammit! Smh
Author's Response:
Maybe it's LMP, maybe it's not her...
I agree with what you are saying about Godfrey. But now let's see if Jill loves him enough to forgive him.

Date: Jan 05, 2014 11:41 am Title: Chapter 25
It has got to be Lisa that's paying Godfrey. If so, that bitch needs to suffer. She is due more karma than just Michael divorcing her. Public humiliation, perhaps? Or you could still go with my getting hit by a truck idea, but only if you promise to finish her off. Hate her so much.
If Godfrey truly loves Jill like he says I hope he is a better man than Michael and tells her the truth about whatever he is hiding. Maybe it's bad but if they mutually love each other enough it can probably be overcome. This is where Michael failed. If he had just confessed everything to her and left Lisa I'm sure she would have eventually forgiven him. The fact is he didn't love her enough to do this. Sure he regrets it big time now because he obviously made the wrong choice but it still doesn't change the fact that he didn't love her enough when it counted. She deserves someone who will. I hope Godfrey proves himself to be this person.
Author's Response:
Hello Camille :D
Maybeeeeee, who knows?
Now it's up to Godfrey to make a better decision than the one Michael made. And let's hope Jill will forgive him too. I mean, if she can forgive Michael and agree to have him in her life again, I don't see why she wouldn't forgive Godfrey:

Date: Dec 16, 2013 03:33 pm Title: Chapter 24
I'm getting a bad vibe about Godfrey but I really hope it's wrong. Jill deserves to have a good guy who truly loves her. She's dealt with enough bullshit for one lifetime already.
And a screaming woman on the phone? 50 bucks says it's Lisa. Maybe Godfrey is her lover and she is getting him to murder Jill. Or she's paying him to date Jill and distract her from Michael. Something super evil I'm sure. Can I request a Lisa death scene in this story? Maybe a vivid description of her getting hit and run over by an eighteen wheeler........
Still vehemenently anti-Michael. Even though the scene where Kaya was doing his hair was absolutely sickeningly adorable, I'm just gonna pretend it didn't happen for the sake of keeping the hate alive.
Author's Response:
Hey girl! Godfrey is kind of mysterious but it might be nothing... or something bad! You'll know on the following chapters! AWWW, don't ignore this cute moment lmao. Kaya and Michael and adorable!! Thank you for the review and the rate The next chapter is finally here :D