Date: Jul 23, 2013 03:32 pm Title: Chapter 1: Me, Myself, and I
I know he didn't touch that delusional skank but this situation may just work out to his pervy advantage. I think Cadi's about to mark her territory.
Author's Response:
(Sorry if the pic doesn't work lol) anywho! Chapter 30 is up soon. She may just do that and I don't think Michael would mind one bit! Thanks for reading! Love ya.
Date: Jul 23, 2013 01:19 pm Title: Chapter 2: The New House
" if its true that I have a hugh dick, Im sorry baby its true" Hahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!! I swear I wanna smack Mike silly ass. LOL
Author's Response:
Lol! I loved that part. I know right he's so Pervy! Thank you for reading love ya!
Date: Jul 23, 2013 06:49 am Title: Chapter 29: I'm sorry babe, it's true.
Hahahaaaa cant wait for next chapter!
Author's Response:
Next chapter after a nap lol. Thanks for reading girl Love ya!
Date: Jul 10, 2013 11:41 pm Title: Chapter 28: This Bitch Is Going To Blow My Cover
He didn't touch ha nasty axk!!!!
Author's Response:
she seams to disagree.
Date: Jul 10, 2013 07:29 pm Title: Chapter 28: This Bitch Is Going To Blow My Cover
oh hellllll nawwww! this is so damn twisted! lol tori , cadi, mike are such an unlikely pari ehhh? tori aint no punk. she will layy yahh asssss ouutttt.. xD that lil triflan lisa girl ygots tah go. with her ratchet selllllfff.. how can she be pregeant with michael's baby... to my knowlege they barely by each other. unless lisa is the girl who made cadi mad because of cheerleading icidennt. ir ramble too muchh. o.o anyways good chapther lizzy..
Author's Response:
They are like the outcasts lol! You've got Micahel the pervy dude, Cadi the sweet girl, Tori...The bitch and yeah. I know she's like "You gon' learn today!" Lol yeah she is, in the chapter ANd it's all because of Barbie I said that junk lol. Maybe if you think about it you can put this chapter together and see where the next one is going... Thanks girl! Love ya.
Date: Jul 04, 2013 09:20 am Title: Chapter 27: Death
OH SNAPPPP! That Asshole mannn! he need to go on somwhere with the violence shizz.. bruh need to realises this aint no MMA shiittt... and i bet joesph sisnt even care that he sent his one child to the fucking hosptial. SMFHHH... goood chapter grill....
Author's Response:
IKR! Thanks for reading girl...Even if Joseph is an asshole. Love ya.
Date: Jul 03, 2013 10:49 pm Title: Chapter 27: Death
Ohhhhh shit that just blew my got damn mind. Whoa im sorry but Michael need to learn how to fight. Aww my poor mikey mouse.
Author's Response:
He gon' learn today! Alright, Alright, Alright! Thanks for reading T love ya!
Date: Jul 03, 2013 10:44 pm Title: Chapter 27: Death
Oh no! I hope Michael is OK.
Author's Response:
I think... He's dead..........Or is he DUN DUN DUN! Lol that cat xD Thanks for reading! Love ya!
Date: Jun 28, 2013 09:32 pm Title: Chapter 21: I'M BACK BITCHES!
ohh myyyy gosh i cant believe Arcadia is an angel! ahahahahaahaha michael is so nasty with his dirtty little thoughts! they are t/ooooooooo cute for each other mann! Lol Michael Gon learn today not to touch Michael's daughter unless he wants a good beat down. justt jokinnng. isaiah doesnt seem like the kind of dude to do that. or doess he?? Dun Dun Dun! i loved it Girl!
Author's Response:
Oh snapple right!? I know everytime I write these chapters I'm like "They are going to think I am one weird kinky bitch writing these things." Eh, that's life xD. I know right! Arcadia is this sweet put together ladylike girl and then...theres Michael xD. He may not beat on Michael but don't forget he can take a lot of extra skin off if you know what I mean xD Thank you so much for reading! Love ya.
Date: Jun 28, 2013 08:27 pm Title: Chapter 8: Like Father Like Daughter
Omg i thought that dream was real! i was likee omg alreadyyyy! aww i think arcadia's and father are gonna have a bromannnnccceeee :D o.o hehehehehe im loving this storyy Lizzy!
Author's Response:
Lol you were probably like "Y'all gon' make me loose my mind, up in here, up in here." Nope, it wasn't just Michael's imagination running wild! How cute would that be!? Thanks girl! Thatnks for reading and reviewing, love ya.
Date: Jun 28, 2013 08:12 pm Title: Chapter 6: White Eyes
that's nice that she's sticking up for him. i mean somone needs to... he gets so poorly mistreated. i think all he needs is just a friend. thank god for cadi huh? lol....
Author's Response:
I know, she's such a sweet heart! Arcadia is by far my favorite girl I have writen about and I have writen a ton of stories out of MJfiction. Yeah, it's sad but it will get better =) "A freind" in other chapters you'll see he wants more than just a friend xD. Yup, thanks for reading! Love ya.
Date: Jun 28, 2013 07:54 pm Title: Chapter 3: The New School
! sombody is developing a little chrush alreadddyyy : D good chapther lizzy!"
Author's Response:
IKR you're like "Talk about desperate!" hey, he's a nerd! Thank you so much. Love ya.
Date: Jun 28, 2013 07:44 pm Title: Chapter 2: The New House
Omg joesph needs to pipppeeee downn...His family are kindaaa rudee to himm... hahaha Michael is funny:) loved the chapter!
Author's Response:
Yeah, I've never liked that man so I thought I'd help my readers help me hate him xD. Yeah, I love Michael's humor I guess he is me in a sense. Thank you for reading love ya.
Date: Jun 28, 2013 07:39 pm Title: Chapter 1: Me, Myself, and I
Omg poor Michael!! woah janet is a little booger! who would've thought sweet little janet!
Author's Response:
Yeah, she isn't that sweet! But, maybe she'll change. Thank you so much for reading and reviwing all the chapters! It means a ton. Love ya
Date: Jun 28, 2013 01:31 pm Title: Chapter 23: It's all because of Barbie
Lol i loved it lizzy!
Author's Response:
Thanks, you guys don't realize the stress I go through after updating I'm all like "They're not going to like it!" and when you guys say you do it makes my day! Thank you so much for reading love ya!