Date: Jun 14, 2014 06:21 am Title: Chapter 1: Me, Myself, and I

Date: Jun 13, 2014 11:27 pm Title: I have no idea what to name this
plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz continue!!!!!!!! i missed you:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD i absolutly love cadi and that beautiful peverted michael... im horny lol
Author's Response:
I've been around just busy with school and other stupid shit. I'm glad you like this story it's just so terribly written that I have to rewrite it. I'm going to try to do two chapters a day so roughly sixteen days. I like them both too xD. Don't worry love, approximately 75% of the women on this site are horny and want to read smut lol. I may or may not be part of that 75%. New chapters as soon as I can finish writing the rest.

Date: Sep 03, 2013 12:47 pm Title: Chapter 24: Candy Shop
Smexy!!!! With a capital SMEX!!!
Author's Response:
LOL! I'm going to steal that word from you! When I look in the mirror for picture day I'll be like "Damn Lizzy you look like SMEX! Mmhmm, I'd tap that." xD Not really (I'm lying I'm so going to) Thank you so much for reviewing! I've been trying to update this story but, I'm just bored of it right now, it's lovey dovey and no one's dying xD I have majior problems. Anyways let's stop talking about Lizzy being some weird ass chich. Thanks so much again!
Date: Sep 02, 2013 10:28 am Title: Chapter 32: What Real Love Is
Im so happy for them. They finally claim there love to be with one another.
Author's Response:
Tanera..... You're late. LOL jk. Yeah yay! I know it's mean to say but I'm kinda getting sick of this story, I just want to move onto the second! But, I'll try to update. Thank you so much for reading!
Date: Sep 01, 2013 12:31 pm Title: Chapter 6: White Eyes
This one really made me smile :)
Author's Response:
That's good! I love making people smile thank you so much for reading!
Date: Aug 26, 2013 10:46 am Title: Chapter 5: Please don't tell me your dying...
Michael's inner perv shining through! Naughty Naughty Mr Jackson :P
Author's Response:
He always had an inner perv but soon his outer perv will be like "Bam bitches!" Lol thanks for reading!
Date: Aug 26, 2013 10:46 am Title: Chapter 5: Please don't tell me your dying...
Michael's inner perv shining through! Naughty Naughty Mr Jackson :P
Author's Response:
If you think he's bad now.... Just wait.
Date: Aug 26, 2013 10:42 am Title: Chapter 4: The High School Savior
She's a tough cookie!
Author's Response:
She's used to it. Thank you for reading!
Date: Aug 26, 2013 10:37 am Title: Chapter 3: The New School
Ooooo who is this girl!!!
Date: Aug 26, 2013 10:32 am Title: Chapter 2: The New House
I have a feeling I'm going to love this story :)
Author's Response:
Thank you love! I hope you like it.
Date: Aug 26, 2013 10:29 am Title: Chapter 1: Me, Myself, and I
They're so mean to him :( poor Michael!
Author's Response:
I know! ps, sorry for the late reply hun, I barley got my email up and running again. Thank you for commenting! Much love.

Date: Aug 16, 2013 08:32 pm Title: Chapter 1: Me, Myself, and I
Wow they finally did it! Michael's inner perv is now unleashed. I'm not sure if Cadi realizes what she's gotten into. Or more accurately, what she's let get into her.
Author's Response:
Well she knows now.... A freaking base ball bat. lol, thanks for reading! Next chapter when I can stop being lazy. xD
Date: Aug 16, 2013 06:09 pm Title: Chapter 32: What Real Love Is
Welp she finally got the D.... lol
Author's Response:
Yes ma'am lol, thank you for reading!
Date: Aug 07, 2013 08:49 pm Title: Chapter 31: Fifth Anniversary.
Awwwww Im in love. WHOA he did it. YAYYYYYYY
Im so happy
Beautiful you did a very great job Im loving it.
Author's Response:
I know he's a cute little nerd! I'm so excited to write more! Thanks for reviewing girlllll love ya!
Date: Jul 24, 2013 02:16 am Title: Chapter 29: I'm sorry babe, it's true.
Huh that's fucked up
Author's Response:
Lol I suppose. Thanks for reading love ya.