Reviews For Behind The Mask
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Reviewer: Dri Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jun 03, 2013 09:22 pm Title: Chapter 2

Behind The Mask by PandaLover230

She can smile when she’s angry
And laugh when she’s sad
She can keep a calm face when she wants to scream
And can keep a happy attitude when she wants to cry
She masks her emotions
And keeps them to herself
She won’t let anyone in
And won’t let anything out
Because she’s afraid
Afraid of what might happen
What might happen if someone knows what she is feeling
If someone knows the pain she is in
If someone sees the girl behind the mask.

" She’s a girl wearing a mask. Just like me. And I burn to see what’s behind the mask."

When I read this part I felt like butterflies in my stomach...WOW!
Femalien in my opinion you're one of the best writers of this site.

All your stories are great. The characters, the plot ... all emotions are there in your stories. You're not an author of a genre only ... You write differently and all your stories surprise me!
You're always updating the stories. You have a lot of stories in progress here in MJFiction and never fails on update them. It's difficult to catch the chapters because you are too fast,girl!
You do not give a shit if readers are silents or not ... You dont care about the amount of comments or reviews. You write because you like and because of your love for MJ.
And the consequence is what I'm reading right now... These great and incredible stories!

Thank you so much for sharing your talent with us!

I love this and all of your stories!

Anouk in my imagination:

Reviewer: MyraJ25 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jun 03, 2013 07:57 pm Title: Chapter 2

love it

Reviewer: aj102503 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jun 03, 2013 03:07 pm Title: Chapter 2

Anouk really is quite different.  I cannot imagine for the life of me any girl not wanting to talk or impress superstart MJ.   I love them.  She is really interesting to read.  continue please!!!!

 About your chapter end notes:  Now that was an interesting weird fact.

Reviewer: aj102503 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jun 03, 2013 03:01 pm Title: Chapter 1

hi i like the story.  It was quite interesting reading a lead girl not really interested in the superstar persona of MJ.  I super laff at this part when MJ said:  “Wait, wait! Don’t you want a autograph?”...hehehe...she is really different.

Question:  how do I pronounce the name of the lead girl  : is very uniqu and beautiful.

Author's Response:

It's a Dutch name, you pronounce a-nuuk

Reviewer: Dangerous21 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jun 03, 2013 12:34 pm Title: Chapter 1

I love it so far. She has tons of attitude that Michael is clearly attracted to and rightfully so. I bet she's gonna give him quite the chase. Can't wait to read the next part.

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