Date: May 18, 2013 07:53 pm Title: Chapter 5
Gurl I effin LOVE u for this long chapter! Plz update very soon cuz I love this.. haha Eddie n Will had me tripping!
Author's Response:
I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for reading! ^__^
Date: May 18, 2013 06:08 pm Title: Chapter 5
Yaaas at this chapter though!!!! Eddie had me cutting up. Ole fool lol. He was too much. And yesss at Victoria sincerely apologizing to Mike and then actually having a conversation with him. The chemistry though! I was NOT prepared! lol. You can't help but to let your body give into MJ. He's has that kind of power. But maaaan, Victoria knows that she likes it. She can't fight the feeling no matter how hard she tries. I REALLY enjoyed this chapter Lenkiki! Update soon. <3
Author's Response:
:DDDDDDD glad you enjoyed it. I've seem so many Eddie Murphy movies, I feel like I know the guy lol! And yes she actually had a real conversation with him! No throwing shade! This chapter took a lot of work. And lol Victoria is a very silly girl lmao! Thanks for reading! ^_^
Date: May 18, 2013 06:04 pm Title: Chapter 5
Wtf is she running away for?
Author's Response:
Ugh because she's scared? Lol did you not fully read the chapter? But thanks for reading anyhow :)
Date: May 10, 2013 02:15 pm Title: Chapter 4
Lawd Victoria!
Man just when I thought that this child was going to be cordial she goes and does that. And then Jeremiah just read the mess out of her. Sometimes it takes that tough love to get across to people like her. Sad that she had to learn the hard way but at least she's willing to make a change...I hope. But lawd Jaysus I just can't! lol smh lovely update twin!
Author's Response:
LMAO right?? she needs to geddit togetha! she has major issues! But yeah maybe she will change... hopefully she does ;D and thanks twin! Also, thanks for reading! ^_^
Date: May 10, 2013 06:46 am Title: Chapter 4
i hope she will be more friendly to Michael ;)
Author's Response:
Lets hope so looool. Thanks for reading!
Date: May 10, 2013 12:41 am Title: Chapter 4
Smh she's a childish bitch. Period. She couldn't even apologize to the man. Just had to nitpick at whatever he said. Smh I'm glad her brother told her ass off. Somebody needed to. Her attitude is completely fucked up. Idk who hurt her or if she needs a man to blow her back out, but she needs to get her shit together cuz that funky ass attitude will get her NOWHERE but her ass beat, feelings hurt, and a stalled ass career. I hope Michael avoids that ho like the plague at that damn party.
Author's Response:
Lmao don't be so hard on her. Things will change but just because she acts a certain way doesn't meant she's a total bitch. But thanks for reading :)
Date: May 05, 2013 09:53 am Title: Chapter 3
aawww can't wait for the next part
Author's Response:
I'm so laaaate but I hope you enjoyed the next part! Thanks for reading!
Author's Response:
I'm so laaaate but I hope you enjoyed the next part! Thanks for reading!
Date: May 05, 2013 12:57 am Title: Chapter 3
Victoria's ole stubborn behind lol. I'm glad that she agreed to make an attempt at apologizing the Mike though. Can't wait to see how it goes on from here. :-)
Author's Response:
Stubborn as a damn mule tbqh lmfaaaaaaao. But yeah, baby steps :3. Thanks for reading!
Date: May 04, 2013 08:07 am Title: Chapter 3
I love the humour in this story. XD Once MJ said she was "alright" in the movie I KNEW he was gonna get it back just the same hehe.
Gosh I'm really not taking a liking to Victoria yet... Lets see how this apology plays out. :3
I can't wait for more Hun. :)) , <33
Author's Response:
Loooooool yeah she's really something! And yeah he was just like "bye" lol. Thanks for reading!
Date: May 04, 2013 06:27 am Title: Chapter 3
Update soon!
Author's Response:
I'm so late lol but I always try and update! Thanks for reading!
Date: May 03, 2013 11:26 pm Title: Chapter 1
Oohhh, I can just smeeeellll the hate *.* I likey. I like how the relationship between her brother and herself is portrayed, that brother-sister bond. Its sweet. I like the idea, a lot. :) Reading further now..
Author's Response:
Awww yeah it is sweet! And lol yes, hate, tension, all that! Thanks for reading!! :D
Date: May 03, 2013 11:23 pm Title: Chapter 3
She needs to apologize to him. She came at him all the way wrong the first time. Smh. She needs to try actin like a damn adult for a change. I wish Michael would read her ass but unlike her, he has more class about himself.
Author's Response:
Loooooooool!!! I feel you, and I agree xD thanks for reading btw!
Date: Apr 23, 2013 11:11 pm Title: Chapter 2
smh at Mike and Victoria. They know that they're digging that going back and forth. That was a low blow that she pulled on Black or White though. Just all types of clouds of shade lol.
Author's Response:
Lol she did that on purpose lmfao. They'll hopefully get over themselves lol. Thanks for reading :)
Date: Apr 23, 2013 02:23 pm Title: Chapter 2
Damn Victoria sounds pressed and like a hater! There is a fine line between voicing an opinion and hating. That was full on pressed honey! Michael is too nice cuz I would have read her ass. Like bitch please! Michael Jackson is the biggest star in the world, who are you again? Oh ok. A nobody. Lmao. Michael was way too nice to that ho, I'm sorry. I would've read her for filth. But Mike ain't pressed like she is. She's threatened and jealous obviously. Hmm.. Maybe she used to like him or somethin and mad that he didn't return her feelings due to his career being more important perhaps? Either way, ol girl is pressed as hell and it is hilarious. Lmao
Author's Response:
Lmfao nah, Victoria's a pretty big star herself ;) but your review is funny lmfao. Thanks for reading! :D
Date: Apr 23, 2013 11:40 am Title: Chapter 2
oh men they are too funny
Author's Response:
Lol yes they are :P