Reviews For Possessive 2
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Reviewer: Cruelrules900 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Apr 13, 2013 06:38 pm Title: I Know What I Saw

Oh No. he might come in and hurt O.O I'm so scared.. Why don't he just listen gosh.

Author's Response:

he's hardheaded

Reviewer: Mjladyinlove1 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Apr 13, 2013 03:05 pm Title: I Know What I Saw

ha ha ha mike something else tell me you are writting the next chapter

Author's Response:

I am actually it might take a while though because i'm writing chapters on a story i decided to update on

Reviewer: MikeyJackieLover Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 13, 2013 02:29 pm Title: I Know What I Saw

Bat in boxers! Lol I bet dat was a funny sight ta see! Lmao at Andrew!

Author's Response:

I'm glad you laughed

Reviewer: CrazyForMikezilla Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 13, 2013 02:13 pm Title: I Know What I Saw

Words cant fucking describe how shocked i am. THIS FUCKING FAMILY ODYEGNSUDKDTSID. ESPECIALLY Latoya, janet & katherine. These fucking hoes need to get in jail already. This bitch is just *Please hold me back before I strangle THIS BITCHHHHHHH. * i wont even feel bad if them bitches got shot. HA, i would actually celebrate it. They just need to go a mental fucking hospital. Get locked in a room for the rest of they damn lives. And smh at michael. Hes going back to his crazy fucking ways. All because of janet and her skank ass she calls a mother. Well, shes not being a damn mother if shes basically hurting someone who is preagnet & better yet has helped Michael. She doesnt even have to go back with michael. Hes just a crazy ass fucker too. How cant he not realize that his family did this? Oh yeah i know because hes the one who invited them over not even thinking what happened like months ago. Are you fucking serious. I cant with these fucking BOZOS. Why didnt tito tell michael what the family did? SMH

Author's Response:

Tito was going to tell him but LaToya and Jermaine busted in before he could get a chance to. And chileeeeeeeee you better preach! Bitch ass family is what they are excluding the one's that want to help Lola

Reviewer: iam_music Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 13, 2013 02:01 pm Title: I Know What I Saw

If this ain't the most trifling ass family!!!!!!!!! Lawd hammercy.. I cannot! These mofos are RETARDED! And now Michael has regressed back to losing his rabbit ass mind! The fact that he can't see that his trifling ass family did that to her.. Smh! Lola doesn't even need to go back to him. Not like this. She's pregnant and I honestly hope she has her child and keeps it away from Michael and that crazy ass family. Shit I wish she'd just leave the country altogether. She needs to find some lawyers of some type of authority figures and have the entire family investigated, then their asses can be thrown in jail or in a mental institution for the rest of their natural black ass lives. She can definitely have charges pressed against them for tryin to harm her and her fetus! Lola needs to get on it for real this time. She has a child to think about. Fuck Michael and his crazy punk ass family. I hope her baby doesn't come out with any defects. 

Author's Response:

Child!!! You keep me laughing everytime i see your comment! And she could but she's so naive that the thought of that doesn't even come to her mind. It's like Michael has so much control of her thoughts it's crazy. She loves him so much that she's blinded by it

Reviewer: MyraJ25 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 12, 2013 02:35 am Title: Prologue/Starting Problems

There is no way an enemy is going to give u breakfast with a smile and have nothing wrong with it <br />.

Author's Response:

Trueeeeeee im surprised nobody else ain't catch that

Reviewer: MyraJ25 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 11, 2013 07:46 pm Title: Pitch Black

One word that cause this.BREAKFAST.

Author's Response:

You always find out!!!

Reviewer: Rate Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 11, 2013 01:54 pm Title: Pitch Black

Damn is all i can say for now!

Continue darling!


Author's Response:

Another chapter will be posted sometime today or EARLY in the morning

Reviewer: Karoll84 Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 11, 2013 05:13 am Title: Pitch Black

mama K but to her foos something i don't know why they want her dead they always wanted Michael to have a girl and now this gosh they are realy fuck up

Author's Response:

I;m telling ou they are confused af!

Reviewer: DiamondsR4ever Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Apr 11, 2013 12:05 am Title: Pitch Black

You knw what i have a really bad feeling that Lola may lose the baby. There's just to pressure going on there. There's no way in the world she could give birth being under all that pressure. I just don't see it happening unless there's some kind of miracal happening.

I'll try to have hope for this cause im seeing a possesive 3 coming if she loses the baby cause Lola will come back and raise hell on all there asses they gonna make her lose it. Lol

I don't blame her for be uncomfortable around them. Fuck the fact that Michael selfish ass wants the family together what about there baby?????

Author's Response:

He doesn't see that and it frustrates the hell out of me...and a possessive 3 hmmm maybe but it depends on which way im going to take this story

Reviewer: DiamondsR4ever Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 11, 2013 12:00 am Title: Pitch Black

Ugh Janet creeps me the fuck out. =-O

Author's Response:

Me too 

Reviewer: Southern_cutie Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 10, 2013 08:21 pm Title: Pitch Black

down with the Jackson's!!!!! you know,there it's a problem if I am more in favor of Tito than Michael!!!

Author's Response:

you are so right

Reviewer: CrazyForMikezilla Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 10, 2013 06:10 pm Title: Pitch Black

Oh my god. Janet i know ur ass is planning something! The fuck! Causing so much stress on the baby and lola! Next thing u know she might even lose the baby!

Author's Response:

Oh sweet baby jesus i hope not

Reviewer: iam_music Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 10, 2013 06:08 pm Title: Pitch Black

Oh helllll mufuckin NAW! I know damn well these fucking looney tunes are not trying bullshit while Lola is PREGNANT?! Dammit I wanna hop in this story and whoop some ass! Katherine and Janet would get their asses laid the fuck out! Idgaf who mama and sister it is. That shit is WRONG! Why the fuck are they trying to hurt her when she's pregnant with Michael's child?! That baby is his too and hurting it means they're hurting him! Furthermore I thought they wanted Michael to be happy? Lola makes him happy and again if they hurt her, they're hurting him. Wtf is the motive behind this retarded shit?? Smh! Lawd I can't. My blood pressha is up and I'm ready to whoop the Jacksons asses. Lola and this baby better be ok. And I want her to leave that fucking house until their coo coo for cocoa puffs asses leave and idgaf what Michael has to say about it! She needs to go stay with her friends for awhile since Michael don't realize his family is fucking trifling. 

Author's Response:

The most logical comment i've read by far! You had me rollin when you said My blood pressha! You be killing me

Reviewer: Cruelrules900 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Apr 10, 2013 05:34 pm Title: Pitch Black

Lucky Lola.. Gt my bad era.. lml Angry me.-_____- I cry now.. But Mama Kay, and Janet:

And...Thats How You know they had something to do with it -.- If I were Michael I would be like.. Do you yall have something to do with it?

Author's Response:

I know then they wanna start making statements..assuming! Jim Carrey...that face...priceless

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