Reviews For Tell me, why?????
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Reviewer: camilleianPYT Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jul 24, 2013 10:13 am Title: Chapter 33

Michael Michael Michael........Smh. How could you? 

Author's Response:

Let's see..... Is he lying or not??

Reviewer: Dri Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jul 24, 2013 07:03 am Title: Chapter 33

I cant believe I missed the last two chapters! I've been a bit busy with real life and lost many other chapters of other stories on this site *sigh*

Anyway ... Michael and Liz seemed happy so far ... I think Mike had a great time,right?Too much fun!Poor Liz...
Actions = Consequences

I knew Michael still had that side his womanizing

I knew Michael still had that womanizing side of him.
Let's see what will be his excuse this time... I still do not believe in the friendship of Mike and Sharon ... something stinks!

Thank you for the updates!Great!

Author's Response:

Thank you for the amazing review, as always!!!

But let's wait and see what Michael has to say about all this... Is he guilty after all???


Reviewer: Cali_Santana Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 24, 2013 05:59 am Title: Chapter 33

Bitch move Michael....bitch move.

You claim you love her so yet you cheated on her....I'm appalled at your behavior mister *shakes my head* May the lord be with you as for the beast in her shall come out and whoop thy ass

Author's Response:

Let's see...................

I'm saying no more!!

Thank you for reviewing and enjoy!

Reviewer: camilleianPYT Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jul 13, 2013 12:32 pm Title: Chapter 32

She's nuts. Michael needs a restraining order. I doubt she would actually kill herself she's just doing it to manipulate him. But if she's willing to do that what else will she do when that inevitably fails to work? Because acting like a deranged psycho is no way to get a man to want you. He's going to find a dead cat on his doorstep or she's going to try and murder Liz. They both need to change their numbers and run as far as they can from this bitch. 

Author's Response:

Yeah, they have to. And you haven't seen nothing yet...

Reviewer: VickiJ Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 12, 2013 09:33 pm Title: Chapter 32

Sharon is a hot mess girl! I think she needs some therapy and quick. But first she needs to apologize to Mark for leading him on and then Liz for trying to ruin her relationship with Michael. 

Author's Response:

Yeah, but I don't think she's doing that any time soon!

Reviewer: CrazyForMikezilla Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 12, 2013 06:38 pm Title: Chapter 32

im starting to think shes just acting thinking michael would go crawling back to her. 

Author's Response:

Hmmmmm...... Let's see.... 

Reviewer: MJSHOTZWELL22 Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 01, 2013 05:22 pm Title: Chapter 31

O_O uh-oh

Author's Response:


The update is on it's way!

Reviewer: Karoll84 Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 01, 2013 02:37 am Title: Chapter 31

omg she is sick

Author's Response:

Let's see....... What's going on!!!


Reviewer: camilleianPYT Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 31, 2013 09:52 pm Title: Chapter 1

Woah. Personally I don't think she's suicidal I think she's trying to manipulate Michael into staying with her. If she were really suicidal she would just do it and not tell anyone. Wow maybe I sound like a cold bitch but I don't buy her bullshit for one second. Either way, she needs help though. She's clearly delusional. 

Excellent job at bringing the drama girl!

Author's Response:

Hmmmm, you got an interesting opinion there...... But i can't reveal anything!!!!!

Thank you very much, i'm so glad you enjoy it!!

The update is on it's way!!!

Reviewer: RhythmChild Signed [Report This]
Date: May 31, 2013 07:03 pm Title: Chapter 31

Ok. So Sharon is not evil. She's just mentally Ill or emotionally broken. 

I think she needs real help. That last line told me she's suicidal. Please get her help. She needs it. 


Author's Response:

Uh huh, she does need help....... Let's see...

The update is coming soon!!!!!

Reviewer: Cali_Santana Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 31, 2013 06:52 pm Title: Chapter 31

She's about to do a suicide attempt..i already know that last sentence is what every suicidal person says

Author's Response:

Let's see what happens after all........

Reviewer: Cali_Santana Signed [Report This]
Date: May 25, 2013 07:34 pm Title: Chapter 30

Its about to go down king kong style!!! Michael sticking up for his relationship..hell yeah!

Author's Response:


Reviewer: Dri Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 25, 2013 07:30 pm Title: Chapter 30

I think MJ could be hiding something ... Maybe MJ has done something wrong but unintentionally ...
Sharon wouldnt say with such conviction that MJ loves her if MJ didnt nothing wrong. Sure it may be an assumption but for her to think so Mike must have done something ... Maybe she recorded something compromising ....
I think Sharon is going to cause problems ... I think it would not make sense Sharon appears in the scenario for nothing ...

Let's see...Thank u!

Author's Response:

Well yeah, Sharon appears in the story for a reason, but we don't know whether it's now or later..

I won't say no more, just enjoy the update and thank you very much!!!!

Reviewer: camilleianPYT Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 25, 2013 09:49 am Title: Chapter 30

He sure isn't acting like he has anything to hide! This Sharon bitch is a real piece of work smh. Liz needs to beat her ass.

Author's Response:

Uh huh, she does. Let's see...

Enjoy the update!

Reviewer: VickiJ Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 25, 2013 09:06 am Title: Chapter 30

All this crying Liz is doing is annoying. She need to stop crying and put her big girl panties on. First off Michael is making a real effort to make their relationship work while she keeps running away crying. Second why would Michael beat that guy up for her if he didn't really love her? And third she's known Sharon for whole year but never talked to her but gone believe her about Michael? Seriously? This is what Liz needs to do stop crying, then whoop this Liz woman's ass for coming between her, Michael and her bestfriend Mark. Lastly have some damn faith in Michael and their relationship. 

Author's Response:

Yeah, she is whining a little bit more than needed. She just needs to deal with the situation more calmly, it's just that she loves Michael so much, and she's too upset and sad about what's happening!!

But yeah, she needs to calm down and take the situation in her hands....


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