Date: Apr 06, 2013 09:04 am Title: Chapter 2
Bill, Jeffree, Alicia.... Girl u have picked some of the best people for this story!
hmm i wonder why Michael is so annoyed about having them as his buddies...?
anyway im excited about this story :D
Author's Response:
Haha! :P JEFFREE!!! <3
Would you want to spend your day with a bunch of newbies who have to follow you and your friends around? -_-
I personally, would be against it especially if the person was a total a-hole like Tom.
Date: Apr 05, 2013 11:40 am Title: Chapter 3
God, I love Tokio hotel! They are soooo sexy! *.*
Lmao, I feel ashamed. I passed the test, Normal. GAHHH, I dont like it. I could have gotten to meet these sexy guys, if I was strange ;) lol jk
Great chapter, girl xD <3
Shining Star xx (Shiniee :p )
Author's Response:
Omg. I know right?! They're beautiful <3 New album coming soon from them!! :D
Haha! Like I said to someone else... one 1 in 30 are Strange :P But really, an online quiz can only be so accurate :P
If I knew they were in there I'd purposely try to be strange XD
Thank you!
Date: Apr 05, 2013 06:49 am Title: Chapter 3
Surprisingly I'm normal xD Hey btw if you pass the test at 13 are you free to go do whatever and be weird and all that? Plus it sucks to have a twin lol *sigh* These noobs better learn quick cause they're just going to get in the way otherwise lol. Or end up like Renee... Well maybe it's a test for Michael? Like hey if you help them then we'll le you go? Idk just guessing! Great chapter!
Author's Response:
Haha! Only 1 in 30 can be strange ;) But hey, a quiz can only be so accurate, for all we know you could be strange O.O ;)
They kill you if you deceive them O.o
Haha, I just made that up on the spot actually, but maybe I'll make that a new rule, I'll probably squeeze it into the story somewhere. However, at least you've got 12 years of free strange-ness :P
We'll see... ;) I like the guesses though!
Date: Apr 04, 2013 12:05 pm Title: Chapter 3
Wow Tom really has anger issues. I love how Bill and him were fighting all the time...Poor Michael, he's already fed up of the twins.
Hmm the meeting with Renee will be interesting...She looks pretty scaring on your picture lol.
I did the test and I'm very normal lol...What about sweetie? ;)
Author's Response:
Lol! He's going to hate them for a little bit... but maybe Renee will be able to get calm to chill out :P
Lol! I know that's why I picked it! lmao!
:P I tried it myself and I got normal too, although with only 9 questions it's probably not very accurate; I think EVERYONE has a bit of strange lurking within them ;)
Date: Apr 03, 2013 02:20 pm Title: Chapter 2
Ermahgurddd! It's P!nk! <333
Author's Response:
Lol! Who doesn't love Pink? :P
I will! Thanks! :D
Date: Apr 03, 2013 11:28 am Title: Chapter 2
I love this story because there are Michael, Pink (my favorite female singer), Bill and Tom...So I can't be happier.
But I also love the plot, it's so original. I'm hurry to see how the new little buddies will be with Michael and how Michael will deal with those sexy new boys :)
Author's Response:
Pink is just so awesome, I must agree :D And Bill and Tom... no words :P
Hahaha! It won't be too nice at first :P
Date: Apr 03, 2013 10:45 am Title: Chapter 2
Omg I would fail the standard of being normal so hard xD This story sounds so awesome right now :D Ugh assigned noobs!? Major let down I thought it would be something cool or helpful lol Can't wait for the next update!
Author's Response:
Lol! Tell me about it.. haha! I probably would too :P
Oh thank you! I'm glad it sounds awesome lol! :D
Lol! One thing you must know about me is that I enjoy making Michael suffer a bit in my stories :P Not that I want him to suffer, but c'mon, it's so much funnier that way. Michael just has the most awful luck in pretty much all of my stories :P ESPECIALLY the ones in which he's a teenager ;P
Date: Apr 03, 2013 10:08 am Title: Chapter 2
Kerli is pretty xD loved it. Those new kids are.... Lol
Shiniee xx
Author's Response:
Haha! I think so too :P And Ashley! And Pink! They're all pretty! :D
Haha! The new kids are TOKIO HOTEL XD Lol! You don't think they're sexy?
And hey, they may look strange but that's the name of the story so... ;)
Thanks for reviewing! :D
Date: Mar 31, 2013 10:58 am Title: Chapter 1
I LOVE this concept!
girl, u KNOW how i feel about new world order/illuminati/mind control type stuff and this is just.....YAAAAASSSSS!!!!!!! :D
i agree, ive never thought Michael wasnt masculine enough (im assuming that this was from his point of view). I dont think muscle=manly.
Ironic, i know, with my body building father who has been nicknamed
"the incredible hulk fae mastrick!" ("From Mastrick" where he lives lol)
but i still dont believe in that stereotype, despite his insistance that its true :P
so psyched for this girl!!
Author's Response:
I agree. Muscle does not make a man. But there were all of those rumors that him and Janet were the same person (wtf?? lol) and that he was a girl/ wanted to be a girl so I decided "why not?" but I have something else that I'll use later as well ;)
Lol! I love how you type it the way it would be pronounced and have to give a translation next to it ;)
Thank yoooooooooooooou!
Date: Mar 31, 2013 02:23 am Title: Chapter 1
It's a very interesting plot sweetie. This first chapter was really well written. I like this idea of having only one year to live and to see if he will succeed to stay alive.
The idea of being locked and killed because you're strange it's quite frightenning to be honest...To have tests, the officers coming for locking you...Fortunately, it's not like this in real life even if being strange and different isn't easy for some people.
Author's Response:
Thank you! I'm happy you think so!
Thank God it's not like that in real life; the world would be so boring if everyone was forced to be the same! :P
Date: Mar 31, 2013 12:56 am Title: Chapter 1
I'm looking foward to more updates soon.
Author's Response:
Haha! Thank you!
Date: Mar 30, 2013 04:49 pm Title: Chapter 1
I'm internally crying xD Omg it's so good! I can't wait for it to continue :D This is going to be great!
Author's Response:
Haha! Thank you! I'll aim for getting a new chapter up soon :P
Date: Mar 30, 2013 03:29 pm Title: Chapter 1
I really like it. Seems very interesting, can't wait for more. :)
Author's Response:
Thank you very much ^-^ I'll try and post the next chapter soon :P
Date: Mar 30, 2013 02:39 pm Title: Chapter 1
Omfg, this is good c6;👍😆
Author's Response:
Haha thank you! :D
Date: Mar 30, 2013 01:32 pm Title: Chapter 1
I like it! No, actually I love the idea. For the very first time, it's not about mike and a girl, thank you, lord!
I think Imma enjoy reading this one!
Shiniee xx
Author's Response:
Haha! Thank you! yeah, I've been getting kind of tired of writing about Michael being in love with someone, so I decided to try this out :P
Thank you! :D