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Reviewer: camilleianPYT Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 17, 2013 04:47 pm Title: Chapter 1

Robyn is dumb. TELL MICHAEL THE TRUTH ABOUT RILEY. It is not a difficult concept to grasp. So much unnecessary drama is going to result because she is being an airhead. 

Author's Response:

LMAO! Robyn understands that if Riley does it it is because deep down she doesn't want her father to get fired. And it's just 6 weeks *shrug*

Thank you for the review Camelleian :D

Reviewer: iam_music Signed [Report This]
Date: May 17, 2013 03:55 pm Title: Chapter 34

Smh smdh smdh. I can't and will not. I'm done with Michael and Robyn. I love Prince though. But I can't deal with the shenanigans of these two anymore. It's ridiculous now. 

Author's Response:


Reviewer: gottaluvrikki Signed [Report This]
Date: May 17, 2013 03:33 pm Title: Chapter 34

Their communication as a couple sucks. And wtf is Robyn doing. Omg. This is gonna get bad.

Author's Response: Hey new reader/reviewer. Indeed, they are not good at sitting and talking. New chapter soon :D

Reviewer: LittleRiaRabbit Signed [Report This]
Date: May 17, 2013 03:20 pm Title: Chapter 34

No Robyn, No! That's it I'll take Michael for myself!

AAaaaaaahhhhhh cliffhanger!!!!!

Author's Response:

HAHA! I know those cliffhangers are killing you! New chapter soon ;)

Reviewer: paris-jane Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: May 15, 2013 06:06 pm Title: Chapter 33

Oh dang! i can't wait :)

Author's Response:

Soon ;)

Reviewer: LittleRiaRabbit Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 14, 2013 10:50 am Title: Chapter 33

Anyone else in love with Michael? Just me....alright then....I guess I'll have him all to myself :D hehehehe


Still loving this story!

Author's Response:

Hahah, I swear. She won't let you have it haha!

Thank you for the review and the rate!

Reviewer: VickiJ Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 14, 2013 05:55 am Title: Chapter 33

I agree with Tyler that waiting six weeks until school is over for Robyn and Michael to take sometime away from each other and set things right with Riley. They both have been through so much with each other and finally realize what they want that I believe that taking this to do things right will only make their relationship stronger. Although I know that Michael will fight Robyn on this short brake it's best for them in the long run. As for Riley girlfriend needs to accept that she can't control who her dad loves and that he would never stop thinking of her as his daughter. Michael should really use the two weeks to he's going to spend with her talking to her about Robyn.


Author's Response:

Hey Vicki!

The best thing to do is waiting for those 6 weeks to be over before thinking about a Robyn & Michael. I have the feeing Michael won't be happy about it too ;). But if it's for their good, he needs to do it. Riley needs a reltity check and understands that his father's love lie doesn't concern her. But at the same time sleeping with a student is illegal so if her threats can prevent Michael and Robyn to get caught...

Than you for the rate and the review :D

PS: I am actually trying to "Bring on the romance" into The Sweetest Gift! It might happen in the following chapters ;)

Reviewer: Dri Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 13, 2013 07:25 pm Title: Chapter 33

Michael is proving to be a terrible father!
He's leaving Riley in charge of everything! Ok .. I understand it's a very delicate situation but what kind of love is this that Riley has by her father? She manipulates, blackmails and do not think about anything or anyone except on herself!
We're talking about character. And Riley has no character. Michael and Tatiana are creating a monster and they cant see it ... And Riley will be the most affected.
Michael must act like a REAL father and make Riley stop!
I do not know why but I think Robyn will disappoint Michael ... I hope not! We'll see!

ps: I'm sorry for not having commented because I've been sick and also because of the accusations r03;r03;against Michael (Wade Robson)and it messed with me. I'm very upset. Mike does not deserve this!

Thank you!

Author's Response:

Michael doesn't know that Riley is threatening Robyn. He would do something he Robyn would tel him. But she thinks she can fix it. It's time for Michael to open his pretty eyes and figure out what Riley is really planning!

Don't worry! Oh my God, I don't even want to talk about Wade punk ass. Karma will take care of him. Like Michael says; The love of money is the root of all evil. I can't believe he wants something else than money

Thank you for your review :D

Reviewer: RhythmChild Signed [Report This]
Date: May 13, 2013 07:14 pm Title: Chapter 33

Michael thinks about what he wants to do with Robyn before thinking of his daughter, Riley.

^^^^^ sums up what I feared. And even Michael knows it.

And NOW....

Now this motherfucker wants to propose??? 



But seriously, if the finals are 6 weeks away, then FUCK, just wait out the 6 weeks! Then there's no fear of JAILTIME. Riley did mention that she doesn't want her dad's career ruined as well as him ignoring her. So Riley does kinda have his best interests at heart. 

6 WEEKS. nothing. nothing at all. Jesus, I've had punishments longer than that shit. LOL 

Author's Response:

Yes once again! Oh no, he doesn't want to propose. It's a promise ring. Something before a engagement ring... Anyway, he is not proposing ;-)

I love this TLC's song by the way LOL!

Robyn needs to tell Michael that they need to take a 6 weeks break but she rather ignore him. Go figure :-/

Next chapter soon girl ;D

Reviewer: iam_music Signed [Report This]
Date: May 13, 2013 05:10 pm Title: Chapter 33

Fuck Riley. If Michael makes Robyn happy and vice versa then so be it. Riley is only bluffing anyway. To tell on Robyn mean also puttin Michael's rep and career at risk. Does she really wanna do that? That will surely ruin her and Michael's relationship and he will resent her little punk ass because she took Robyn from him. If she cares anything about Michael, then she will let him be happy. If Robyn is the person to do that, then that's what it is. She needs to get the hell over it. I'm sick of Riley's orphan Annie ass. 

Author's Response:

Hey Kat! Riley is threatening Robyn so Michael! Let's see if she keps on and if Michael discover it! Thank for ther review :D

Reviewer: MikeyJackieLover Signed [Report This]
Date: May 13, 2013 02:41 pm Title: Chapter 33

Awww, Michael is so sweet, lol.

Author's Response:

He issssssss

Reviewer: femalien Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 10, 2013 12:00 pm Title: Chapter 32

Oh fuck nooooo! Riley is the same bad sort like her mother! Please, please make things right! Too much drama already!

Author's Response:

Hahah, I swear. Riley and Tatiana and mean! Let's see what happen :D and thank you for the review :D

Reviewer: femalien Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 10, 2013 11:38 am Title: Chapter 16

Wow, this is amazing! Complicated and complex, but so real! You're an amazing writer!

Author's Response:

Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Femalien :))

Reviewer: SineMj Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 08, 2013 04:00 pm Title: Chapter 1

I agree with Michael. Riley needs to move around. I understand that's her father, but she's over stepping her bounds here. I personally don't see anything wrong with a teacher and student being with each other, as long as they are of age, and are professional in public about it. So if Michael and Robyn want to be togeher then let them. I don't feel Robyn has done anything harmful to Riley, and therefore she shouldn't be so pissy. I feel as long as my friend is respectful to me and to my father, My father and my friend can be together. I look at it as even if Robyn knew who Riley was when she had sex with Michael, they want each other, yeah that may make her feel uncomfortable but they want each other so I would step back and let them do them, AS LONG AS THEY DON'T TALK TO ME ABOUT. The only time I would be angry is if the person my dad was dating was my enemy. But even then I don't feel I have the right to interfere with it. (I would have a right to be upset but not to try to sabotage their relationship). I would rather a friend date my dad then my enemy. Because then I would know he would be treated right. That's just my feelings on it. Just like I would expect my parents to compromise for me when I need them, I believe sometimes compromising for you're parents might actually lead to them finding the love they've always wanted.

Author's Response:

Michael is totally right. This is his personal life and Riley doesn't have the right to interfere in it and tell him who he can or can't date. Dating his student is still something illegal but it's not like she is 12 and him 30. This is her last year of college and in a couple of months Michael and Robyn's relationship won't be illagel at all. And yeah, Riley should be happy that her father is dating someone she liked in the first place! But Riley's anger is blinding her. Compromise, like you said it ;)

Thank you for the review

Reviewer: VickiJ Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 08, 2013 02:36 pm Title: Chapter 32

I have to say there are very few things a daughter could to do to make a parent not like them anymore and what Riley is threatening to do to Robyn is one of them. Not only will she hurt Robyn but she will most differently hurt her father. I know she's threaten and hurt by what Robyn did but breaking up her father's relationship with Robyn will not make him happy. Now Robyn can do two things in this situation, she can tell Michael that Riley is threatening her or she can try to handle Riley on her own to try to get her to understand what's really going on. But some how I get the feeling that she'll go running to either Tyler or Prince crying while giving Michael the excuse that they can't be together anymore. Isn't this her last year of college? So then I would assume that her and Riley are in their early twenties. So why must Riley act like she is a 6 year old fighting for her daddy's attention instead of the twenty something year old woman she is? If she would just tell Michael how she feels and what she knows of him and Robyn then this situation could be handled so much better. 

Author's Response:

Hello Vicki! So happy that you're back ;)

Riley doesn't know how to handle her anger. She loves her Daddy but she can't stand the idea that he is with a woman that isn't her mother. And she will hurt Robyn so Michael. Let's see what Robyn does ;) Indeed, Riley is acting like a child and it's time so someone to check her before she does something wrong

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