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Reviewer: RhythmChild Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 20, 2013 09:48 pm Title: Chapter 36

...wait what? Last chapter??

B-b-but, but I don't want it to end!!!!! I was enjoying smartass Prince! IM NOT DONE WITH PRINCE!!



Author's Response:

I knooooooooooooow. Robyn and Michael worn me out! They need an ending now, happy or not... Who knows ;) I'll try to bring as much Prince as I can in the next chapter ;) Promise! Love ya RC :D

Reviewer: aj102503 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 20, 2013 09:35 pm Title: Chapter 36 heart beats fast...i like them together...oh no...its near the ending already...this couple are great.  You did a wonderful job on this story Ms. Annie.  

Author's Response:

I love them too :D Thank youuu :$$$$$! Next chapter soon AJ :D

Reviewer: camilleianPYT Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 20, 2013 09:11 pm Title: Chapter 1

Awwwwwwwwwwww they are so cute! I hope they can be together. Screw Riley's selfish ass. She is just going yo have to accept it. 

Author's Response:

Indeed!! They need a happy ending :D ;)

Reviewer: paris-jane Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: May 20, 2013 07:01 pm Title: Chapter 36

Yesss pretty plz :)

Author's Response:

It's coming :D :)

Reviewer: iam_music Signed [Report This]
Date: May 20, 2013 06:30 pm Title: Chapter 36

Gah! I love that gif from Ghosts! Now I wanna watch some videos from the Vision Set. Lol. Bring on the last chapter. Mike and Robyn have worn me out. 

Author's Response:

You have time to watch Michael's entire videography before I come out with the last chapter LMAO! Thank you for the review :D

Reviewer: MikeyJackieLover Signed [Report This]
Date: May 20, 2013 05:53 pm Title: Chapter 36

Awww that's such a cute picture of Mikey at da baaaaayyyyy-beeehhhhhhh! Haha dat was ghetto!

Author's Response:

Yeaaah, he is cute :D ;)

Reviewer: femalien Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 19, 2013 11:28 pm Title: Chapter 35

Rily is a spolied brat who thinks that the whole world should revolve around her. Wel, she is wrong, other people have the right to be happy, too. Perhaps she needed this reality check that her father has feelings for a woman and has the right to be happy with her.

Author's Response:

You're right. Maybe Riley will open her eyes when she will see how miserable Michael is without Robyn

Reviewer: iam_music Signed [Report This]
Date: May 19, 2013 08:53 pm Title: Chapter 35

Robyn needs to stop being a punk ass bitch and cuss Riley out!!!! I am beyond sick of this. Seriously. All this shit is fuckin retarded now. Enough is enough. I can't anymore. 

Author's Response:

It isn't over...

Reviewer: LittleRiaRabbit Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 19, 2013 05:36 pm Title: Chapter 35


Author's Response:


Reviewer: camilleianPYT Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 19, 2013 04:11 pm Title: Chapter 1

Drama! Smh at Michael acting like a teenage boy. It's like getting a taste of Robyn's vagina drove him mad. And Riley is a drama queen she needs to get over it already. She thinks everything is about her. What a big fat mess. Can't wait for the next update.

Author's Response:

"It's like getting a taste of Robyn's vagina drove him mad" LMAO told y'all! It's like Sookie in True Blood. She must have a fairy vagina or something.

Next chapter soon. It may be the last chapter, don't know :S

Reviewer: MikeyJackieLover Signed [Report This]
Date: May 19, 2013 04:10 pm Title: Chapter 35

Wow....she's a drama queen!

Author's Response:

Yes but nobody can beat Rachel Berry, right? LOL! Thank you for the review :)

Reviewer: cabagepatch1023 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: May 19, 2013 03:08 pm Title: Chapter 35

Holy shitt.....  shit just got real... loved it darrrrrling!

Author's Response:

Indeeeeed!!! Next chapter soon ;)

Reviewer: RhythmChild Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 18, 2013 05:49 am Title: Chapter 34

1) Michael has GOT to chill with the proposal shit. That's why divorce rates are so damn high, cuz dumbasses be marrying after the first few months of bliss.

2) What the HELL is the deal with girls AND boys getting jealous seeing their boo dance with somebody else? It's just dancing! If they're kissing and exchanging numbers, that's one thing, but dancing? Please. And she ain't even with you!!!!

3) Robyn is right; 6 weeks should be spent solidifying Mike's relationship with his daughter. They only JUST hashed out everything, it doesn't mean the wounds are healed. Maybe after 6 weeks (In fact, definitely after 6 weeks) Riley will be in a good enough place to accept Robyn as her daddy's girlfriend.

4) I'm not even sure what life was like before I saw that Prince seems I've been blesssed with a new sense of purpose. My sides still ache.PRAISE PRINCE!!!

Author's Response:


1) LMAO! I swear. But even if he would have proposed, Robyn would have said no! She is in love but not that stupid

2) I agree. Michael is scared that this is another Noah situation. All he heard is a "break" he didn't even heard that she did it to avoid problems

3) Riley may not be ok with it but at least Michael could try. But he is too obsessed with Robyn.

4) LMAOOOOO! Prince gave you life

Thank you for this lovely review RC :D Love ya

Reviewer: vinaya595 Signed [Report This]
Date: May 18, 2013 04:12 am Title: Chapter 34

oh hellnaw!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mike is super pissed hoping for some action in the next chapter.;)

Author's Response:

Some action? Like violence LOL? I don't know yet... You'll have to wait :D

Reviewer: VickiJ Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 17, 2013 10:08 pm Title: Chapter 34

I love the " this bitch is tripping" Prince face, LMAO! And the video made it even better! I need a friend like Prince, lol. 

Anyways Michael needs to take his drunk ass home. More than likely Robyn just went out to dance her problems away with a couple of friends and he's tripping over nothing. I hope he does make a fool out of himself. I can just see Chris and Prince holding his drunk ass back now, smh. While their at it one of them should bust him upside his head and maybe it will knock some sense into him. Looks like Robyn has more drama to deal with from him.

Author's Response:

Hey Vicki! IKR, Prince's facial expression are everything! We al need some Prince in our life :)

Yay, one reviewer who doesn't think Robyn is cheating on Michael LOL! You're right, Michael is being delusinal because he is angry

Next chapter soon :)

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