Date: Apr 05, 2020 11:45 am Title: Chapter 8
Wowers😮 don't think Mrs. Katherine will be to happy && I have a feeling she did it because of her daughter && Michael having feelings for each other.
Date: Mar 17, 2013 10:37 pm Title: Chapter 1
This story was gone too soon try not to cry.
Date: Mar 06, 2013 08:47 am Title: Chapter 1
OMG I am so relieved that Mike was found but alexisj it has been two weeks since you uploaded I'm getting anxious <br />
Author's Response: So sorry love. Had major writers block and a schedule that wouldn't let me write. Anyway, I had enough time to write and complete my story. Updates are posted. Hope you enjoyed it. Lots of love.
Date: Feb 23, 2013 04:20 am Title: Chapter 37
Oh, a dog was inside the box. Lol.
Awe, she couldn't tell him about the baby, but he escaped so it's a g for now :)
Upload next chapter soon!
Date: Feb 23, 2013 04:16 am Title: Chapter 36
Oh my gosh, Michael's in a box?
Hope he makes it okay.
Love this story :)
Date: Feb 22, 2013 05:11 pm Title: Chapter 37
yay hes okay:D
Date: Feb 18, 2013 05:54 pm Title: Chapter 1
i knew she was preggos. as soon as scarlett smentioned that when she was eating the hamburrger it didnt sit with her right and felt like she was gonna vomit i alreadly knew. i was like oh shoot t miike dun knocked her up. and i bet you lisa kidnapped mj. on some dat physco ex-wife stuff.lisa got prolly somone to kidnapp mike den she wont get in trouble. dats extra petty/triflan . lisa need to gon on will at dat mess aint nobody got time for dat! *in my sweet brown voice* lolz plz update soon A.S.A.P. much love <3
Author's Response: Yeah Lisa is psycho. Can't tell who did it. heehee. Update posted. Thanks for reading and reviewing doll. Lots of love.
Date: Feb 17, 2013 08:03 pm Title: Chapter 33
Author's Response: Update posted. Thanks for reading and reviewing doll. Lots of love.
Date: Feb 16, 2013 03:33 am Title: Chapter 32
Dang Lisa :(
Please continue soon!
Author's Response: Tell me about it. She doesn't know when to keep her big nose out of other peoples business. Update posted. Thanks for reading and reviewing doll. Lots of love.
Date: Feb 09, 2013 06:59 pm Title: Chapter 29
The first pic is not Michael.It's Ecasanova(impersonator).
Thanks for the updates!
Author's Response: Thanks for letting me know Dri. Was not paying attention when looking for a pic. Not having that. Changed it. Anyway I think the other one is better anyway. Thanks again for letting me know doll. Lots of love.
Date: Feb 06, 2013 05:05 pm Title: Chapter 27
Aww, her relationship with her brother is so sweet! And what kind of mother let's her son go off to a war zone and doesn't care to say goodbye?! -_-
Author's Response: No kidding. Tell me about it. Update posted. Thanks for reading and reviewing doll. Lots of love.
Date: Feb 05, 2013 04:11 pm Title: Chapter 26
Aww, I'm glad she'll be okay and that they aren't blaming him for what happened. Great chapter!
Author's Response: Me too. Update posted. Thanks for reading and reviewing doll. Lots of love.
Date: Feb 04, 2013 03:29 pm Title: Chapter 25
I hope she recovers soon and they nail Marshall's ass. Great job as always! :)
Author's Response: Thank you so much. Update posted. Thanks for reading and reviewing doll. Lots of love.
Date: Feb 03, 2013 06:46 pm Title: Chapter 24
He raped her?! Poor Scar...she's gonna need a lot of therapy after all that...what a sicko! I hope Michael finds her soon..
Author's Response: Update posted. Thanks for reading and reviewing doll. Lots of love.
Date: Feb 02, 2013 09:23 pm Title: Chapter 23
Well, this just got heavy.. :/ I hope Michael beats his ass when they find them!
Author's Response: Me too. Update posted. Thanks for reading and reviiewing doll. Lots of love.