Date: Sep 20, 2011 04:04 am Title: From God, with love - My poem for Michael
This is beautiful! And very touchy! You did a great job!
All the LOVE!:X
Date: Mar 10, 2011 09:58 am Title: From God, with love - My poem for Michael
Thanks for your really sweet comment :)
Haha i actually post stories on youtube already. I want to post stories on here but i want to finish a series i post on youtube then ill start to post it here :) thanks for the concern.
Author's Response:
Anytime. Will look for your stories on Youtube.
With much love
Date: Mar 02, 2011 11:20 am Title: From God, with love - My poem for Michael
You definitely did Michael justice, Bonnie!
I would like to thank you for reviewing on my story but mostly, for leading me towards this beautiful poem!
It is so beautiful it brought little tears to my eyes..
This definitely made my day and it came right at the perfect timing
I often think the same things about Michael and continue hoping that more people would realize this about him, instead of believing in all the BS the press often wrote.. But Michael continued to forgive and love, which is just another evidence to me that he was blessed by God.. I truly believe in that!
I love writing poems also but wouldn't have the nerve to update them here, for some reason :D
But I totally admire you for this. It really touched my heartstrings.
This, I know for certain, is something that Michael would've cherished with all his heart if he'd ever had the chance to read it.. but I'm sure he's looking down at you from heaven and smiling. At all of us
We miss our angel, but poems like these help ease the pain a little
Thank you very, very much and I'm very sorry for chattering on and on like this xD
Keep up the good work ;)
Author's Response:
Sweetie, one thing I can tell you, don't EVER apologize for saying what you need to say. Your "chattering" made my day! It's so amazing to hear feedback, and believe me, it's one thing to know that people enjoy my work, but it's something else when someone like you reaches out to say that it touched you in that special way that just seems beyond description. And I want you to know that if I managed to ease your pain and touch your soul even in the slighest, your beautiful comment on how you believe Michael would have felt had he read it did more than return that sentiment for me. Bless you, my friend.
If I may be so bold, I understand how hard it is to put your heart and soul into your writing, and then put it out there for all the world to critique. This poem is a part of me, and posting it was very very difficult because it leaves me vulnerable. This is something all artists feel, no matter what their genre may be, and no matter how much success they have atttained. It's a leap of faith, sweetie. Faith in yourself, and it is one you are compelled to take. Michael no doubt felt that many, many times and, sadly, he kept most of his poems to himself. What I wouldn't give to be able to read them now. That courage alone is admirable, and if for no other reason than that, you can henceforth consider me a friend as well as a fan. And if you find yourself doubting your poems, send them to me, and give me the honour of reading them. I have written many poems about many very personal things, including the death of my mother when I was 12. Talk about hard to put out there. I would be more than happy to help you grow and if you need someone to hold your hand while you take that leap, it would be a privilege. If ever I can help you in any way, don't hesitate to contact me, and I will do the same. My email is Use it whenever you feel the need. It needn't be about writing, or even about Michael in particular. If he caught us nothing else through his gentle soul and God given talent, Michael taught us to reach out to one another. I'll do my best. You keep it going, too, my friend. You got what it takes! Understanding that Michael Jackson was heavensent is not a belief, it's a fact. And the fact that he held true to his faith in God all his life is the proof of it. He is, and will always be a gift from God I will cherish all the days of my life. I will always miss him, but I will never forget that we had the honour of having him among us at all.
Thank you so very much for the inspiraton to carry on, and kindly forgive me my "chattering".
With much love and appreciation
Date: Dec 24, 2010 07:47 am Title: From God, with love - My poem for Michael
Simply Beautiful!
I read it a few times because it was extremely good :D
Great work
Author's Response:
Hi Princess! Thanks for your great review. I appreciate it. I read your profile, and couldn't help but notice that while you obviously read much of the work published here, you've yet to publish any of your own. You needn't be overly concerned about what others think. When you love something, or someone, and that inspires you, it plants the seed of song in your heart. And you must sing it, one way or the other. Since I can't carry a tune in a bucket, my writing had become my voice. Why not give yours a try? I'd be more than happy to read what you have to say.
With much love
Date: Dec 22, 2010 07:52 pm Title: From God, with love - My poem for Michael
BEAUTIFUL *tears* loved it!
Author's Response:
Thank you so much. And it's ok, I cried when I was writing it.
With much love
Date: Dec 22, 2010 06:07 pm Title: From God, with love - My poem for Michael
God that was truly beautiful and I do mean that!!!
Author's Response:
Thank you! I can see your sincerity, and I am so happy to know that people such as yourself are enjoying my work. I hope you will enjoy the future chapters just as much.
With much love
Date: Dec 22, 2010 03:05 am Title: From God, with love - My poem for Michael
Veeerrryyy beautiful!!! Loved it so true! U definaley did him justice!
Author's Response:
Hello, jnjlove! Thank you so much for taking the time to read my poem, and for your generous and most uplifting response. I cannot adequately express how marvelous it feels when someone appreciates your work. As i said, this particular poem is near and dear to my heart, and you have just made mine dance with delight. If you should have the time, I would be very much in your debt should you choose to read my ongoing story entitled "Kindred". The first nine chapters are posted, and I am just waiting to see what the response to it is before posting Chapters 10 and 11. If you are able to find time to read it, please review it, regardless of what you think of it. Even negative feedback can greatly assist one in becoming a better writer. And if it's not too much to ask, since I'm new here, if you could direct those you know to my writing, I would be forever grateful. Negative feedback is helpful, positive feedback is intoxicating, but no feedback is agonizing. If you think it worthy of being read by others, please ask them to read and review. You would be doing me a great honour.
Again, my sincerest thanks for your time and your review. God bless and keep you and yours.
With much love