Date: Feb 28, 2013 09:34 am Title: Chapter 49
Oh goodness, what is happenin to Kay? This is exactly what happens when you have overly strict parents who try to stop you from doin things vs growing up normally and just learning. When you finally get freedom, you go buckwild and lose yourself. Which is what happened to Kay. If Quincy would've just accepted their relationship and they not hid it, none of this would be happening! Smh. I hope Michael will talk to her. And ugh whatever to him being with that greasy head ass Ola.
Author's Response:
I think you're pretty right in what you said. If Quincy had accpeted their relationship, nothing of that would had happened...But I'm not that sure of it. Kayliah lose herself in this new world made of party and alcohol...Maybe even if she was in couple with Michael, she would had fall into this too.
Not sure that their break up was the only reason.

Date: Feb 28, 2013 09:30 am Title: Chapter 49
lol Ola wearing Mike's shirt so cute...
wait...Mike has a grudge for what QUINCY did to THEM?
Mofo, how about what YOU did to QUINCY? and what KAY did to YOU?
She didn't cheat on blake because of her father.....
anyway it woudl be good idea to try and help the poor lady out she obviously needs some direction.
Author's Response:
Yeah because Quincy was the reason why they broke up because of his reaction. Quincy didn't forgive to Michael yet and Michael is still mad at Kayliah because of her cheating.
Michael will try to help her but will he succeed, you need to read the next chapter :)

Date: Feb 24, 2013 08:25 pm Title: Chapter 44
I really didn't see that coming:(

Date: Feb 23, 2013 06:53 am Title: Chapter 48
No. Just. No.
MICHAEL DON'T DO IT! Ugh, see, this is what I think is gunna happen, he's gunna call Ola and they're gunna get together, but Kayliah is so sad and upset for having hurt Michael that she breaks up with Blake, comes back and kinds that Michael has moved on with Ola and then now SHE'S upset and then Michael feels guilty and then it's all just a big mess. >:(
Author's Response:
Your analyse is pretty good but it won't happen like this. Michael will call Ola and be with her but for the rest, there are things you didn't plan and nobody can find about.
You'll have to wait and see ;)

Date: Feb 23, 2013 06:49 am Title: Chapter 47
:'( Noooo! Kayliah why?!?! Oh my god... no!! Blake probably isn't nearly as sexy as Michael! Ugh, I can't believe this!! This is so upsetting! Michael made some really good points; he took so many risks for her and he lost Quincy's friendship and now it seems that that's all for nothing :( That's so sad... Needless to say I hope they make up
Author's Response:
Yeah that's so that. Michael was right when he said all the things he did for her and now she just cheated on it.
But Kayliah's behaviour will be explain in the next chapters. I don't mean it will be easy to forgive her but her life in New York made her do some changes, and not only about her boyfriend.

Date: Feb 22, 2013 05:48 pm Title: Chapter 48
Michael and Ola Ray.
I like where this is going ;)
Well Kayla, what goes around, comes back around!
Author's Response:
Yes Michael and Ola...but will they be really together and for how long?
Is Kayliah definitively gone?
Stay tuned to find out :)

Date: Feb 21, 2013 10:46 am Title: Chapter 48
Awh... Mikey still loves Kay! He wants her back, and she probably wants him back. But now that Kay has another, and Mike might get Ola, it will become WAR!!! XD Can't wait for it!
Amazing chapter, Janet was so sweet (as always)! <3
Author's Response:
No it won't become war don't worry...But they'll both go on their ways but not for so long...They loved each other too much for this, they will always need each other and you'll see why I'm saying this in the next chapters.
Janet is always sweet in my stories lol.
Thanks for your review.
Date: Feb 21, 2013 10:43 am Title: Chapter 48
Smh I don't want him with Ola's ass either but Kay wasn't right in what she did. And clearly two wrongs don't make a right. He was kissing Ola while still with Kay and never told her about it so it looks like he got his karma to me. And if he gets with Ola it just shows desperation and he knows his heart is still with Kay and don't wanna be with Ola's skinny ass. She will never mean to him what Kay did. He technically cheated first so haha Michael. That's what you get. Kay had to sit and watch him parade around with Brooke AND that mess with Ola. She's only done one thing. I want an explanation from her. They could work it out.
Author's Response:
They could work it out and Kayliah's behaviour could be explained in the next chapters. Living in New York really changed her and you'll see how...Cheating on Michael could be a consequence of her new life there.
About Ola, she wil have her little part here lol

Date: Feb 21, 2013 09:58 am Title: Chapter 47
I can't believe you risked everything like that either, Michael.
Was it worth it?
I think this chapter shows how the two of them are in a different place. She's not THAT much younger than Mike, but young enough so she's in a place in her career and life where this kinda stuff doesn't fit. Mike is at the place where he wants that special someone. He looked for it in the wrong person.

Date: Feb 21, 2013 09:55 am Title: Chapter 44
I don't know about y'all, but this ain't about Quincy being too strict of a father or not wanting happiness...
it's about someone he trusted going behind his back with his 17 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER. I applaud that man's actions, minus the ass whooping, though I don't blame him in the least. Michael has no right to try and tell him "you have to understand and deal with it."
Motherfucker what if YOU had an underage daughter who was with an older man like that?
What is this fuckery?

Date: Feb 21, 2013 09:47 am Title: Chapter 36
I dunno why Peggy is so calm about it, let that be my child who's seventeen and messing with a 25 year old man who works with my husband.....(breathes deeply)
love this story btw don't think I don't!

Date: Feb 21, 2013 09:44 am Title: Chapter 34
....she didn't deserve to be yelled at or punished for disappearing for a week and not telling her dad where she really went? really Michael?
Okay my brain is on fuck-up mode, these dumbass kids, Kay and Mike.

Date: Feb 21, 2013 09:44 am Title: Chapter 34
....she didn't deserve to be yelled at or punished for disappearing for a week and not telling her dad where she really went? really Michael?
Okay my brain is on fuck-up mode, these dumbass kids, Kay and Mike.
Date: Feb 21, 2013 09:39 am Title: Chapter 22
Next Jerry Springer episode: "I cheated on you with my boss's underage daughter!"

Date: Feb 21, 2013 09:26 am Title: Chapter 48
As a proud spokesman for the "I hate cheating mothafuckas" program, I'd like to motion for a dismissal of all ties with kayliah and move for a new trial for Ola Ray.
(chants) OLA! OLA! OLA!