Date: Jan 16, 2016 10:06 pm Title: Chapter 1
Update thisss
Author's Response: Lol Sorry, but there isn't anymore to add. But check out some of my other stories. Everything except Bad Times has an ending!

Date: Jun 18, 2015 04:41 am Title: Chapter 1
I love this story and I hope there's more I see it was posted a while ago but if you have more I would love to read it.
Author's Response: Thank you so much for the compliments! It ways trips me out whenever someone digs through my archives. Unfortunately, this was a one-off story. Just an idea I had years ago, which is why it's written in 1st person.
Date: Jun 16, 2015 03:50 am Title: Chapter 1
Love it can't wait for more. 👌🏽👏🏽
Date: Jun 16, 2015 03:50 am Title: Chapter 1
Love it can't wait for more. 👌🏽👏🏽

Date: Oct 18, 2013 04:01 pm Title: Chapter 1
Oh and another thing I love about this one shot(Besides everything lol) is the fact that its a y/n story. They're rare, both on this site and on any MJ Fiction sites, so uber props to you! Once again, excellent story and if you add more, I may die of happiness!XD:-)))

Date: May 13, 2013 09:40 am Title: Chapter 1
Neat! I like it. :) And I've always wanted to do a story with the prompts of "exotic dancer" and "stripper", as they are quite often found in real life, too. :)

Date: Apr 16, 2013 04:34 pm Title: Chapter 1
Hot,Hot,Hot!!!!!!!!!! That was some story! Loved it! :-)

Date: Dec 29, 2012 10:44 pm Title: Chapter 1
Absolutely LOVED this!!! Very well written and nice. Much love <3

Date: Dec 29, 2012 04:34 am Title: Chapter 1
Update soon :)

Date: Mar 03, 2012 09:53 pm Title: Chapter 1
Hey, bb!! I totally agree with mrsmjjbarbie! I was really getting so into this one. I love how you placed the main character in second person as the reader. Great story (once again!)
Author's Response: Thanks. This story was just kinda a "joke" I wrote one night late at work. I'll see if anything else comes to me after this diva makes her appearance.

Date: Feb 07, 2012 12:10 pm Title: Chapter 1
Girl, this was really good! You should make this a full story.
Author's Response: I've never considered it before. My friend and I were just goofing off and giggling about "nasty" MJ and his probable fetishes. I may think about it.