Titles - W
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other

Olivia Sultan started out as a small time girl desperately trying to make it. She got into the papparazzi business when her bills were rinning high and her pockets were running low. Once she's desperate enough she finds herself in the business full time. But what happenes when her next assignment is Michael Jackson? 

Categories: Bad: 1986-1990, Dangerous: 1991-1993, Hurt/Comfort, Humor, Romance, Suspense
Characters: Original Girl
General Warnings: None
Trigger Warnings: None
Series: Jazer's Library
Chapters: 17 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 30959 Read Count: 8869
[Report This] Published: Feb 22, 2012 Updated: Dec 18, 2014

When chosen to become a part of the biggest and greatest tour in the history of music, Ashley becomes ecstatic and cannot wait to start her first day at her new job. Upon meeting the famous iconic star whom the tour is scheduled for, Ashley cannot help but fall in love and Michael too feels the attraction instantly. Things start to heat up very quickly between the two making Ashley feel like she is queen of his universe. But when a sudden change of direction occurs, Ashley must make a decision - one that will determine the outcome of her relationship with the only man she's ever loved.

What will she choose? Michael? Her dreams? Her reality? You decide...WHO'S BAD!




Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author.  The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise.  No copyright infringement is intended. 

Categories: Bad: 1986-1990, Adult, Romance
Characters: Michael, Original Girl
General Warnings: Erotica
Trigger Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 6 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 23525 Read Count: 1362
[Report This] Published: Nov 18, 2014 Updated: Nov 21, 2014

She was an aspiring singer with dreams of making it big. Her father being who he was had all the connections in the world of turning his daughter's dream into a reality. But with a little assistance from the biggest star in the world, Cheyenne was able to 'open up' and gain the experience of a lifetime that began with just a simple splash of lemonade...




Categories: Thriller: 1982-1983, Adult, Romance
Characters: Michael, Original Girl
General Warnings: Some Scenes of an Explicit Sexual Nature
Trigger Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 5 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 18808 Read Count: 1221
[Report This] Published: Nov 06, 2014 Updated: Nov 11, 2014

This is a story about your wandering yet curious child. She/He asked about its father only to have a dream with him. Will she/He see his/her father?

One Shot story 

Categories: Adventure, Suspense, Hurt/Comfort, Family, Song Fics
Characters: Michael, Original Girl
General Warnings: None
Trigger Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1086 Read Count: 1018
[Report This] Published: Oct 07, 2014 Updated: Oct 07, 2014

So Michael is huge in crime business right? I mean with the whole SWAT team on his trail, he is so far awarded as American Top Gangster. But he is not the only one.......Cindy-Jean or CJ happens to catch on fast. She's notorious and has managed to draw attention from the SWAT team as well... I guess that makes Michael and CJ rivals........ that is until Garrison, the president of DoubleTree Hilton Bank posseses a very rare jewel... the green jade in heart shaped saphire. Very valuable as it is, it draws the attention of both criminalsWill they compete or work together to get it? Will they fall for each other in the process or is this all just a game? Follow this story as it twists and turns in comedy,romance, suspence and much more...... Enjoyce1e8dce-5c5a-478f-a54a-b0e97b3fc6fawallpaper.jpg

Thanks FirefliesforMJ for the lovely banner.

Categories: Romance, Suspense, Hurt/Comfort, Humor, Adult, Bad: 1986-1990
Characters: Michael, Original Girl
General Warnings: None
Trigger Warnings: Alcohol Abuse
Series: None
Chapters: 13 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 6406 Read Count: 817
[Report This] Published: May 04, 2014 Updated: Sep 16, 2014

September 5th 2014

Hey Guys! New update up (And it's long lol)
<3 Leah

It's been three years since Lexi went under the radar.  The FBI tracking down whom they believe to be Lexi's predator, Lexi and Michael have resumed life together in the public eye and are finally planning their wedding.

Blissfully happy, What happens when their world is shaken, again, and it appears that Michael has fathered a child with another woman?  When everything points to his guilt, will Lexi believe in his innocence?

Will Lexi be able to stand the heartache of learning that in the midst of Michael's paternity crisis, she may never be able to conviece as a result of her accident?

How will Lexi deal with the heartache of infertility, with the accusations of Michael's infedility?  And what happens when "accidents" start happening once again, leading them to believe that maybe the police had the wrong person after all?

All publicly recognized characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are property of the authors. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.    

Categories: Family, Humor, Romance
Characters: Michael, Original Girl
General Warnings: None
Trigger Warnings: None
Series: My Best Friend's Brother
Chapters: 34 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 67254 Read Count: 113780
[Report This] Published: Aug 18, 2012 Updated: Sep 05, 2014

Just remember; Home is where the heart is. But no matter where I am, my heart will always be with you. I love you...


Some cheesey oneshot I wrote two years ago. Apologies for the spaces.

Categories: Romance, Hurt/Comfort, Adult, Slash
Characters: Michael
General Warnings: None
Trigger Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 3281 Read Count: 797
[Report This] Published: Sep 02, 2014 Updated: Sep 02, 2014

 photo a4cfab68-f71b-4cbc-8b69-b04a8271bdf3wallpaper_zpsea078977.jpg" alt="" />

Michael Jackson is back in Club 30, trying to find out more about the murder of Annie Wilkes, The dame from down the lane. As he questions everyone, he is found guilty of the murder of Annie. But he believes differently, he believes he was framed. Now, Michael is on the lamb, since he snaked his way from the cops, and he faces some new problems up ahead as he is chased. And may need help from his crush, his children friends, his pet monkey Bubbles, and Spike the rabbit to back him up in the face of the law. But did he really kill Annie? Or was it a setup like he said? Find out in Why isn't annie okay?

Categories: Parody, Song Fics, Suspense
Characters: Michael
General Warnings: None
Trigger Warnings: None
Series: Parodies And Tropetacular Proportions Presents...
Chapters: 2 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 2118 Read Count: 2790
[Report This] Published: Aug 16, 2014 Updated: Aug 17, 2014


Have you ever seen someone — a total stranger— and in that brief moment you see your life with that person flash before your eyes! And you ask yourself “What IF…”

IF He were my Boy Friend….
His favorite food would be…

IF We’d spend Sundays in Bed, we’ll play Criss-Cross, Apple Sauce, Spiders crawling up your back, Snake goes up, Bites you!, Blood gushes down, Cool breeze, Tight squeeze.

And AGAIN, you ask yourself “What IF…”



Categories: Adult, Romance, Slash
Characters: Michael
General Warnings: None
Trigger Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 12562 Read Count: 1087
[Report This] Published: Jun 03, 2014 Updated: Aug 07, 2014

This is a story I was intending to finish for in honour of June 25th, but didn't have the heart or the ability to continue it.

I left this as a Round Robin so that you can write your own ending to it.

We L.O.V.E. You Michael!


Categories: Adventure, Hurt/Comfort, Romance, Song Fics
Characters: Michael, Original Girl
General Warnings: None
Trigger Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 422 Read Count: 742
[Report This] Published: Jun 24, 2014 Updated: Jun 24, 2014

What happens when your childhood best friend disappears without a word then comes back 22 years later with a burden and a secret? What happens when your childhood best friend isn't what they seem? What happens when you discover their secrets?

Deanna Winchester was Michael Jackson's childhood best friend, however, when she was 4, --about to turn 5--, her and her family mysteriously left. Michael never really knew why she left and supposedly, his parents never knew why. Michael worried over Deanna until he was forced into becoming a singer with his brothers. He focused on his music and slowly forgot about Deanna. 
That is, until 22 years later, she reappears in their hometown on a hunt. However, the Deanna that returns isn't the same. Her and her brothers are different, they carry a heavy weight on their shoulders and have no way of relieving it. 
Deanna swore to keep her life a secret from Michael and fights it everyday, but when he gets attacked and almost suffers the same fate as Mary Winchester, Deanna has no choice but to tell him everything. 
Will their frienship change now that Michael knows? Will Deanna be able to keep Michael safe from her and her life?


**Michael will be living in Lawrence, Kansas instead of Gary, Indiana. 

Categories: Adult, Adventure, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Romance, Suspense
Characters: Michael
General Warnings: None
Trigger Warnings: Emotional Abuse
Series: None
Chapters: 4 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 10103 Read Count: 198
[Report This] Published: May 26, 2014 Updated: Jun 02, 2014

A collection of short stories.

Why did he wear only one glove? Read to find out.

Warning: Some contain explicit sexual content

Categories: Romance, Hurt/Comfort, Adult
Characters: Michael
General Warnings: None
Trigger Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 14 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 44041 Read Count: 4289
[Report This] Published: Aug 28, 2013 Updated: May 25, 2014

name is Layla Haraway and I am a Model for Magazines and urban clothing ads. My best friend is Janet Jackson...I love her, but anyway as I was saying we are very close but here lately as our friendship grows her brother Michael has been trying to get to know me better.

....but isn't he MARRIED!?!

Categories: Lisa Marie Presley: 1994, Adult, Hurt/Comfort, Humor, Trigger Warning!
Characters: Lisa Marie Presley, Michael, Original Girl
General Warnings: None
Trigger Warnings: Alcohol Abuse, Death, Domestic Abuse, Drug Abuse
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 1260 Read Count: 200
[Report This] Published: Apr 17, 2014 Updated: Apr 30, 2014

Categories: Adult, Horror, Romance, Trigger Warning!
Characters: Michael, Original Girl
General Warnings: None
Trigger Warnings: Death, Emotional Abuse, Rape, Suicide
Series: None
Chapters: 16 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 22622 Read Count: 3692
[Report This] Published: Aug 30, 2013 Updated: Apr 27, 2014
Weak by purebutterflies Rated: M starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 6]


Categories: Romance
Characters: Michael, Original Girl
General Warnings: None
Trigger Warnings: Alcohol Abuse, Death, Domestic Abuse, Drug Abuse, Emotional Abuse
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 861 Read Count: 138
[Report This] Published: Apr 27, 2014 Updated: Apr 27, 2014