Categories: Suspense, Thriller: 1982-1983, Adventure, Horror Characters: Michael
Make a story based on the Thriller era !!!
Categories: Suspense, Thriller: 1982-1983, Adventure, Horror Characters: Michael
Categories: Hurt/Comfort, Suspense, Humor, Adult Characters: Michael
Here's what my challenge is looking for.
- Michael can be in any era
- He gets captured and held for ransom from a girl he falls for, and also that she falls for him anytime in the story
- Violence, Drug use, Adult language, (optional) sexual content MUST be in the story
- They MUST be some place in California
- Michael has to cry at least 3 times (try to make it so devastating that it will break my heart) and cuss 2 times
- At least PG 13 or R
- At least 1 humor scene
- Follow the catagories!
Categories: Hurt/Comfort, Suspense, Humor, Adult Characters: Michael