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Anyone interested in finished novels?  I have a few.



 (One Shot)


 (One Shot)




Categories: Bad: 1986-1990, Dangerous: 1991-1993, Lisa Marie Presley: 1994, Invincible: 2000-2003, Adventure, Fantasy, Hurt/Comfort, Humor, Romance, Sci Fi, Song Fics, Suspense, Trigger Warning! Characters: Lisa Marie Presley, Michael, Original Girl


- Michael is a massage therapist.

- A girl is his customer and

- they must have fun ;)

Other than that, you can make it up :)

Oh and it can be any catorgory or era.


Categories: Adult, Lisa Marie Presley: 1994, Romance, Adventure, Horror, Suspense, Hurt/Comfort, Humor, Family, Song Fics, Fantasy, Sci Fi, Mystery, Angst Characters: Michael, Original Girl

In the spirit of Book-a-Minute, Movie-a-Minute, and the Complt Wrks of Wllm Shakspr - Condensed,

Write a condensed (ultra-condensed!) version of any book, lyric, video, movie, or biographical scene starring our lovely one who's life was all too brief.

Artistic license freely granted for this challenge!

I've submitted "Superfly" as an example, but it's a pretty poor one ;)

Categories: Romance, Adventure, Horror, Suspense, Hurt/Comfort, Humor, Family, Song Fics, Parody, Fantasy, Sci Fi, Mystery, Angst, Adult Characters: Michael

I challenge you to muster up the best love scene you can.


  • It has to be a one-shot though you can make it as long as you want.
  • Any era of MJ is fine.
  • Has to be an actual love scene and not pure smut, but the characters involved don't necessarily have to be in love.  Basically I'm trying to see who would be the best at writing a well thought out sex scene and not something that was cheaply made.
  • You can have multiple characters, fantasy elements, angst, horror, drama, etc. Basically anything goes!

Categories: Trigger Warning!, Adult, Romance, Fantasy, Lyrics, Adventure, Horror, Hurt/Comfort, Humor, Sci Fi, Mystery Characters: Michael

First challenge, please do excuse me if it sucks. So I had posted up a oneshot named "When a TARDIS and a Winged Tin-Can Collide", and asked there if anyone wanted to continue it into their own story, even though I might continue it myself. 

So I'm challenging you to take up this Doctor Who/Captain EO oneshot and use what imagination you have to create it into a story. I don't mind what category it goes into, Slash, horror, or something, just go for it. You all have my permission. The oneshot should be in this challenge, and that will be your starting point.

By the way, haven't heard of Doctor Who? Just look it up in netflix or search Doctor Who for Dummies on YouTube. Good luck!

Categories: Sci Fi Characters: None
Summary: I want someone to write a Frozen and Captain Eo crossover. Like for example Elsa falls for Eo and he becomes king of Arendale, Anna becomes Eo's bestie or Anna and Elsa fight over Eo and he has to choose one. Make it PG for violence
Categories: Parody, Romance, Adventure, Suspense, Hurt/Comfort, Sci Fi, Fantasy Characters: Michael


Write any random story that comes to mind, not matter what length. It can be funny, romantic, scary, retarded etc

However, you must include:

- Michael Jackson being nude at some point in the story.

- President Barack Obama or Michelle Obama.

- KFC party.

- A sex scene involved with Martin Bashir!

- Princess Diana in a pink thong.

- One Direction included in the story (or just one of them).

- Anthing else you want.

LOL, have fun.

NOTE: None of the above are true or are likely to happen :)



Categories: Slash, Parody, Humor, Fantasy, Sci Fi, Romance, Horror, Adventure, Adult Characters: Michael

Hello friends


i challenge you to write a fanfic story where MJ lives in a great castle mansions. He's like in ghosts his short film. You have to tell us what happens when he invite a young school girl in his mansion and made her discover a whole new way of pleasure, the night, he transform himself (in wathever you want i let you choose) the story must be a fifty shades of grey kind like but let your imagination take you there there's not limit sky's the limit. MJ has to be very angry when she doesn't obey. The story must be 18+ with hard, crude, drug, abuse and with fetishs. Have fun ! Looking forward to read you. Don't hesitate to add fantasy and science fiction to the story. Thanks

Categories: Horror, Fantasy, Sci Fi, Adult, HIStory: 1995-1999 Characters: Michael
Summary: I love reading stories about teenage, 70s era Michael. But it seems that most people want to start their stories no later than the mid to late 80s. Well, here's the challenge. I want to read stories, series, poems, or anything else you've got about Michael during his time in New York filming The Wiz. The story has to be historically and culturally accurate. Meaning, no cell phones and internet. 8-tracks and Afros, ya dig? Bonus if you can manage to sneak in people that he actually knew then (Tatum O'Neal, Diana Ross, Stephanie Mills). So, dust off your platforms and straighten those lapels. It's gonna be a dynamite and out of sight time in New York!
Categories: Romance, Adventure, Horror, Suspense, Hurt/Comfort, Humor, Family, Parody, Fantasy, Sci Fi, Mystery, Angst, Adult, Slash, Lyrics, Poetry Characters: Michael

Okay, I'm new to challenges, so forgive me if this sucks. Pretty much, what you have to do is create a story using MICHAEL JACKSON: User Guide and Manual. Here are the rules.

*This must have humor

*As much as you may want an MJ unit, you have to have him ordered by accident

*This must remain T-rated (You can make as many dirty jokes, and cuss as much as you want to, but no further then that please.)

Also, it came to my attention that someone requested a Sexy mode. You can look at the reviews and it should be there. I even came up with a way to get him into that mode. First get Michael into his Flustered mode, and start flirting with him until he feels comfortable. (Note: This may take a day or two. Maybe even a week.) Then he'll start flirting back, and eventually go into his Sexy mode.

This is pretty easy, and I made it pretty loose, so that you can have fun with this. Just keep the manual handy and this should go almost as awesome as Prussia. (If you don't watch Hetalia, don't ask. . .)

Categories: Romance, Adventure, Humor, Parody, Sci Fi Characters: Michael

This one is pretty simple: it has to consist of Michael, in any era you wish, meeting a fan. It can be someone you've imagined in your head, or maybe yourself! 
And if you've ever met him, you can share your own experience here!

It can be just a simple and sweet meeting, or an embarrassing way to meet the King of Pop, they can become friends, they can end up with a kiss, a hug... more, if you want! ;) 

So, I'm pretty much leaving it all up to you. Choose the era, the character, where it happens, how it happens. It can be anything, from PG to rated R. Your choice only.

Good luck, and I can't wait to see what you talented writers got to show! :)

Categories: Romance, Lisa Marie Presley: 1994, Slash, Adult, Horror, Angst, Mystery, Sci Fi, Family, Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Adventure Characters: Michael, Original Girl

Okay, I want a story along the lines of the supernatural. Which means I want anyone to write a story which deals with encountering Michael after he dies, you know as a ghost or spirit or anything you want to call it. Make it any genre, I don't mind. But just keep it decent. And yeah, I want an original girl.

Categories: Adventure, Romance, Horror, Suspense, Fantasy, Sci Fi, Mystery Characters: Original Girl

Michael Jackson fakes his death by virtually DISAPPEARING after the "hospital" footage. A dummy takes his place as he GOES BACK IN TIME.

He goes back to the time before Christ... Ancient Egypt. 

Write a story that is heart breaking, romantic, and mysterious where Michael goes back in time and finds himself to become Pharaoh. (you can change the time when he goes back like around the time when he WROTE "Remember The Time)

((I got inspired by this challenge after noticing the peculiar "statue" that resembles Michael a little bit.)) 

Categories: Romance, Adventure, Sci Fi Characters: Michael

I feel it needs to be done, so move your butt and work it off, write it girl! yes, talking to you on the computer screen eating them damn cookies yo mama said not to or yo head look like last nights KFC when she finish those chicken breasts! oh giirl, you got serrved! (anyone think of Tovah McQueen from Reality Check?)

haha, kidding as usual, but please do respond. Besides, Prince Charles is an ugly mothafucka XD she needs a handsome man. It can be any genre, any length, anything you want.


Categories: Admin Only, Lisa Marie Presley: 1994, Romance, Adventure, Horror, Suspense, Humor, Sci Fi, Bad: 1986-1990 Characters: Michael