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It was very busy at the office, more and more wishes to be granted, I love my job!!
I see we also have another Jackson arrangement. I called the other agency and we set the date.
When the day came we had two cancellations, but already booked a nurse. Debby asked me if I wanted to guide the others instead of the sick ones, so the nurse can come along to take care of the two boys. I agreed.
We drove to the house, Michael is greeting us. He walked to me.
“Hi, I am glad to see you again, how are you doing?”
“I am fine, today I am with the healthcare agency, so I can run around too this time, I laughed.”
“Great, you like super soaker fights? Or are you scared you are getting soaking wet..?”
“You are kidding? I love it! I was good at it when I was young, you better hide, I am the one who won't get a drup, you are the one who gets it!”
He laughed out loud. “We will see about that....” he said with a grin.
So after the photo's and all, we spread out, a group went to the lawn and grab some super soakers.
I am a child myself with those things, I grabbed a huge one, and get myself ready.
I saw Michael walking to us, he had a even bigger gun than I have...shit...I thought...he won't have to reload that fast...grrrr.....I will keep my eye on him!
We all got ready. Three, two one, he screamed...we all started running and squirting.
Michael was fast!! Soon kids were soaking wet, but he was not able to get water on me.
I, on the other hand, got my chance to get him, cause he was not paying attention to me, I got behind him and I squirted my whole water gun on him!
He screamed so hard! I laughed. “Ha, who is wet now!!! I told you I was good! And look....I am all dry...” I had tears of laughing!
“Aaaaahhh, next time, girl...I am gonna get you!! You won this time!”
He went off to get himself dry clothes.

The children and I went to get something to eat and take a rest.
Michael came back and sit next to me. “Well, that was fun, he said, you are good!”
“It was a great fight. I promised some kids to go to the forest after we eat, to play hide and seek. I always get butterflies in my tummy cause I get so excitet,” I giggled.
“Can I join you?”
“Sure. First I need food and a drink...and a rest!”
“I was wondering after you left the other time, what happend in New York...”
“I cannot tell you with kids around.”
“Let's sit back there, tell me about it.”
I told him my Dave story. He was shocked.
“My God, what a terrible thing...is he still locked up?”
“He is, I hope he did learn a lesson. I am still scared sometimes, especially in the dark on the streets. But I am ok, I am happy I live here now.”
Some kids came to me; “Stef, are you coming to play already?”
They took my hands and pulled me out of the corner.
“I will join you later,” Michael said.

In the forest we played one game of hide and seek. The second round Michael joined us.
“You all go hide, I will go find you, no cheating!!!”I said.
As I counted they all ran off. Time to find them....
I already saw some children, a few were hard to find. Now, only Michael to find...
Ofcourse he knows all the good places to hide!
Suddenly he jumped out of a tree yelling behind me and grabbed my shoulders. I started screaming.
I had a flashback! “Goddamn asshole, I yelled, stupid ass, you scared the hell out of me, sneaking up on me! Are you crazy?” I pushed him away and run off.
“Stef, wait, sorry, wait, I am sorry!!” he called.
I run to the other group, whipping my teary eyes.
“Just in time, a co-worker said, we are about to leave.”
“I will take this group, I said, if you want to get the others, I will stand by the bus.”
All the children were gathered, we stand by the bus. Michael said goodbye to all of them.
I took the kids in the bus.
“Stef, wait,” he said. He took me aside. “I am sorry I scared you, it was not my intention.”
I hissed; “I just told you my story, that creep sneaked up behind me, and now you did the same, how could you.” I was holding my tears back.
“I know, I was a stupid ass, he said, I wasn't thinking. Can I make it up to you? Please....We had such a great day...I don't want it to end up this way..” He had tears in his eyes.
“It's ok, I said, holding in my anger. Don't worry about it. I am sorry I yelled at you. Forget about it, ok? You don't have to be sorry.” He looked at me and gave me a hug, still tears in his eyes.
We took off.

The next day I got a huge huge bouquet of flowers at the office, with a card;
“I am sorry, please forgive me. Michael.”
Now I feel sorry for letting him feel this way. Me and my big mouth...!!
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