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:.: September 11th 1996 :.:

Michael sat on the plane on his own enjoying a glass of wine in his hand. The king of pop gazed at the relaxing scenery from his window. This trip was just what he needed before the 'History Tour' began.

But he didn't leave without telling his family, friends and people working at his own company (MJJ Productions) his plans.

He faced the usual protests but at this point, the exhausted man wanted some time alone from the media and everyone.

He chuckled lowly sitting in the chair, he couldn't wait to unwind and relax in the richly rooted country Nigeria where he knew he'd gain the peace needed from his crazy life.

Hours later the sun blazing down from his window woke him up from his late slumber.

Yawning and scratching his tangled hair he arose from his bed and went to have a shower, he wore a pair of blue light washed jeans and a loose white plan top leaving his short raven hair loose.

He grabbed his sunshades from the table and went out of the door where his bodyguards stood at attention waiting.

Underneath the black umbrella Michael walked over the rocky sidewalk watching the liveliness of the people laughing and talking together.

To get away from the sun Michael sat on the cool ground under a mango tree with his bodyguards surrounding him, but it didn’t bother him.

He continued to write in his little notebook whatever thoughts or words sprung in his mind.

He took a sip from his cool beverage occasionally as he basked in the stillness until a loud shout from only a few metres away startled him and he dropped his drink to the ground. He ignored the beverage spilling over the Rocky ground.

His head turned to see a pale skinny boy bloodied on the ground being dragged away by two larger men.

The young child wiggled furiously to pull his legs out of their hands but their hold only tightened further causing the small child more pain. He cried out for help but to his fear there wasn't a single soul around to help.

Michael despised seeing a child harmed in such a horrific way, He quickly pocketed his notebook and ran off in the direction to the alleyway.

In only a matter of seconds Michael arrived and felt his heart pound in his ears.

He didn't care for his well-being but only for the little boy that needed rescuing.

"Let him go!" He commanded his usual soft voice dropping into a low bass tone.

"Who are you tell us to do so?" The older man said turning his head to face Michael.

"Ah drop the boy! We don't want trouble that is Michael Jackson father just go" the young man pleaded to his father.

The older man looked down at the boy briefly, he spat on him and left with his son.

Michael bent down to his knees seeing the young boy lay on the floor clearly in pain.

Michael checked his pulse and to his relief he was still breathing, the little boy's pale face was completely covered in purple bruises and blood flowed freely down his nose. He wondered how bad the rest of injuries hidden under his ragged clothes.

Michael took his shirt off revealing his white vest. He tore the top into two and began to wrap it gently around his head.

He hoped the makeshift bandage would keep some of his wounds sealed unto he went to the hospital.

Once his head was rested the little boy eyes opened blinking up wondering who had the guts to save him.

Michael knew from his books that there were many languages in this country he hoped the little boy understood English.

"I'm Michael I Eh saved you kiddo" Michael explained to the boy.

"Please don't kill me mister not my fault I was born this way do anything" the little boy replied back in broken English surprising Michael that he understood.

"I would never do such a thing to you kiddo.. but we need to get you to a hospital" he promised inwardly his angrier growing on how someone could harm a child?

"Thank you sir!" The little boy exclaimed breathlessly before groaning in pain.

Michael knew he needed desperate medical attention immediately bent down to slowly pick the boy in his arms. Standing up the little boy was nestled in his hard chest snuggled into his warmth.

An hour later Michael was sitting outside in the waiting room tapping his feet as he waited patiently.

"Mr. Jackson?" A male doctor called out to him snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Yes? Is everything alright with the boy?" He asked deeply concerned.

The doctor cleared his throat and explained that the boy’s injuries wasn't too critical for surgery but he would need to stay a day or two to check on his injuries.

"Can I see him?" Michael asked.

"Of course sir just go down this hall and turn right you will enter into the children's ward" the doctor replied.

"Thank you" Michael replied smiling to the now slightly star-struck doctor who nodded and shook his head as Michael passed by him.

Michael greeted anyone he saw along the way until he found, 'The children Ward' where many children gasped and shouted in awe when they saw who walked into the room.

Michael smiled to them all wishing he had the time to come and talk to them but alas he didn't.

Agu wondered what the fuss and noise was about when he turned his head around fully to see someone making their way towards his bed.

"Hey" Michael called out softly to the boy.

The little boy’s big blue eyes looked into his warily wondering if he was trustworthy.

"Hello sir" the little boy greeted him shyly.

"Hey don't be shy kiddo what's your name my name is Michael" he prompted kindly to the nervous boy.

"Agu" he replied.

"Agu what a lovely name what does it mean?" Michael prodded trying to start a conversation.

"It means agility and strength or that is what someone told me" he replied trying to remember who said so in his mind but the figure didn't appear.

"I saved you a few hours ago I'm happy to see your alright" he mentioned to Agu.

Agu narrowed his round eyes before he gasped realising the man who had saved him in the nick of time.

"Your Michael Jackson!" He blurted out in awe.

"Where?" Michael gasped holding his hands to his face looking around playfully.

Agu giggled at his silliness and Michael looked back to see a smile rise on Agu's lips.

"Thank you for saving me" he said thanking him but the question on his mind still lingered.

Why did he come save him?
Unintentionally Agu blurted out the question on his mind when he heard Michael chuckle lightly.

"Agu I saw you were in trouble and I needed to help you. I will never allow a child to be left on their own no matter the situation" he explained passionately.

"Oh" Agu was speechless but Michael changed the subject to a lighter topic instead.

"How old are you Agu?" He asked gently.

"Five" he replied holding up five fingers grinning.

"Wow you're smart for your age Agu" he replied praising the little boy.

Michael stayed a little longer with him till he had to go but he didn't leave without giving him a hug, noting inwardly to inform the hospital staff to give Agu more nourishing food noticing how boney his body was for his age.

Over the next few days Michael spent time at the hospital to see Agu, which he did so even if he was a little late sometimes. He even brought toys from his other trips to hand out to the other children who demanded his time as well which was split between talking to them and Agu at the same time.

At first Agu wasn't happy about it but soon got over it eventually since Michael was solely coming to see him it wouldn't hurt to share him.

During the short month trip between Michael and Agu the bond grew day by day, Michael dreaded when the day he would have to leave such a happy and outspoken friend behind.

The day he dreaded arrived too quickly for his taste, but he had to suck it up now that Agu was sitting beside him as they indulged in snacks and sweets watching 'Tom and Jerry' on TV.

Once the show ended Michael turned the tv off to the protest of Agu.

“Agu buddie I have some news..im leaving the country in two days” he told the little boy sadly.

Agu could only blink at first before the tears begun to follow down his cheeks as he stuttered panicking “d-don’t go Michael! If yo-u go I’ll be all alone no one loves me like you have”

Michael’s heart broke in two seeing his friend break down in front of him.
“calm down Agu what do you mean when you are going to be all alone? What about your family?” Michael asked as he wiped the tears from his chubby face with his thumb.

“mama and daddy said they went to the store and never returned” he replied sniffing sadly breaking Michael’s heart even further by the story.

Unfortunately his month trip extended to a few more days, when he told his team, they complained but he didn't care.

His main concern was Agu at the moment. In the short time Michael spent with Age, he observed and learnt Agu was a cheerful and outspoken boy who loved games and running all over the place.

He didn’t want to see him waste away in a country where the people didn’t appreciate such a sweet and innocent soul.

“how about you come to America with me Agu….as my son?” Michael suggested to him grinning.

Agu’s jaw dropped in surprise at the suggestion and his squeal of joy as he jumped into Michael’s lap.

“I guess that’s a yes eh?” he replied laughing as he tickling the little boy in his arms.

The media obviously found out where he was and as always sprouted lies to his digust about what his plans were in the country.

He ignored their fruitful attempts to get a rise out of him and focused on his attempt to get Agu's papers sorted to come back with him to the USA.

Early in the morning Michael and Agu were sitting on the seats provided in the adoption agency.

Michael was singing quietly ‘I want you Back’ to soothen Agu’s mood as they sat waiting for someone to come out of the office. A few mintues later a slim woman came out to usher them back into her office.

Now sat down in the chairs they faced the emotionless woman.

“so Mr.Jackson you want to adopt eh this child?” she asked a hint of loathing and disbelief heavily hinted in her voice.

“yes I want to adopt him will that be a problem miss?” he replied smiling tightly and inwardly cursing her to the moon.

“no sir that will not be a problem I just need to find his file on him and we can start.. what is it’s name?” she replied coolly shuffling through her files.

“It’s name is Agu miss so please refer him to his given name” he replied irriated.

The woman wasn’t bothered by his reply and went back to the other part of the room where a long cupboard stood with files of papers messily stacked on each shelf.

She came back a few minutes later holding a thin file. She sat back down in her chair and handed the file over to Michael who opened the file to see only three pages.

“there isn’t much about him in this file?” he asked flabbergasted at the lack of information about Agu.

She coughed to clear her throat as she looked at him disinterested “ah yes there isn’t much on him sir he is a lost case do you still want to adopt him?”

“You look like a frog! Like my froggy friend mrs.tulope” Agu chipped innocently clearing knowing what he was doing to see the unchanging expression on the woman’s face scrunch up in irritation.

Michael coughed into his hand as he tried to hold back his laughter and scolded Agu lightly for his comment.

“wha? She does like her daddy!” he whined to him.

“look” Michael automatically corrected him like any parent would do.

“can we please get back to the topic at hand gentleman?” the woman added in swiftly.

“oh yes you can” Michael replied smirking.

He delibaretly gave Agu his crayons to colour on the spiteful woman’s table ignoring her dirty look towards him but the meeting went on as the adoption papers were filed out and done in no time.

Michael left with Agu holding his hand as they left the office without a goodbye but the little boy couldn’t resist sticking his tongue out at the toad like woman as the door shut behind him leaving her to fume hotly.

The other neccessarites were sorted out though the rest of the day leaving the next day for Michael and the newest Jackson to head back to the USA.

Unfortaunely the minute Michael stepped off the plane holding Agu in his arms using his impressive hands to cover his eyes from the flashes surrondering him as he and the bodyguards briskly walked back to the car ignoring the flying questions from every corner about his skin, the little boy in his hands and whatever else he could block out.

After the child molestrations trails after 93 the king of pop chose to live in another part of Neverland, completely ignoring the main house because of the needed privacy from his family.

Finally home and laying his exhuasted son on the bed due to the time difference and jet lag he deserved a well needed rest.

Seeing he was snuggled up in the quilt Michael went back to the living room to see his mother and father sitting in his living room not surprised to see them sitting there waiting.

“mother …joseph what are you doing here?” he asked pretending to be curious when he already knew why they were here.

“baby joseph and I heard about your new child on the news? Is it true you adopted a little boy from Africa?” Katherine asked him gently from her place next to Joseph.

Michael sat on the sofa opposite them eyeing to see the emotions expressed on their faces.

His mother was like a open book while Joseph was emotionless, it wasn’t a shocker for him since he’s always been like this way excluding his daughter he had outside of their home.

“yes mother I have his name is Agu” Michael replied smiling happily at her.

“oh my! What does his na--?” she was just about to ask him before she was intercuppted by Joseph’s booming voice “what were you thinking son?! Adopting a streetrat from Africa who knows what the boy could be carrying?!”

Their gazes locked clashing in a sea of emotions.

Typical Joseph thinking of his family in his own twisted way.

“you have no right to call him a streetrat! I didn’t pick him up because of your reasons I adopted him because he is sweetest and intelligent boy I have ever come across he’s impacted my life with his knowelge and innocent I love him like the son I never had unlike you” he sneered bearing his pearly whites at Joseph who at this point stood up to confront his son.

“please not now! We only came to dicusss this---“ Katherine said trying to intervine.

“shut up Katie! I didn’t ask you to---" Joseph said turning to her but Michael wasn’t having it.

“don’t you dare talk to her like that Joseph!” Michael interjected heateadly.

“I have every right to talk to her you--!” Joseph said before a childlike voice cut the shouting match between them.

“daddy?” Agu said as he toddled into the room awoken from his nap by the loud voices.

“kiddo please go back to the room daddy will be back soon” Michael chided to him gently.

Joseph dumbfounded by the little boy in front of him not expecting to see a pale and angelic child in front of him.

“abminoation” he hissed at Agu before spinning around and walking away, leaving Michael and Katherine to calm down a now upset little boy.

“he called me a bad word why no one like me?” Agu cried out in unadultered misery.

“no sweetie he just hasn’t tried to get to know you” Katherine replied in a sootheing tone bending down to meet his beautiful navy coloured eyes.

“really?” he asked hopeful like all kids do.

“yes really sweetie im your grandma katherine” she answered sweetly to calm the little boy down.

Michael’s heart warmed at the immediate acceptance from his mother who loved all no matter who you are, watching Agu talk animatedly to her.

:.November 7th 1998:.
.:.Richmond upon Thames, London.:

It's been a year and half since Michael adopted Agu and he's had the time of his life raising his child.

Michael thought he could shield the limelight from his baby boy but the American media chose to bash and ridicule his son over the silliest crap pissing him off day by day to the point that he chose to uproot him and his son to the United Kingdom where they lived in one of the most peaceful towns in London.

He didn't regret his choice moving away from America one bit. He loved the peace and quiet away from his family, the American press and his PA.

But during his time in the town he and Agu have grown to love, he met a woman called Olivia Smith. She became his friend quickly, because she was able to see the man beyond the 'superstar status 'and shared a mutual understanding.

The lonely nights lead to their one night stands but it didn't last long when Olivia announced to him, that she was pregnant. The nine months went by quickly and she left giving him a bitter escape without any reason why she left.

The arrival of Violet Jackson was still a surprise to Michael who didn't expect to become a father yet again for the second time. It was a humbling experience.

But he accepted it as his responsibility and nine months later he was sitting in his bedroom, holding her in his large hands staring at her in awe and wonder in his bedroom.

The two day old baby girl slept peacefully in her daddy's hands while he marvelled at her little feet pulling at them as she slept.

The six year old Agu bored out of his mind chose to walk into his father's room slamming the door open to Michael's annoyance.

Luckily violet didn't stir but continued to sleep. Michael looked up to glare at the completely innocent look on his son's face.

Over the past year and half Agu had grown a tad taller inch. He was now a shadow of his former self. He was fuller in the face and body due to the Michael monitoring his health and making sure he had a balanced diet.

"You are lucky son she didn't wake up" Michael said scolding him.

Agu pouted and walked into the room to stand by his father's side looking down at his little sister he felt she wasn't nothing special he couldn't play with her what was the point?

"Ugly thing she can't do anything" Agu stated bluntly.

"Agu! You shouldn't say something like that to her!" Michael said eyeing him in disapproval.

"It's true daddy! All she does is sit there!" He said raising his voice slightly.

"Do not raise your voice at me young man!" Michael replied sternly.

Agu pressed his lips together sucking in his temper while Michael could only stare at him before his gaze softened.

"Look kiddo she's your little sister she might not be able to do anything now but she will give her time, You were once like this" Michael said to him and kissed his cheek only to see a dust of blush appear on his pale cheek.

"Can I hold it?" Agu asked gently spreading his skinny arms outwardly.

"It is a girl" he said reminding him.

"Can I hold her please?" Agu repeated.

Michael sighed and helped him position his arms to hold her correctly to support her head and body.

Now Agu was sitting on the bed beside his father gazing down at his little sister soundly sleeping in his arms.

After a few minutes of sitting with her he gave her back to his dad and jumped off the bed to find something to do.

"Don't go outside I want you to finish your homework kiddo before Hannah arrives!" Michael said to him just as Agu was about to leave the room.

His small shoulders sagged and he turned around pouting to his father who wasn't fazed by his downcast expression. Agu nodded and left the room again slamming the door behind him, this time waking up Violet who cried in fear leaving Michael to try and calm her down.

Chapter End Notes:

Soo this is my first attempt at going for an older era mj beyond my usual choices lol. I've been working on this back and forth for months! Lol.

*Mj real kids won't be making an entrance in this story.*

Leave a review because I was nervous to post this...to continue this??


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