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Author's Chapter Notes:

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"So how was school?" My dad asked wrapping his fork with spaghetti. "Well this guy hates me I have a best friend and I might do cheerleading." I responded as if everything I had said was normal for a first day. "Uh....all that on a first day?" he asked stopping himself from shoving his food in his mouth. "Yep, people here are different. They say whatever they think regardless of how it affects others, it's really sick." I said this while finishing up my food. That night I wondered how the next day would be. Hopefully better then my first day, I have to admit though that night I had a dream about Michael. I was walking down the hallway and I felt someone grab my hand. The mysterious hand pulled me into the janitor’s closet. I could feel breathing on my mouth which made my heart beat increase. "Where do you think you're going Margret?" I heard a familiar voice ask in a low and sexy voice. My stomach fluttered and I tried to fight the feeling of kissing him. "Michael?" I asked in a low tone, so low that it came out in a whisper. After I said the dark figure got closer and closer, so close that I could feel the warmth of his lips on my but our lips were not yet touching. Then all of a sudden I heard, "hey Yahara get up it's time for school", I opened my eyes and there was my father. I stared at him in such annoyance; I was dying to finish that dream. Wait I hate Michael, I thought to myself and my facial expression softened. "What did I do wrong?" My dad asked putting his hands up as if to surrender. “Nothing dad I just had a bad dream", I said still thinking about it. When I got to school I rushed to my locker so that I would be first. Michael didn't seem like the type to come early so today I made sure I was on time. "Hey girly" I heard Aleli say while walking up towards me. "Hey Aleli", I responded while putting my book bag in my locker. "So this afternoon me and you are staying after so that I could teach you are cheers. The coach said we can use the gym" Aleli said, I looked at her unsure and said "i don't know if I can make it because my other friend wants to hang out." I lied, I had no other friends and by her facial expression she knew I was lying. "Yea that's funny, anyways meet me after at 3:30 sharp. If you're not there I'm coming to your house and I know you'll be there, tootles." As she walked away I wondered how she knew that I had no other friends. Or was she just being her demanding self? The hallways started to fill up, and of course the volume increased. I didn't pay much attention to it I mean I'd have to get use to it anyways. After putting my stuff away and grabbing the books I needed I looked up and saw the playboy picture. I hated seeing woman degrading themselves, especially the woman who poses naked for beer ads. I grabbed my sharpie and colored in a shirt and some shorts. When I stepped back and looked at it i couldn't help but laugh. When I got to class I sat back in the same seat behind Aleli and as soon as I did so her mouth went a mile a minute. She talked so much it was hard to keep up with what she was saying. I learned pretty much everything about her in one sentence. "Excuse me that's my seat" I heard a voice say above me cutting into Aleli and I's conversation. "Shut up Jermaine and sit there, the teacher assigned her this seat. Plus you've been out for weeks me and Mike think you got crabs." After saying this even I laughed, I didn’t expect her to tell him to his face. "Shut up ok I had the flu not no damn crabs, you can stop all that now. What's your real name?" He asked turning his attention towards me. "Michael said that your name was Margret but I highly doubted that, he calls every girl he....never mind what's your name?" At this I was drenched with confusion, why does he call certain girls Margret? Why were they talking about me...Why do I care? I snapped out of it and said, "Yahara's my name". He nodded his head as if he approved and said, "That's a cool name" I nodded back not really knowing what to do. The door swung open and it was almost like dejavu. "Come one man you'll never catch me", Michael said to the security standing outside of the door. Then he turned around and looked at Ms. Speller and a huge grin appeared on his face, "only for you Ms. Speller" he said before taking his seat beside me. I focused on my paper, but it was to quite around me so I tried to use my side vision as best as I could. All I could see was Michael silently communicating with Aleli and Jermaine, I quickly looked up and Aleli had the dumbest smile on her face. "Are you talking about me?" I asked self consciously, "the world doesn't revolve around you Margret" Michael said sketching on a piece of paper. Then he bald it up when he realized he messed up he balled it up and threw it at me. "What is your problem?" I asked grabbing it and throwing it on the floor. "Oops I slipped" He said with a satisfied smile and Jermaine started laughing. "Michael stops acting like a dumb ass" Aleli said sticking up for me. She then wrote something on a piece of paper and gave it to me. When I looked at it it read, "you need to stick up for yourself or he'll never stop." After class I went to English which was boring, but the next class would be different then the day before because the schedule was made that way. I took out my schedule and looked at the class that read "Gym", my heart sunk. When I got there it was nothing more than a bunch of teenagers playing around as if it was recess. At my old school we had a gym uniform and had to play different sports. But here everyone wore regular clothes and hung out with friends. When I spotted Aleli I felt so much better. She was hanging out with her other friends which made me kind of nervous because they were popular. She spotted me and yelled, "Yahara stop tip toein and get your ass ova here!" You could hear her all the way across the gym. I walked all the way across and as I did she looked back at her friends and said, "everybody this is Yahara my new best friend. Don't let her outfit full you she's cool." I was insulted by this comment, i mean I did dress plain but she didn't have to include that. "Yahara this is Lorry, Diamond, Arryn, Hailey, and Monica. These girls here are now your close friends" I looked at her confused. I knew that it was different at this school but I figured friend making would be the same all over the world. From What I know you're suppose to get to know someone not be assigned to them. "Oh, this is Yahara" Diamond said while flipping her fake hair plats back. She was really pretty; she had sharp features and was very curvaceous. She was African American, so was Lorry and Arryn. Monica was Spanish and Hailey was white, but she definitely didn't act like it. Everyone's faces went into a smile as if they had known me before now. "Shut up yawl" Aleli said giving them a warning look. I just sat there confused until my thoughts were interrupted when I felt a basket ball hit me right in the back of my head. A sharp pain spread from the place where it hit and my head started to pound. All of the girls got up and ran over to whoever did it and started to flip out as if I was their sister, it felt good. The Hailey came over to me and asked, "You ok girl?" I nodded still kind of dazed. "I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention", I heard Michael's voice say as I turned around to face him. His facial expression dropped and he said, "it's only Margret on that note maybe I'm not so sorry" he said as a smile spread across his face. He grabbed the ball from me and continued his game. I couldn't understand how a person could be that evil.

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