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Lois got home and took off her shoes. She let out a sigh and flopped down on the couch. She already felt bad about the situation with Michael. She remembered the look on his face right before she walked away. How could she do that to him? She could've been dead if it weren't for him... well, maybe she thought. Superman would've saved her. Where was he anyway? Maybe he only saved people from huge dangers...



Michael trudged around his apartment. He couldn't figure out Lois. Was she not thankful that he saved her? Was she hoping for Superman to come? A million questions ran through his mind, but he was interrupted when the phone rang.


"Hello? Oh, hi Lois. How are you feeling?" He was genuinely concerned for her.


"I'm doing better, thanks," she answered.


"Good, that's great."


"Listen Michael," he prepared for the worst, "I just want to thank you for today. That was unbelievable. I really owe you one," Lois said.


"I'm sure you'd have done the same for me," Michael replied.


"Well, I'd also like to apologize. I didn't mean to run out on you like that."


"Don't worry about it Lois, just get some rest. I'll see you tomorrow."


"Oh, ok Michael. Goodbye."




The Daily Planet received word back from the eco specialists. The water from Crater Lake had a couple questioning chemicals in it. It turned into a bigger story than everyone expected, especially after they found about Michael saving Lois. Lois was now going to be the 'interviewee' instead of the interviewer... and Michael was invited along too.


Larry King Live


Larry: Welcome to Larry King Live. I'm your host, Larry King. We've got an incredible show today with well-known reporter Lois Lane from the Daily Planet. She'll tell us all about the interesting chemicals found at Crater Lake. Plus, maybe she'll let us in on her encounters with Superman. We also have her colleague with us, Michael Jackson. Michael, let's start with you first. First off, how are you? You've had an interesting week. Tell us about it.


Michael: Well, Lois and I had been sent to Crater Lake to get a water sample. Everything was going fine, but I guess she slipped off the dock. I heard her scream and then I dove in after her.


Larry: Was she dying? What were you feeling at the time? What was going through your mind?


Michael: No, I don't think she was dying, but uh, she was having difficulty breathing. Luckily, I know CPR and took care of the situation. I was very nervous, but I knew what I had to do.


Larry: And what a great job you did. Thank you very much, Michael. It was great to have you on the show. After the break, we'll talk to Lois Lane about her accident and maybe she'll talk to us about Superman. Stick around.




Larry: Welcome back. You're watching Larry King Live. Today we're talking with Lois Lane. How are you, Lois?

Lois: I'm great, thanks Larry.


Larry: We just spoke with Michael about how he performed CPR on you. Would you like to talk about that? Do you remember anything about it?


Lois: Well Larry, I was getting up from the dock when the heel of my shoe suddenly broke. That's what caused me to fall in the lake. Then, I have to admit, I'm not a great swimmer, so I guess I went under. I don't remember too much after that until I opened my eyes the next time and saw Michael there.


Larry: Wow. That's in incredible story. We're all thankful that you're ok and I'm sure you're very grateful to Michael for his heroic efforts. Speaking of heroes, let's talk a little bit about Superman. I understand that he gave you an interview. What kinds of things did you talk about with him? Who is he?


Lois: He's an amazing guy, really. He's helped me out a few times before. He told me a little about himself and then he took me for a ride.


Larry: He took you flying?


Lois: Yes. It was... indescribable. It's a night that I will never forget.


Larry: How would you describe Superman?


Lois: He's charming, sweet, easy on the eyes, and very strong.


Larry: You know, your colleague, Michael, reminds of me Superman in a way. Maybe Superman gave him a few tips on saving lives. Thanks for joining us today, Lois. It was a pleasure. Well, that's it for us at Larry King Live. See you next time.


---end of show---


Lois watched the playback of the interview. Larry was right. Michael reminded her of Superman too. That's what she couldn't figure out. There was something about him and that must have been it, but that still left one unanswered question. How come she never saw Michael and Superman at the same time? Coincidence? Maybe.

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