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Work resumed, as usual, the following day. Lois had forgotten all about what Michael said he'd tell her today. He was quite relieved about that. The day started off slow with not much to report. All the employees at the Daily Planet enjoyed the lag in news. Very rarely did they get a lazy day. Finally, Mr. White called Lois and Michael into his office for the story they'd be covering. Apparently, someone had put illegal chemicals into Crater Lake.


Now, Metropolis was not the place to be if you wanted to live a pure environment. It was the exact opposite, but right outside the city was a beautiful little place called Smallville. In fact, that's where Michael had grown up. Crater Lake was the place to be if you were a teen/20 something. Every summer, the lake was filled... at least that's how it used to be. No one had set foot in the lake once they found out about the chemicals that were being dumped there.


Lois and Michael were supposed to go to the lake and get a water sample. After that, a specialist would tell them what chemicals had been used and if they posed any threat. They even brought Jimmy Olsen along to take some pictures.


They arrived soon and the lake still looked as beautiful as ever. Lois surveyed the land and took it all in. Michael preferred to watch Lois, but she hadn't noticed. Jimmy was running about snapping away with his camera while Lois walked down the dock with Michael. They sat at the edge and Michael took out the little bottle they brought. Lois took it from him and lowered it down into the water. Jimmy came back and informed them he was going back to the car for more film. How many pictures can one take of a lake? Michael thought to himself. Noticing that Lois had almost filled the bottle, Michael stood up and was on his way back to the car. Lois put the lid back on the bottle and began to get up. The heel of her shoe broke underneath her and she let out a scream as she fell off the dock and into the lake. Quickly, Michael spun around and ran back down the dock. He scanned the water thoroughly looking for Lois, but he didn't see anything. He looked even harder, using his x-ray vision.


From left to right, he searched the waters and finally, he spotted her. He immediately jumped from the dock, diving into the water. Michael tightly gripped Lois' body and she felt lifeless as they came to the surface. He laid her on the dry land. "Lois! Wake up Lois, come on!" he shouted. He lightly tapped her face. Michael looked over at Jimmy who was taking pictures of it all. There was only one thing he could do... CPR.


Carefully, he closed her nose with his fingers, took a deep breath, and breathed into Lois' mouth. He pumped her chest, and then gave her another breath. Lois gasped and spit up the water from her lungs. Michael held her upright as she coughed and began to breath normally again. Both were soaking wet, sitting at the water’s edge, Michael's arms wrapped around her. "Are you ok now?" he asked.


Lois was a bit stunned by it all. "You... Michael, you saved my life." He smiled and they just sat there for awhile, together.


"Come on, we better get back!" yelled Jimmy. Michael helped Lois up, and they all got in car and headed back for Metropolis and the Daily Planet.




"And then, Michael jumped in and swam after her. It was so cool!" Michael smiled to himself as he overheard Jimmy explaining it all to Mr. White. He sat down at his desk and looked through some papers. Lois was at her desk, just a little ways down from Michael. Her mind played back the events earlier. She still felt his lips on hers. She couldn't believe that Michael Jackson... squeaky, nervous, stuttering, afraid Michael Jackson, was the person who saved her life. There was definitely something different about him.


As if he was reading her thoughts, he turned and caught her staring at him. She immediately looked away and pretended to be doing something. Michael got up and came towards her. While looking for a distraction, Mr. White marched out of his office and right between the two of them.


"Lois, Michael, I want you to go home. You're my best team of reporters and you've had a rough day. Nothing exciting is going to happen anyway. Get some rest. Come back tomorrow. GO!" And he walked right back into his office.


"Lois, can I talk to you?" Michael asked. She pretended not to hear and kept packing up her things. "Lois?"


"Michael, I'm really exhausted. I just want to get home and sleep," she said.


"I know, me too," he said.

"Well then what do you want?" she sounded agitated.


"Uh, nevermind. I don't want to bother you." He sounded defeated. All he wanted to do was walk her home.


Lois grabbed her things and rushed out. She didn't know why she avoided him like that. After all, he did save her life. Didn't she owe him something in return? At least maybe a little attention...

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