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It was almost too good to be true! There in front of them were piles and piles of food! Even if you were hungry enough to eat a whale, you still wouldn’t finish it all! Tall mountains of cupcakes and brownies were at one end of the room, there were hordes of fruit such as mangos, watermelon, oranges, bananas, apples... There was a plate of fried chicken, steak, smoked salmon and lamb... It was heaven. It was absolute heaven.

“Hey! Do you smell that?” Sasha asked as she sniffed the air. Allison sniffed the air and let the sweet smell of food invade her senses. Her eyes widened when she smelt what Sasha had smelled.

“Bacon...” they both sighed in unison as their mouths watered. They quickly came back to their senses and headed for the bacon, wanting to clear that all off first. When they found the bowl of bacon strips they dug their hands into it.

Unfortunately, it was too good to be true.

The bacon strips disintegrated into thousands of tiny spiders. The spiders jumped on the girls. Allison and Sasha both screamed, louder than they ever thought that they could as the spiders climbed down their clothes and all over their bodies. When they had brushed all of the spiders off, they looked around and saw that the rest of the food was also disintegrating into more spiders! It was like a giant ocean wave, only instead of water they were arachnids. They both founds themselves being devoured by the wave.

“Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew!” Allison screamed.

“Aaaah! Get them off of me! I want them to disappear!” Sasha shouted.

They should have known better than to trust anything here. Did they really think that Michael would leave them mountains of food out of the kindness in his heart? Ha! He didn’t have kindness, or a heart for that matter!

Suddenly, the spiders all poofed away; leaving dust in their place. Allison and Sasha both looked around; confused. They were now waist deep in sand.

“Damn...” Sasha said. Allison huffed out a sigh of relief.

“At least they’re gone,” she said. They both nodded at each other.

“Alright, well I don’t want to stick around and wait to see if there’s a daddy spider,” Sasha explained as she tried to get out of the sand. She groaned as she tried to jump, but she remained where she was. She tried to spin, but still there was nothing.

“Alli... can you move?” Sasha asked. Allison shrugged and tried to move, but found that she couldn’t move either! She pulled and tugged and let out a grunt as she tried even harder, but she was stuck for good. It seems as though the sand had hardened into cement!

“Sasha... I think we’re stuck,” Allison told her as she shot a glance at her friend. Sasha rolled her eyes.

“No? Really? I wouldn’t have guessed!” she exclaimed sarcastically. Allison rolled her eyes at her friend’s attitude. She didn’t comment on it though, after all, she was annoyed too, so she understood where it was coming from.

At that moment, Michael appeared in front of them, smiling wickedly.

“Well hello there ladies, you’ve been here quite some time now haven’t you? I didn’t know that you wanted to stick around,” Michael told them with a cackle. Allison and Sasha both glared at Michael. He was so evil they couldn’t even comprehend it.

“Shut up freak,” Sasha hissed. At those words, Michael’s eyes widened. In a flash, he was less than a centimetre away from Sasha’s face.

“What did you say to me?” Michael asked, his eyes piercing into her soul. Sasha smirked wickedly.

“I told you to shut up,” she replied.

“And?” he asked.

“Freak,” Sasha added in a cocky tone. At that, Michael slapped her across the face; hard. It sounded like a fire cracker had just gone off. Sasha let out a loud wail.

“Hey!” Allison screamed. Michael shot her a death glare,  “You said that you wouldn’t touch us!”

“Well guess what sweet heart? I’m the bad guy, so I lie,”

“What?! So what does that mean? We’re not going to kill ourselves?” Sasha asked once she had calmed down.

“It means that you shouldn’t trust a word that I say,” Michael replied with a sly grin, “And Miss Mallory, I suggest you shut up for a minute because you’re really just killing yourself. You’re already on the train ride to death, you’re just speeding it up,” Michael informed her.

“I’m getting out of here alive whether you like it or,” Sasha hissed. Michael laughed.

“You still don’t get it do you?” Michael asked, “In my book, you’re already dead! You’re dying! Right now, your body is going through things that it shouldn’t. You’re dying. You’ll be dead before you know it,” Michael explained to her. Sasha just glared at him, but didn’t say anything. What else was there to say?

“Michael,” Allison began in a quiet voice. Michael looked at her and smiled.

“Yes?” he asked.

“Why do you have our pictures in your hallway?” Allison asked. Michael smiled wider and cackled.

“Those are my victims,” he replied.

“But why? Why do you do it?” Allison asked, trying to see if she could get any answers from him.

“Because I’m the bad guy!” Michael replied.

“But why are you the bad guy?! Why did you choose this life?” Allison asked. Michael shook his head at her.

“Reasons that I’ll tell you in due time,” Michael replied.

“Why not now?” Allison asked.

“Because!” Michael snapped, “I said so, and here, in my home, I’m in the boss. Understand?” Michael asked.

“I’m only curious,”

“And I’m only annoyed,” Michael retorted, “Now, if you’d let me get to what I was here to tell you...” Michael started.

“Just spit it out already!” Sasha yelled. Michael glared at her again, obviously irritated with her. It was clear that he wanted her dead. Now.

“I came here to give you a little heads up,” Michael began, “I thought it might be beneficial for you to know that what you are in right now isn’t just cement... it’s like a mutant... Slowly, it’ll eat away at your skin until you’re just muscle and bone, so unless you want to be skinless I suggest you find a way out of here quick,” Michael told them with a wink.

“Well how the hell are we supposed to get out of here! We’re trapped from the waist down!” Sasha screamed. Michael shrugged.

“Well it sure as Hell isn’t my problem now is it?” Michael asked with a chuckle as he walked off and then disappeared into thin air. It was like his signature move to do that.

Allison and Sasha exchanged worried glances.

They were screwed.

Chapter End Notes:

Dun dun dun, how are they gunna get out this time? Stay tuuuuned and you'll see ;)

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