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“They should be here by now!”

“They’re long gone,”

“Yup, they ditched,”


Amber, Wynter, Sam and Zander were all complaining about the fact that the chibis weren’t fast enough, and were convinced that they had run off and left them there to suffer and perish. Just as they were in the middle of another rant about how chibis were ‘gutless pussies’ as Sam would put it, the door flew open.

“Please be chibis, please be chibis, please be chibis...” Amber pleaded silently.

“Alright! All of you up! Off of the floor! Now! No talking!” Rookie demanded. The four of them stood up.

“Hey! What’s all of this shit on the floor?” Sophomore asked as he pointed at the books and make-up and other useless stuff that had been dumped out of Amber’s book bag. The four teens all exchanged glances, and didn’t say a word.

“What. Is. This?!” Leader asked in a booming voice as he grabbed Sam by the cuff of his shirt. Sam remained expressionless and didn’t say anything. “Answer me boy!” he screamed.

“Cheap make-up,” Sam replied cockily. Leader threw him to the ground and grabbed Zander.

“Where did this come from?” he asked in an intimidating tone as he stared down at Zander. With that stare, Zander sang like a canary.

“It’s Amber’s! It’s from her book bag! Just don’t hurt me!” Zander spilled as he covered his face. Leader smiled a triumphant smile and shot a look at Amber.

“You’re just like the chibis,” Sam started, “A gutless pussy,” he insulted.

“A chibi? What the hell is a chibi?” Right-Hand Man asked. The teens all froze.

“Way to fucking go bro! You really did it this time!” Amber swore. Leader grabbed Amber.

“What. Is. A. Chibi?!” he screamed angrily. Amber swallowed hard.

“Well sir, I’d like to tell you but your buddy there told us not to talk,” Amber retorted. Leader slapped her across the cheek. “Ow!” she screamed.

“That’s for disobeying him,” Leader told her.

“Yeah, way to go smart-one!” Sam retorted with a snort. Leader snapped around in Sam’s direction and pointed a dirty finger at him.

“Shut up boy! You’re next!” he warned. Sam’s eyes widened and he shut himself up. Leader turned back to Amber. “Now tell me what a chibi is!” he screamed. Amber shrugged her shoulders.

“I don’t know what a fucking chibi is! He’s on crack I tell ya!” Amber replied. Sam threw his arms up in the air in a what-the-fuck manner. Leader let go of Amber and walked back to his guys.

“Whatever, this is starting to piss me off. Let’s just get ‘em out of here,” Leader groaned. The four men all started for one of the teens.

“I have to pee,” Amber announced.

“That’s great Amber, because you know, we all needed to know that!” Sam spat bitterly. Amber rolled her eyes.

“Can I go to the washroom? Please? It’s urgent,” she explained.

“No,” Sophomore replied.



“I’m gunna pee my pants!” Amber screamed. Wynter couldn’t help but let a tiny laugh slip through his lips.

“I don’t care!” Sophomore screamed angrily.

“Look buddy, all I ask is to use the washroom. If you don’t let me use the washroom I’ll pee on your wall!” Amber explained.

“I’d prefer if you just kept your urine in your pants,” Sophomore retorted.

“Well, that’s not a choice anymore. It’s either the wall or the toilet,” Amber informed him. Sophomore rolled his eyes and ignored her. Amber let out a loud groan.

“I’m gunna fucking blow!” she yelled.

“Shut up!” he screamed.

“It’s slipping out! I don’t know how much more I can take this!”

“He he, that’s what she said,” Zander muttered under his breath.

“Here it goes!” Amber cried.

“God dammit just let her go to the bathroom okay?? Just watch the fucking door,” Leader yelled in an irritated tone. Sophomore groaned as he led Amber to the washroom. Amber grinned triumphantly as she walked in.

“I’ll be quick,” she told him as she shut the door. She locked the door behind her and looked around. There wasn’t a window, so that was out, but there was an air vent...

Amber climbed on top of the toilet and tried to pull the cover off of the vent. She groaned.

“C’mon! Fall!” she ordered. As soon as she said it, the cover gave way and she cam tumbling down.

“Hey! What was that?” Sophomore immediately asked.

“Uh... nothing! Nothing at all!” Amber replied. She face-palmed herself. Yeah, that was a believable answer.

“Open this door right now!” he screamed as he started banging on the door repeatedly.

“I uh... can’t! On the toilet!” she lied as she climbed back up and started to hoist herself into the vent.

“That’s it! If you don’t open this door in five seconds I’ll break it down!” he threatened. Amber laughed.

“You sound like my dad!” she told him. At that moment, Sophomore knocked the door down and saw her just as she had brought herself up into the vents. He quickly went after her and tried to grab her and pull her out, but Amber was already in and scrambling through the vents.

“Later suckers!” Amber called as she flashed Sophomore the finger before she headed deeper into the ventilation system.


“Sir! Sir!” Sophomore called as he ran up to Leader, Rookie and Right-Hand Man.

“What?” Leader spat bitterly.

“The girl! She’s in the vents! She’s in the vents!” he exclaimed. Sam, Wynter and Zander all started laughing. Leader groaned.

“Right on Amber!” Wynter applauded.

“I totally saw it coming,” Sam commented.

“James Bond would be proud of that escape,” Zander added.

“Well, where do you recon she is now?” Right-Hand Man asked in an exasperated tone. Sophomore shrugged.

“I don’t know! We need a plan of the ventilation system! Now!” Sophomore screamed.

“Well then get one!” Leader screamed. Sophomore nodded as he ran into another room to try and find a plan of the ventilation system. Leader shook his head.

“Fuck! This is not what was supposed to happen!” he exclaimed. At that moment, he heard a blood curdling shriek coming from the other room. The voice belonged to Sophomore. They all ran in (with the boys) and their jaws dropped at what they saw.

“Teaches him to mess with my Bubble dress,” Bubble Gaga said as she stood triumphantly atop Sophomore along with the rest of the chibis.

“Fuck yeah,” Sam said with a grin as he nodded his head in approval.

Shit’s about to get real.

Chapter End Notes:

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