Topics addressed:
- How do I create an account?
- How do I change my password?
- How do I make a story?
- How do I add a banner to my summary?
- How do I embed a Youtube video into my story?
- What do those images next to story titles mean?
- Why are some categories locked?
- Why was Fantasy removed as a category for my story?
- I'm making a post that isn't a story, how do I categorize it?
- How should I rate my story?
- Wait, there's a character minimum for a chapter?
- What should I include in my summary?
- What do you guys suggest I NOT include in my summary?
How do I create an account?
- Complete the following form: Â Â
How do I change my password?
- Login
- Account Info (top right of your screen)
- Select Edit Bio
- You'll find the Password and Confirm Password located under the window for the Bio.
How do I make a story?
- Login
- Account Info
- Add Story (will bring you to the Submission Rules Page)
- You can now input your story! As it's the first upload, you have to do the title, characters, ratings, warnings, categories, and description bit. Don't forget the image size limit of a max of 600x500px for your banner.
How do I add a banner to my summary?
- To begin you will need an account on a site like Photobucket. Again, people have impulsively or accidentally deleted their stories, thus losing their images. Having the image hosted at a site such as Photobucket protects you.
- In a different tab, head over to MJF and into your account. Click "Edit" next to the story you want to put the pictures in. You can put pictures in the Summary, Story Notes, Chapter Notes or the chapter itself. It's entirely up to you. If you want to post individual pictures of cast members, we recommend putting those in the Story Notes, NOT in an individual chapter or the Summary. Remember, the Summary has a 600x500px image size max, which we enforce. Repeated violations will mean your image is deleted, and future violations will result in the account being locked. This is per requests made by your fellow story writers. Here is a size example
To post your picture, locate the image of a tree beneath the text box. That's your image upload button. Once you click the button, a dialogue box will pop up for you to put the picture URL from your uploaded pictures (In your Photobucket or whatever account). If using Photobucket, you want to select the Direct Link
- Once you have all your pictures where you want them, scroll on down to where it says Add Story and click on it to save your changes.
How do I embed a Youtube video into my story?
Please do NOT. It slows down the site and worsens the experience for fellow members
What do those images next to story titles mean?
- The Blue Ribbon is issued by the site when a story is selected to be Featured on the main page of the site in the Featured Stories section. You only get a blue ribbon for the time your story is featured.
- The Red Ribbon is issued by the site when a Featured Story is "retired", which means it is no longer featured. It's to show that the story has previously been featured, which is handy for readers and Admins alike.
- The Round Robin is added to the title bar of a story when an author sets their story as a Round Robin story. For a story to be Round Robin it needs more than one author who take turns writing different chapters of the story and it's open to all members. Your story doesn't have to be Round Robin to have multiple authors, but it does need multiple authors to be Round Robin. When your story is set to Round Robin ANYONE can contribute towards it by clicking a "Contribute to Round Robin" button on the table of contents.
Why are some categories locked?
- The Not-A-Story category is now locked, as it was (and said in the description) for Admin use only, and was being wildly misused. You can now no longer add a story to that category.
- General is also locked as people appeared to just be marking their stories as "General" haphazardly.
Why was Fantasy removed as a category for my story?
- Fantasy is NOT for sexual fantasies. It is for fantasy stories in the line of Discworld, Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings, Willow... If your have an adult story that is NOT a fantasy story but is Sexual Fantasies, please remove it from this category.
I'm making a post that isn't a story, how do I categorize it?
Journals, Dreams, Poetry and Lyrics should ONLY be added to their respective singular category. Rate them correctly, add warnings that are required for the content, but do NOT add them to other categories. These have their own sections to ensure that people after stories are not going to end up sifting through other content that they don't want. Even if it deals with Adult Themes, don't add it to Adult.
How should I rate my story?
Previously this site has used a ratings system similar to that used by the MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America), which used ratings you will be familiar with, such as PG, PG13 and R. However, the MPAA has threatened legal action against any eFiction archive such as this that uses this rating system. In the Help section of this site it says we use Fiction Ratings, but this was apparently stopped
We will, as of now, be returning to using the ratings found at Fiction Ratings.
MPAA Rating - G / General Audiences:
"Nothing that would offend parents for viewing by children." / "All ages admitted"
Fiction Rating - K / 5+:
"Intended for general audience 5 years and older. Content should be free of any coarse language, violence, and adult themes." "Suitable for most ages"
MPAA Rating - PG / Parental Guidence:
"Parents urged to give 'parental guidance.' May contain some material parents might not like for their young children." / "Some material may not be suitable for children"
Fiction Rating - K+ / 9+:
"Suitable for more mature childen, 9 years and older, with minor action violence without serious injury. May contain mild coarse language. Should not contain any adult themes." / "Some Content may not be suitable for young children"
MPAA Rating - PG-13 / Parents Strongly Cautioned:
"Parents are urged to be cautious. Some material may be inappropriate for pre-teenagers." / "Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13"
Fiction Rating - T / 13+:
"Suitable for teens, 13 years and older, with some violence, minor coarse language, and minor suggestive adult themes." / "Contains content not suitable for children."
MPAA Rating - R / Restricted:
"Contains some adult material. Parents are urged to learn more about the film before taking their young children with them." / "Under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian"
Fiction Rating - M / 16+:
"Not suitable for children or teens below the age of 16 with non-explicit suggestive adult themes, references to some violence, or coarse language. Fiction M can contain adult language, themes and suggestions. Detailed descriptions of physical interaction of sexual or violent nature is considered Fiction MA." / "Content suitable for mature teens and older"
MPAA Rating - NC-17 / Adults Only:
"Clearly adult. Children are not admitted." / "No One 17 and Under Admitted"
Fiction Rating - MA / 18+:
"Content is only suitable for mature adults. May contain explicit language and adult themes." / "Contains explicit content for mature adults only."
As you can see, they line up almost the same, with a few minor differences. Please bare these ratings in line when rating your story, and should you wish to do so you are welcome to use the rating images in this post in your Summery to ensure the rating for your story is clear. Just right click on the image you want and select "Copy link address" and use that as the picture link.
Wait, there's a character minimum for a chapter?
- Yep, we learned we needed that after discovering roughly a hundred "chapters" with under 100 words apiece. Some as few as 1 or 2. This isn't fair to those authors who post quality updates on their stories; as such the minimum has been set to 250 words.
What should I include in my summary?
A summary is a short description of your story. We do not want to limit the amount of characters one is required to use before we hit a 'cut off', but I have come to realise that a lot of story summaries are not limited to just that. As such, we'd appreciate it if you guys kept the summary length to <150 words (suggestion but not mandatory).
- An image (if you so choose!)
What do you guys recommend I NOT include in my summary?
- Disclaimers are covered by the warnings you mark. Extra ones are unnecessary.
- Dates posted/"Updated"
- It is not necessary to include shout-outs in your story summary. Please keep those to your headers and footers.
- Videos. They slow down the site for everyone.