Reviews For Smooth Criminal.
Reviewer: Dangerous1 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: May 20, 2014 05:15 pm Title: Chapter 7.
Author's Response:
Date: May 20, 2014 05:15 pm Title: Chapter 7.
hahaha at Natalie randomly finding his card in her pocket. But now Mike and her are friends. cool
Author's Response:
It is! They got some friendship. ^_^ Thank you!
Reviewer: BadGirl777 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: May 20, 2014 01:40 pm Title: Chapter 7.
Author's Response:
Date: May 20, 2014 01:40 pm Title: Chapter 7.
he sneaked his number in her pocket! audrey psuhing her to call him so quick so pushy but hey they talked!
i liked it 10!! xx
Author's Response:
Thank you for reviewing, girl~